Showing posts with label Stephen Harper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Harper. Show all posts

Harper to consider treatment centre only if a Tory is elected in riding?

Am I reading this right?

YELLOWKNIFE — Stephen Harper's vision of a strong and free Far North ran up against northern reality Monday.

Even as he reannounced a promise to complete an all-season highway in the Arctic, he said funding a drug treatment centre for poor and addicted northerners isn't a promise he should make.

"In terms of specific infrastructure investments that need to be made in this area, I always say during a campaign, I don't make the local commitments. That's up to individual candidates to make and to bring those priorities to Ottawa," Harper said in answer to the only question he took from a northern reporter.

But, he said, if voters in this sprawling Western Arctic constituency elect Tory candidate Sandy Lee, an ex-territorial health minister, maybe she could bring the plan for one to Ottawa.

Yes, I think I am reading this right. If a non-Conservative MP is elected, there's no chance for a centre. Well, after seeing how the Harper Government favoured Conservative ridings for stimulus spending and for G8/G20 spending (Muskoka and Tony Clement, $50 million, Toronto $0.00), I'm not surprised.

Campaign Strength/Weakness Observation

For a PM who didn't want to do any stimulus spending, and took Parliament to the brink over it in 2008, Harper certainly has reaped considerable political leverage with the so-called Economic Action Plan.

The opposition, despite having forced it to happen over Harper ideological objections, has failed to remind the electorate that they were the authors of this policy. They have allowed Harper to own their idea.

If Harper gets the majority, how ironic. He's will have ridden the economic message using policies he detests. His masters thesis was at least in part on how to not use stimulus spending during recessions.

Harper and Ignatieff receive invitation for two-man debate

Decision Canada is carrying this:
OTTAWA — While the Liberal and Conservative leaders exchange barbs through Twitter over the prospect of a two-man debate, a public policy centre has made an earnest offer to host the two men.

“We believe that this format will allow Canadians to hear directly from you and learn of your contrasting positions on key issues as they make their voting decision prior to Election Day,” Canada 2020’s advisory board chair, Don Newman, wrote in a letter to Michael Ignatieff and Stephen Harper on Thursday.

Newman —a former broadcast journalist with four decades of experience — would moderate the 90-minute bilingual debate, which would take place within a week of the already-planned leaders’ debate which is hosted by a consortium of broadcasters.

...In Canada 2020’s proposal, each leader would make his opening statement, then take part in eight 10-minute debates based on questions posed by a panellist.

There would be no in-house audience, and there is still no guarantee that national broadcasters would carry the event, Newman said in a release.

“I look forward to hearing from your representatives in the coming days to discuss this invitation in greater detail,” Newman wrote to the leaders.

Do it! If no broadcaster picks it up, stream it, and YouTube the thing. Those are friendlier formats these days anyway.

Harper is back to running in a bubble. He's severely stage managing everything, and refuses to take more than a handful of questions a day from journalists. Being out in the open has never been something he's been comfortable with. Too bad. He's been PM for five years. He really shouldn't have a choice.

If he respects the Canadian people, he'll debate. As he doesn't we'll just have to shame him into it.

No Coalition? Don't worry about it. Here's how the Liberals can get power

Short of Harper getting a majority, if the Liberals truly know what they are doing, Ignatieff will be our PM within six months.

Ignatieff has ruled out a coalition. Good for him. This election can not be about whether we should be governed by a coalition. This election must be about the Harper Government and its lack of ethics, contempt for democracy and screwed up spending priorities.

People concerned about Harper winning again are... well, right. He will.

But even with Harper returning with yet another minority government, there is another way for Ignatieff to become PM.

Parliament must squash Harper at the first opportunity.

When Harper returns with a minority, the first order of parliamentary business for the 'new' government will be a Speech from the Throne. Convention says defeat him then (see CuriosityCat's excellent piece on this), so close after an election, and the Governor General will give serious consideration to giving the second place party a chance to govern.

Indeed, if a Harper government fails to gain confidence, so close after an election, it's all but an absolute given that the GG will grant the Liberals an opportunity to gain the confidence of the House.

