Monday, December 29, 2008

" know, you'd make an excellent dread pirate roberts..."

so, my brother in law had a pirate themed birthday party back in november, and at the time, i had pirates on the i started one of my favorites--and just now got around to finishing him up...yeah, it took me a while...

Friday, November 7, 2008

so, i said to myself, "self, there's not NEARLY enough pictures of half naked warrior women on this blog--we need to do something about that..."

and that's just what i did--

Thursday, August 21, 2008

yay for battle yetis fighting dragons--! just some ideas for more yetis....i swear i don't have a giant ape i.....? no....i'm pretty sure i don't....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

update 4/16

i might have mentioned a while back (and by while back, i mean a couple years ago) that i had an egwene i was working on in this particular style...well, i ran across her today, and decided to finish her off...

Friday, June 20, 2008

WoT vignette tutorial--?

recently a good buddy of mine, jeremy saliba, and i were graciously asked by the illuminator's guild to do a Q & A session over at dragonmount regarding our fan art of the series--i think the Q & A session will be held in the forums section, under the illuminator's guild or the artist's chapter house threads, if anyone is interested in checking it out--anywho, a small tutorial was suggested, so here it goes--well, tutorial is a bit misleading, because it implies that i actually know what i'm doing--i'll just call it a step by step process that i use to complete a piece like this--

first, i start out with a plain ol' line drawing, digitally sketched using a wacom tablet in photoshop--

next, i'll insert the paper texture background to give me some sort of value to work from instead of just the white background--mostly because it makes it look all fancy-like--

then i'll start laying in basic color with a rough sense of light and shadow--

i'll start to detail things out after that--dents and scratches in the armor, etc--

once i'm at the stage where i'm done with all the details (or i'm too lazy to add any more), i'll go in and pick out some highlights and try to fix areas i might have missed before--

finally, add in the border details and i'm done--generally speaking, these usually take anywhere from 4 hours and up, depending on how complicated the character is--

Saturday, June 7, 2008


whew--finally sat down and finished something--at least for now....i was watching that planet earth dvd at some point, and they had this crazy big caribou migration that was shot from the air--pretty cool looking--anyway, i was thinking this particular primitive culture would be the kind that would need to follow the food to stay alive...that's what those little dots are down there--caribou or some such--not rice--

Saturday, May 17, 2008

i haven't had much time to really sit down and spend a lot of time on anything, so i've been reduced to quick sketches when i can get them in--which brings me to another wheel of time character--albeit small--hartha, one of the deathwatch guards...i've always been really obsessed with this guy--on a scale of 1 to cool...he's pretty awesome....i've tried to sketch this guy before, with little success...i guess this is the closest i've gotten so far--

Saturday, May 10, 2008

well...they started out as half-assed thumbnails, and mutated into a quick sketch of some giant sea-worm....or something....

Sunday, April 13, 2008

dominance war III finaly done--

i finally finished my DW III piece (mr. poopypants was my handle)...although, i hope i was able to submit it on time...the whole eastern/pacific time zone requisite stuff sucks when you don't read the fine's good to be done with this--i had fun working on it, but i think i kinda dragged it out at the the way, if you head over to the dominance war website after the 15th this month, they might have all of the final entries on display--and man, there's a LOT of good artwork--i saw a ton of work in progress that blew me outta the water--

Monday, March 24, 2008

hooray for pro-creation--!

well--seamas 2.0 just hit the wife and i just had our baby boy--whew--what an intense and mind blowing experience--he was born on the 18th of march--i was kind of hoping he'd make it out on the 17th, however, looking back on it, it's probably good he missed being born on st. patrick's day itself--i mean, how much more of a walking cliche could you be what with being irish AND being born on st. patrick's day? that could either be a real curse, or a divine prophecy of some sort--or, apparently sending out baby announcements is the thing to do on such an occasion, so my wife asked me to do a sketch of some sort for them--so i thought i'd post it just because i haven't been able to do any art for the past week and a half...i hope he doesn't get beat up later in life for this....

Monday, March 10, 2008 the POWER OF GREYSKULL.....

i finally did a piece for the potluck this week--well, i kind of had to, because it was my topic (re-design any character from a cartoon series of the 80's)--well, when i was a kid, i LOVED he man--say what you will about a half nekkid guy who runs around in a fur man-kini, but i watched it every day after i came home from school--so, i figured i owed it to my 'inner child' to represent--i was trying to go for a style you might find on cartoon network--something akin to the clone wars animated style....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

dominance war-update 3/9

updated the priestess summoner concept with a quick value study--i think i'll be moving ahead with this design--partly because i think it's working ok, but mostly because i don't want to dilly-dally any longer with it--i need to get started on modelsheets, etc....

Monday, February 18, 2008

just another quick color study--? ....uh.....i'm really grasping for something witty to add, but i can't--today's been a weird day...

Thursday, February 7, 2008

kind of an older design i did a while back...the direction i was headed in before i decided to take a more primitive design route...the one in black was a revised version--one of many--that i still haven't quite nailed down yet...i think partly because i couldn't get what i wanted, and the more i forced it, get the idea...that, and i think i got lazy and didn't want to draw him anymore...

more earlier stuff i did for that damn yeti--this was sort of an in-between stage for what's at the bottom of the page and what i posted more recently...

some stuff i did a while back, but never got around to posting....just some more heads--and some random characters...don't know if i'll get around to fleshing them out further...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

works in progress...?

just some ideas...i'd like to nail down some armor/etc, but i'm still foolin' about with trying to get something that works...and yeah, i know....more dragons...i'm a nerd, ok? i can't help it--!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

zeus almighty--

another "potluck" topic--greek gods was the topic of choice this week, and i decided to do the king himself...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

well, with the holidays and all, i haven't been very productive in terms of i did a quick sketch of this whaling dude to try and ease my way back into pushing the pencil's not a euphemism--oh, and the furry testicle looking things he's holding? those are sealskin floats that attach to the seriously, they are--

Sunday, December 9, 2007

war golem of oz--

so, some buddies of mine and i started a blog where we choose a random topic, and weekly post them--this week's topic was the wizard of oz--a buddy of mine suggested doing the ozman himself, in a giant war here he is--if you want to check out the weekly art blog we're posting on, it's here--there's some pretty cool work being churned out--check it out if you've got some time to waste--

well, it's about time something happened with some of these characters...just an idea for an event--a small fishing village destroyed by a fire-breather--i think there's more to it, but it's hiding in my head for the time being...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

well, i thought i'd actually try and finish a layout--i always seem to start these, but never finish them because they don't seem to turn out how i wantthem to...still not totally pleased with this one, but maybeit'll make me finish all the other half-assed attempts i've got lying around...anyhow, the idea here is some sort of religious ritual--the remains of this extinct breed would be regarded as highly sacred, with a crude altar constructed around it for religious ceremonies...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ok--so, i've been working on my other project
recently--just some sketches, but i was feeling guilty
about not posting anything...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

update 11/16's a couple of things i've been putting
off posting...i've got more in the works, and i was hoping
to accomplish more to sort of "kick off" this series...but i was
getting anxious...just more on trying to break the traditional dragon
design, and visually separate different breeds, etc...the plan is
to add to this section as i finish more designs....