Showing posts with label 2022 Topps Heritage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022 Topps Heritage. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

I know what you're thinking. How does he still have more of this stuff to open? To be honest, I have no idea. Apparently buying the product whenever you happen to see it, and then having that product be readily available, leads to mass quantities stocked up. Who knew? 

How did this box go? Let's find out!

Here's the box. I will give Topps some credit since there's not a Judge or Ohtani to be found on the cover. 

Oh. But not the packs.

Is Sale going to pitch again? For the Sox? Ever? This picture sure does make him look tall and lanky. 

Another one of the Sox's many aces.

This is a great "catcher" shot. The gear. The grump. He looks just like someone well versed at protecting the plate at all costs. 

And there it is. Just the three Red Sox this time, assume you count all three as Red Sox. 

How about you? How did you do?

Thursday, June 1, 2023

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster

Yup. More Cards! Let's try some more 2022 Topps Heritage. I'm noticing that I've opened a lot of this already. Was it more readily available than in the past? Did nobody else buy any and leave it all for me? I promise I didn't stalk the vendor and clean out his supply or anything. Just happened upon them on trips to Target. They were just always there for some reason.

How did this box go? Let's find out!

Here we go with the box. You probably know what it looks like by now. Weird that they put that line between Judge and Guerrero to make it look like those are two pictures. Wonder why they felt the need to do that.

And more packs. I know I say it every time. I need to save one of the Devers/Bogaerts packs.

JD was so eager to leave Boston, apparently the card was rushing away too. Luckily I was able to grab this blurry image before it completely left the frame. JD's grumpy face tells you he's not pleased with that development.

Dalbec, on the other hand, is perfectly happy to have his picture taken. Hopefully he'll have more opportunities in Boston to take more.

But, that was it. Just the two Red Sox this time, and neither one is technically in Boston. Oh well. 

How about you? How did you do?

Thursday, May 11, 2023

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

More Cards! Today, let's try some more 2022 Topps Heritage. I've opened a bit of this already, but I think it's always fun to open more. Even if the abandoned the Red Sox hedge.

How did this box go? Let's find out!

I mean, I'll keep looking for those "Real One" autographs and relics!

Seriously, when am I going to just save one of those Devers/Bogaerts packs?

Conner Wong manages to smile despite the fact that there is no hedge behind him. Or, he's looking forward to what's to come?

The same for Xander? He's also clearly missing the hedge. But, his face also says, "I'm about to make a huge career mistake". I wonder what he's thinking about.

Duran here says, "If I can't pose in front of a hedge, I'm not posing at all. You'll just have to follow me around with a camera and hope for the best."

And there you have it. Three Sox cards in this box. But, a couple rookies with futures ahead of them, and one washed up vet. Not a bad mix.

How did your box go?

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

Is it possible to open too many of the blasters? If you ask me, it's always fun to open packs...even if it is the same ones ober and over. Right?


How'd it go? Let's find out! 

Here's what the box looks like. Just in case you forgot...and care that you forgot.

And the packs. Eight of them is actually a pretty good number these days. As sad as that is.

And a great shot of Eovaldi staring down an imaginary batter. One this that just occurred to me, the Red Sox are missing their hedge. What happened to the hedge background that was on every Red Sox Heritage card for years? I miss it greatly.

Xander here seems be somewhere between "confused" and "intimidation". Like the photographer told him to scowl, but Xander wasn't sure who he was supposed to be scowling at. 

But, there you have it. Two Sox cards in the box. At least they're Sox stars.

How did your blaster go?

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

I know, I just opened one of these not too long ago. But, when Target gives you deals based on how much you spend, you stock up on whatever they happen to have in stock. Right?


I do still wonder why there's so much of this still around. Has the novelty worn off? It's still a fun, clean, classic design. So, let's give it another whirl.

How'd it go? Let's find out! 

Are you tired of seeing this box yet? It's really the best way to set up the post.

Still haven't saved one of the Xander-Devers packs unopened yet. Why am I incapable of keeping an unopened pack? Do I have a problem? On second thought, don't answer that.

Remember when the Red Sox were in the postseason? That was fun.

I like Matt Barnes as much as the next guy. But, this extreme close up seems just a bit too close up for my liking.

I'd say Hill was a pleasant surprise for the Sox this year...but not sure how much of it should have been a surprise.

A much more reasonable close up here of Verdugo showing off his jewelry. Actually a really nicely composed portrait. I wonder if this was posed, or a really nice grab by the photographer.

And there you have it. The Sox cars from the blaster. Nothing spectacular. Maybe that's why these boxes are still on the shelves?

How did yours go?

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

I know, I just opened one of these. But, it's what they had at Target. Actually, they had a lot. Still do. Is this brand not very popular anymore? It's still a fun, clean, classic design. So, let's give it another whirl.

How'd it go? Let's find out! 

Here's the box, with a few key players on the outside.

And the packs. With more, different players on them. Glad to see them spread the wealth as opposed to featuring the same guy over and over.

And here's Mr. Pivetta. He was basically the Sox ace for a while there...but has fallen off as of late. But, I like this card. The green wall behind him work to frame the action well. It also has a "1973" feel to it for some reason.

And there you go. Those were all the Red Sox in the box. Well, not even "those". Just one lonely Nick Pivetta.

That's not so good.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

2022 Topps Heritage Blaster!

The Heritage brand comes and goes for me. On the one hand, I like the classic designs. I've said that some of my favorite insert sets from the last few years are the throwback designs...even the 1987s. But, with so much history to choose from, it's annoying that the same designs keep getting used over and over. How hard would it be to have Heritage plod along in the seventies...Archives can be one set from the 90s, 00s, 10s, and the insert sets from the 50s, 60s, and 80s. Heck, they can all be the threes. So, 73 for Heritage. Archives can have 93, 03, and 13, while you can have inserts sets from 53, 63, and 83. That way each design is only used every ten years. That could work.

But, I digress. How about this pack of Heritage showing the 1973 design? Let's see how it went.

As always, the box.

And the packs. Including one featuring a couple Sox in the design. Does that mean I need to keep an unopened pack as a Red Sox collectible? I mean I didn't...yet.

Nice rookie card of Wong. Seems like a catcher should have catchers gear in the photo. It's the one chance to mis up the portrait shots. But, I guess the bat on shoulder look works. Again.

Another rookie from the Sox. Of course, this card shows catcher's gear in the shot.

And this one of crafty veteran Rich Hill. I really like the positional silhouettes in this design. They're a fun way to add just enough visual interest to the card front without going too crazy. 

And there are all the Red Sox. What do you think?

How did your blaster go?

What people are reading this week