(Technically -- and it's an important technicality -- the GG will consider any and all proposals from any MPs, regardless of party affiliation. We are represented constitutionally by MPs, not political parties.)

Will Ignatieff seek the PMO with an official coalition in hand? I doubt it. It's not in the Liberal's interest as it plays against the Liberal's 'natural governing party' instinct, spreads out the glory, and (sadly) gives credibility to the Harper Conservative's arrogant and hypocritical rhetoric about "risky, unstable" coalitions. (As if Parliament hasn't been unstable for the past five years...)

The Liberals should be able to negotiate sufficient ongoing support in the House regardless for, say, 18 months.

Having just found the 'Harper Government' in contempt, the other parties will be in an awkward position supporting a Conservative government.They also must hate dealing with Harper's hyper-partisanship. Allowing Parliament to accomplish very little while extending the powers of the 'executive' under the motto "majority or bust" has been Harper's legacy of the past five years. (Five years already?) For all the opposition parties, enough must be enough.

Working with the Liberals vote by vote, under the theme of democracy renewed, the Bloc and the NDP (and maybe, just maybe, one Green seat -- we'll see) will have more influence than they do currently. And yet, without a formal coalition, they will be unconstrained in their potential criticisms of the government.

In other words, if everyone knows their hand, they can get more without losing independence.

And the public gets to see Parliament finally work as it should.

It's my theory that this is the Liberal's intent.

Let's pray they are as smart as I hope they are.

The Deficit Kings

When I read Brian Mulroney giving Harper advice to "do something big," I laughed.

First I thought perhaps Mulroney meant taking in a $300,000 bribe, lying about it, and then successfully suing the Federal government for over $2 million due to allegations he was crooked?

Or, perhaps another constitutional conference?

Or, the hated GST? (On a personal note, I agreed with that tax.)

Then I hit on it. Mulroney must be talking about his legacy. The one that haunted us well after he was gone: Deficit and debt.

On this then, a note to Mr. Mulroney: Never mind. With a historic $56 billion structural deficit, and a growing debt, Harper has already done something big. I wouldn't want him to try something larger.

Sheikh's resignation removed from Stats Can site

Yesterday I posted Munir A. Sheikh resignation letter from Statistics Canada, warning that t was likely to be removed.

24 hours later, it's gone. In its place is this:

Media advisory: 2011 Census

July 16, 2010

OTTAWA — Statistics Canada is not in a position to answer questions on the advice it gave the Minister in relation to recent statements the Minister has made.

For more information, contact Media Relations at 613-951-4636.

For details on the 2011 Census, see 2011 Census questionnaire.

Cet avis aux médias est aussi offert en français.

Too late! Google claims 114,000 hits for Statistics Canada resignation.

This one's not going down the memory hole.

Stats Can head resigns over census

Clearly, Harper and Clement were imposing a political decision on the internationally renown Statistic Canada. Munir A. Sheikh stood up, and with honour, did the right thing.

If only we saw more such honour within, oh, let's say, the PCO.

Before it vanishes, here is his resignation letter:

Media advisory: 2011 Census

July 21, 2010

OTTAWA — There has been considerable discussion in the media regarding the 2011 Census of Population.

There has also been commentary on the advice that Statistics Canada and I gave the government on this subject.

I cannot reveal and comment on this advice because this information is protected under the law. However, the government can make this information public if it so wishes.

I have always honoured my oath and responsibilities as a public servant as well as those specific to the Statistics Act.

I want to take this opportunity to comment on a technical statistical issue which has become the subject of media discussion. This relates to the question of whether a voluntary survey can become a substitute for a mandatory census.

It can not.

Under the circumstances, I have tendered my resignation to the Prime Minister.

I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity of serving him as the Chief Statistician of Canada, heading an agency that is a symbol of pride for our country.

To you, the men and women of Statistics Canada – thank you for giving me your full support and your dedication in serving Canadians. Without your contribution, day in and day out, in producing data of the highest quality, Canada would not have this institution that is our pride.

I also want to thank Canadians. We do remember, every single day, that it is because of you providing us with your information, we can function as a statistical agency. I am attaching an earlier message that I sent to Canadians in this regard.

