Saturday, May 10, 2008

well...they started out as half-assed thumbnails, and mutated into a quick sketch of some giant sea-worm....or something....


Anonymous said...

nice man, looks great!

Mark said...

Imagine if you had to kill that thing as a right of passage in an eskimo tribe or something. Id totally be like "forget it, i'll stay a boy for the rest of my life. good day".

Bryan Wynia said...

amazing blog man. really fresh designs on everything man. very inspiring!

Dave McNeal said...

Wowee! I feel like I should leave a tip! Thanks for the inspiration. I have a painting due in exactly 3 hours and I needed this visual coffee to keep me going! Later

ArtaxAnonymous said...

Hey there, I found your site through Wotmania. I am amazed at how capable you obviously are, and I love your work (your interpretation of Perrin beautiful). This particular piece is my favorite though - it reminds me of a Fremen and sandworm from Dune...

Keep up the awesome work!

Anonymous said...
