"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." - David O. McKay

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Summer of Fun!

 Tanner Building: BYU, Where Sean and I met up for our first date. :)
 Our 1st Married Place in Provo
 Cotton Candy at Nana's and Papa's in Vegas
 Salt Lake City, UT Temple

 BYU Campus
 Oceanside, CA

 Sword in the Stone!

 Papa even has an Orbitron in the backyard!

 Isbell Family Reunion in San Diego
I'm finally blogging about our awesome summer vacation because as Christmas approaches I am missing my family even more.  I have to remember I just saw them all in August. :)  It was so much fun and a dream come true taking the family to Disneyland!  Also, the FIRST time my kids all have played in the ocean!  It was so great!  I really do miss so much about living out West.  However, I love Kentucky so much too.  The family and friends here are just as special and wonderful!  I just wish we were closer! 

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