In closing, I wish the best to my successor. I promise not to comment on how he/she should do the job. I do sincerely hope that my successor’s professionalism will help run this great organization while defending its reputation.

Munir A. Sheikh

For more information, contact Media Relations at 613-951-4636.

For details on the 2011 Census, see 2011 Census questionnaire.

Cet avis aux médias est aussi offert en français.


24 hours later, it's gone. In its place is this:

Media advisory: 2011 Census

July 16, 2010

OTTAWA — Statistics Canada is not in a position to answer questions on the advice it gave the Minister in relation to recent statements the Minister has made.

For more information, contact Media Relations at 613-951-4636.

For details on the 2011 Census, see 2011 Census questionnaire.

Cet avis aux médias est aussi offert en français.

Harper: The Environment is a Sideshow

 Here's one the many questions Harper would not allow to be asked at the tightly scripted G8/G20 Forum Monday:

“In light of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the reluctance of the companies involved to accept responsibility, what new control measures for oil drillers will the Canadian government put in place to reduce the risk of oil spills in Canadian waters, and ensure the continuance of our marine ecosystems and the sustainability of our fisheries?”

What a great question. Notice how it  ties the environment to the economy?

As reported by Jane Taber, this question was submitted by Raimey Gallant, a student from Winnipeg’s Red River College.

Harper's stage managers nixed the question. As we all now know, PM Office denials aside, this entire matter was heavily stage managed.

What does Harper have to say about concerns which do not fit his very narrow definition of economics?

"Anything beyond the economy, including issues frequently covered by the national media, is a “sideshow,” the Prime Minster said."

To have our environment described as a sideshow by this circus act of a government speaks volumes about it's pettiness and lack of concern for my children's future.

The banning of Patrick Ross

A few years ago, I started moderating my comments. I did this because people would at times publish defamation here, and, as the blog owner, Canadian libel law holds me responsible for that content.

I also was allowing people to defame me in my own space.

I still do. The difference is, I only publish their comments when I'm ready. No more would some insult or calumny rest on my blog unanswered for hours at a time.

It's a strategy that worked well. Until recently.

A few days ago, Patrick Ross started leaving comments here. I published them. I had to offer rebuttal. My rebuttal was increasingly ignored. Eventually, for my own reasons, I stopped publishing Ross in one of my threads, and dropped a message there explaining why.

Between work, my kids, whom I financially support and, most days of the week, raise alone; and my political activities, which have had me quite busy for the past several weeks (CAPP), it takes effort for me to respond to people here. Frankly, if they are wasting my time, I am going to resent it.

It has become very clear Ross was commenting here to merely demonstrate that he could.

Ross and Canadian Cynic have a dispute, the history of which I am personally well aware of, but not involved in. I will not repeat it here. Still, due to my above mentioned commitments, I was not aware that CC had issued a request for progressives to stop publishing Ross. Those who continue to are subject to an embargo by CC.

Ross has been dropping comments around the progressive blogosphere more than usual lately. He made clear yesterday why: all of us who published him he is claiming to not honour CC's request. Ross has specifically named me as "rejecting" CC's request. This is out of line.

Ross never raised this issue with me, and I was not aware of it. My publishing of Ross' comments should not be construed by him as a lack of support for CC.

It is clear to me that Ross was occupying my valuable time only for the petty reason of defaming CC.

I will not allow myself to be used in this way.

Patrick Ross, you are banned from this blog for disrespect and misrepresentation. I know you are baiting me. I don't care.

I also support CC's call for a general embargo on Ross's expression.

If this sound wrong, it's not. CC, after all, is not preventing Ross from exercising his freedom of expression. Ross can publish all he wants on his blog. CC is not preventing any of us from doing the same. No, CC is just setting editorial restrictions within his own space. We are free to respond in any way we like. The blogosphere does not rise or fall based upon CC's choices and writings.

People need to be aware that in publishing a comment, either directly though moderation, or indirectly, through a open comment policy, that you are responsible for disseminating that person's ideas. This is both a legal and a moral responsibility. Though my comment policy arose out of legal issues, I am all too aware that allowing others to publish propaganda here means that I am disseminating that propaganda as well.

By coincidence, just a few hours ago, I read this passage in "Not a Conspiracy Theory" by Donald Gutstein (great book) pp 309:
"...progressives need a common enemy if they are to rally their diverse groupings to a common cause. Historically, the enemies of the left have been poverty, homelessness, inequality, poor health care, racism and sexism. The enemy of the right, in contrast, is the left. Progressives need to make the right -- the radical conservatives -- the enemy... they must engage the enemy, who they consider the source of most injustice."
If that sounds harsh, I'm sorry to say that it's not. We are under siege. For generations we have relied on Peace, Order and Good Government. We get the third in exchange for granting the other two.

Well, we used to have Good Government.We don't anymore.

Our Prime Minister is involved in a propaganda war against those he represents. He has locked the doors of Parliament for purely partisan reasons, and gives us lies to justify it.

There's a long list of Harper's active erosion of our democracy here.

Harper has many syncophants willing to perpetuate these lies. CC understands this better than most. He does not suffer fools, and calls them as he sees them. Mostly, he makes the right calls.

We progressives all too often make the mistake of thinking that we are engaged in some sort of reasoned dialog with people. Truth will prevail! Facts speak for themselves! Conservatives just need more facts, then they'll understand.

Sure, it happens that some come around. But far too many on the right are just ditto-head loyalists repeating lies and laying fog.

I have no cause to aid them in any way.

So I support Canadian Cynic.

The enemy is ruthless, and it's time that we were too. Especially now with our Parliament locked.

We should not be spending time arguing with the Patrick Ross' of this world when we need to be hammering on Parliament's doors.

It is going to get worse, people. It is.

Please watch this piece below, and understand that it is not a polemic. It is simply the truth.

As you watch it, remember that Harper, prior to re-entering politics, fought hard in our courts to remove restrictions on third party advertising during elections.

And stop giving a platform to those who would keep us on our knees.

And please, be afraid. Give yourself leave to be. You need to be.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to have a much-needed beer.

Harper's recalibrated repeating recalibration; and, more real reasons for the prorogue

When I looked over yesterday's federal cabinet shuffle, this is what I thought: This is a tweak. Every other government has tweaked cabinet without prorogation, why this one?

In case you missed it, that's the latest reason for the prorogation: to do a cabinet shuffle. I knew that would be the latest reason before I learned of it today because the Harper Government has become quite predictable on this point. Any event, no matter how normal in a government's life it is while Parliament sits, is portrayed as justification for prorogation. It's a communications strategy which draws upon most people's general ignorance of the process of governance. It's a strategy to name anything and everything as the cause for prorogation, except for the truth. Eventually, the Harper Government hopes that they'll be some sort of favourable general buzz.

Just remember: Harper prorogued as quietly as possible, without notice. For someone with many alleged good reasons, he certainly tried to hide the deed.

As former Harper Chief of Staff Tom Flanagan pointed out the other week "...the government's talking points really don't have much credibility. Everybody knows that Parliament was prorogued in order to shut down the Afghan inquiry, and the trouble is that the government doesn't want to explain why that was necessary."

I swear, if Harper could justify prorogation using the disaster in Haiti, he would.

Chantal Hebert this morning agrees that prorogation has nothing to do with the cabinet shuffle.
As far as recalibrating a government goes, this week's cabinet shuffle does not justify closing Parliament down for most of the winter. It was a pit stop, not a major tune-up.
Let's not forget that Harper could have shuffled cabinet at the start of the winter recess, giving affected cabinet ministers time to adjust. Certainly, this is the point Norman Spector makes:
Had that been Mr. Harper’s true motivation, he could have shuffled his cabinet weeks ago. For, as has been widely reported, the Prime Minister sent his ministers updated mandate letters before Christmas. Normally, these letters are given to ministers on the day they assume their new responsibilities.

Had the shuffle taken place before Christmas, the new ministers would have had roughly the same amount of time to prepare as they will now have. Outgoing ministers would have been spared some useless work over the holidays. And the Conservative government – and the Prime Minister – may have still been flying high in the polls.

The reasons Harper has given to justify prorogation remain dubious. Indeed, more dark reasons have surfaced. From The Toronto Star:
Beyond the investigation into how Canadian Forces oversaw the transfer and treatment of detainees in the Afghanistan war, there are three other important government accountability situations not mentioned in any media coverage so far that the federal Conservatives are avoiding through the arbitrary proroguing of Parliament by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, all of which would likely have been reported on in February.
First, the ethics commissioner is investigating and will rule on whether the handing out of Conservative party-labelled government spending cheques by several cabinet ministers and MPs was legal under federal ethics rules.

Second, the ethics commissioner, the commissioner of lobbying and Elections Canada are investigating and will rule on fundraising events by a Conservative cabinet minister and parliamentary secretary that involved lobbyists and that raise serious questions about violations of the ethics rules.

And third, the auditor general would likely release a report or two on government spending practices by various departments and agencies.

So while the parliamentary budget officer has pledged to continue to release his reports (a power he would lose if he was made into a full officer of Parliament), the officers of Parliament listed above cannot issue their rulings and reports to Parliament in February because Harper shut it down.

If the Prime Minister's speech from the throne when Parliament opens is actually an election platform, and the Conservatives' proposed budget their spending plan, and he then immediately calls a snap election, none of these key government accountability reports and rulings will see the light of day until after the election.

There's likely enough fodder in those reports for the opposition to splatter bad news about the media for weeks. It would not do to have that going on before an election!

For a long time, it's been speculated that Harper was seeking a Spring election. He was hoping to get a boost from a recession recovery budget, and gain from the patriotic buzz from the Olympics and from the political attention deficit it causes. When he prorogued quietly December 30, it was with the hope that he could have all that without the baggage that comes with Parliament-enforced accountability.

What Harper failed to account for was us.

Harper's tactical  prorogation is not going to topple his minority government. But it is highly unlikely that he will dare to call for an election in March knowing that it will shut down Parliament, and subject him to further criticism that he's delaying the country's business, and avoiding Parliament yet again.

It seems likely that Parliament will get down to business in March, pass a budget, and deal with whatever unpleasant news surfaces concerning this government. We will be reminded then by the Harper Government "See? Prorogation didn't matter" I'm sure.

Harper closed Parliament for partisan gain. The fact that he will have failed to make that gain should never be tolerated as a reason to doubt his partisan intent.

And he will fail to gain from this selfish act. He's going to fail because you are going to show up at one of the many rallies this Saturday. Right?

Harper's in Toronto Today! Protest planned

From Citizens for Democracy:

Stephen Harper is in Toronto on Wednesday. Let him know how you feel about prorogation. Join the picket.

Stephen Harper will be in Toronto on Wednesday afternoon to attend a roundtable meeting with the C.D. Howe Institute. Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament (Toronto) will be there to meet him, and to let him know how we feel about prorogation. We invite you to join us! Don't let Harper get away with shutting down Parliament.

Picket against prorogation
Wednesday, January 20
Meet at 2:00pm (SHARP)
In front of C.D. Howe Institute
67 Yonge Street (on the sidewalk)
Downtown Toronto
TTC: King

Bring banners, placards or homemade signs. We'll bring information leaflets. Spread the word. See you there!

For more information, e-mail noproroguetoronto AT

Don't forget this Saturday's city-wide rally and march: Saturday, January 23 at 1:00pm at Yonge-Dundas Square. The Toronto rally is organized by Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament (Toronto), a grassroots, non-partisan movement of ordinary Canadians that emerged in response to Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament. All are welcome to join us. | noproroguetoronto AT | NoProrogueTO/

Conservative Arrogance 12

"[The Charlottown Accord] included distinct society status for Quebec and some other changes, including some that would just horrify you, putting universal Medicare in our constitution, and feminist rights, and a whole bunch of other things." -- Stephen Harper, speech to The Council for National Policy, Montreal, 1997.

Conservative Arrogance 11

"Some people point out that there is a small element of clergy in the NDP. Yes, this is true. But these are clergy who, while very committed to the church, believe that it made a historic error in adopting Christian theology." -- Stephen Harper, speech to The Council for National Policy, Montreal, 1997.

My poster run for democracy; Now it's your turn

Supporting the No Prorogue cause, I hit the streets and taped up some 120 posters in Toronto from Bloor West and Christie nearly to Dundas West and Bloor (Crossways). I would have kept going, but I ran out of tape.

I made my own poster (see it below), and printed a few hundred on 81/2" X 11" coloured paper. I used a bright yellow. It stands out a bit more than the usual black on white bill. Between printing and tape, I blew through $40.

Taping was hard. Everything's wet. Largely, I used other people's posters for a stable surface. I wasn't mean about it -- I stuck mostly to covering weight loss flyers. LOL. Initially, I was a bit shy. I've rarely looked favourably on these posters people stick everywhere, and though I've always agreed that political expression is an acceptable reason to do this, I suspect not everyone thinks so. Well, no one said anything. Police drove by. Pedestrians walked by. No complaints.

I papered every lighted intersection and crosswalk (right over the crosswalk button), plus a few locations which seemed to have high foot traffic, namely outside of subway stations, and in front of large buildings.

I noticed quite a few 'No Prorogue' posters up in places, so I moved along. No point working to cover what's been done.

I found it to an uplifting experience. Instead of complaining and intelectualizing, I was actually doing something. I reccommend it for everyone.

Actually, I'm asking. Everyone who can possibly help with this needs to.

Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament (Toronto) has sent around a plea for help. I'll let them end this blog post:

We need your help!
Promote the rally for January 23.
NO to prorogation! YES to democracy!
Canadians against Proroguing Parliament (Toronto) has organized a rally and march for Saturday, January 23 at 1:00pm at Yonge-Dundas Square in downtown Toronto. And we urgently need your help to promote it. Here's how you can help spread the word:
Download promotional materials.
Everything is available online - posters, leaflets, stickers, petitions, Facebook profile pics, etc.: Let us know where you can distribute them.
Provide free photocopying or printing.
Do you have access to a photocopier or heavy-duty printer? Can you do any free photocopying or printing (no amount is too small or too large)? Also let us know if your workplace, community group, local library, trade union or student union, place of worship, etc. can be a pick-up location for printed materials. If yes, email noproroguetoronto AT to let us know your address and dates/times when materials may be picked up.
Join us for city-wide poster runs.
On the following dates/times, meet us at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor Street West, Suite 207, 2nd floor to pick up posters and postering materials (paste, staplers and/or tape) and to spread out across Toronto to put up posters everywhere we can. Bring your friends!
- Wednesday, January 13 at 6:00pm
- Sunday, January 17 at 4:00pm
- Wednesday, January 20 at 6:00pm
Put up posters/distribute leaflets on your own time.
All printed materials are available at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor Street West, Suite 207, 2nd floor, seven days a week from 8:00am to 10:00pm. Distribute materials on busy street corners, at TTC entrances/exits, and in large apartment buildings. Just let us know where you've distributed materials so we know what parts of Toronto have been covered. Email noproroguetoronto AT
Donate funds.
Canadians against Proroguing Parliament (Toronto) is a grassroots, non-partisan movement of ordinary Canadians. We urgently need your financial support to build and organize an effective rally that engages the public and gets its message across to MPs. Donate online at Look for the "Donate Now" box. Cheques and/or money orders should be made payable to "Shilo Davis" or "Justin Arjoon" (CAPP in memo area) and mailed to CAPP Toronto, 67 Griffiths Drive, Ajax ON L1T 3J8.
Attend upcoming organizing meetings.
We need as many volunteers as possible to promote the rally ahead of time, and to support the rally itself on January 23. If you'd like to volunteer, please join us. We meet on Fridays (January 15 and 22) from 5:30pm to 7:30pm on the University of Toronto downtown campus. For exact location, email noproroguetoronto AT All are welcome!
Promote the event online.
Feel free to forward this email to family, friends, co-workers and/or anyone who cares about democracy in Canada. You can also join our Facebook group, where this movement got started: Or follow us on Twitter to get regular updates on your cell phone or online:
Thank you in advance for whatever support you can offer. We look forward to seeing you on January 23, if not sooner!
For more information, email noproroguetoronto AT

Not here, Over There!

Looking for me? This blog has been dead for quite a while. You can find my latest blog at My other social m...