
Showing posts with label The Perfect (License). Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Perfect (License). Show all posts

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Perfect Smile

It's often hard to see ourselves objectively. We're always criticizing, we're always caring about every little flaw. It's easy to get caught up in that downward spiral of critique after critique after critique. It's good to sometimes take a step back, chill out a little, and smile, because we're alive in a beautiful world full of opportunities and potential. And we are full of potential.

Elianna has a book about a girl who is obsessed with the fact that she does not have dimples. She is tormented by this terrible flaw in herself and goes to great lengths to try and fix it. I don't remember quite how the book ends, but I think the point is - you can have a beautiful smile, even if you don't have dimples. It's good not to get caught up in those little "imperfections" most people don't even notice or care about. We're all unique people and what makes one person great is not necessarily what is going to make you great. It's good to focus on what makes you great, not on acquiring something that works for someone else.

Whether you have dimples or not, never forget to let yourself smile. :)

(This car, clearly, has dimples.)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Perfect Wisdom From Your Elders

Not only did I love this license plate the instant I saw it on Main Street here in KGH, but after I parked, I walked by the car. In the passenger seat waiting patiently for someone to come back was an elderly gentleman who looked like he was the type to say exactly this comment. It's a good attitude toward life in general, though perhaps you have to have lived through more of it to truly appreciate it.
This past week, I had a great conversation with a wise man about a number of things. (In truth, I had numerous conversations with numerous wise people about numerous things, but we'll stick to this one.) I'd sought out this person's advice for a number of reasons, most particularly that they'd be looking at the situation from the exact opposite end I would be. It was a part of life I'd yet to live through, while he was well past this stage of life; his perspective on the issue would be far different from mine.

At one point in the conversation, we discussed advice-seeking and advice-giving in general, and the man remarked to me how much easier it is (ironically) to appreciate advice as we get older. After noting what he thought of the stages and decisions in life I was looking at, he reminded me of what I thought five, six, seven years ago, and compared that to what I think now. It's fascinating to think back as to what seemed important then, and what seemed small; I look now and realize that the little things - some which I took for granted, some which I never really took - are what has mattered while the big ones are constantly changing.

It is rather interesting to note which decisions end up major impacts, in retrospect. It is often the case that I can pinpoint conversations, discussions, actions, or reactions which forever changed the course of my life... while situations which seemed so large at the time turned out to be quite small in the grand scheme of things. This rule of thumb is easily applied to friendships, to marriage, to parenting... it is more often the little things that will have the largest effect on the overall picture, while the larger ones will disappear. A fight with a spouse, a big party for a friend or child - those matter at the time, but they quickly fade from memory. They can be overcome whether for good or for bad. But sitting on the floor with your kid and just listening to their "instructions", making a friend feel unimportant, knowing when your spouse needs that short break - those are much more meaningful in the long run. Those are harder to erase.

My wise adviser said that there are often times in life where you won't have the control you want over the situations that may arise, particularly if you want to succeed or wish to work toward a certain end. But certainly, one should not just sit and wait in a simpler situation just to hold that control, just from fear of what's ahead, to look back on the past, or just to sit for the sake of sitting. He said that you have to place yourself into a situation where things can happen, and see where life takes you from there. You may find that you get what you wanted; you may find something that you'd never have thought you'd enjoy. But until you take those steps forward, you won't find anything.

After you take those steps, however, and see where life takes you... then you can look back and see about how it all worked out. Maybe life didn't look great at 17, and maybe it looked horrible at the age of 19. Maybe things were pretty bad a few years ago, and there are some rough spots even now. But those problems at 17 are gone, and the rough times at 19 have turned out to be some of the best lessons for life. And if not for what happened a few years ago, well... the present would be far, far worse, wouldn't it? And all this... this is without even mentioning all the great things that have come out of life in those times. Wow.

Thanks God, indeed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Perfect Perfect

These photos were all taken in Cleveland over Sukkos; the first by a friend, the others by me at Starbucks. It's probably worthwhile to note that this was tagged as a picture of me. Sweet. Thanks, SCoops!

And of course, as everyone knows, just after God comes... football:

And on the other end of the spectrum, you have abominations like this:

For what it's worth, she matched her car. Really. Matched perfectly. Dead serious.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Apropos & Thank You

I saw this one parked outside one of the local Jewish groceries last Thursday night, and thought it apropos for Yom Kippur and the coming year.
While this is unlikely to be the last post before Yom Kippur (and certainly Sukkos) on this blog, it is surely going to be a busy few weeks for us and I doubt I'll have time to properly say anything during that time.

On behalf of Serach and myself, we'd like to wish everyone a g'mar chasima tova and a wonderful year. We'd like to thank all those who made this past year as good as it was; it had the potential to be a very difficult year for us in many ways, yet every time that was the case something would happen, someone would help us out, in ways that we will never truly be able to express our gratitude for. Often, we hear and see an understandable and important emphasis and focus on the big issues, the large gestures, and the need to focus on one's own self first - and those certainly do usually come first. But those who can and have done the little things, who have taken care of small but important details, and perhaps without even realizing it have tremendously impacted people by their simple care and friendship, thank you. It was without a doubt the little things that have gotten us through these hard times.

Some of you know who you are. Some of you think you know but your humility won't let you admit it to yourselves. There are some who don't even realize what they do, as they take it as a given - or can't fathom how they have helped despite being so far away or having done "so little". And then there are those who think they may have helped in the past but that something has changed. We thank all of you the same from us, and knowing what kind of people you are, many others owe you similar thanks. We hope to be as good to all of you as you have been to us.

As an aside, a person who can take a step back and look at a bigger picture cannot help but see more behind what goes on in day-to-day life, from the positives to the negatives, from the human side to the spiritual side.

May we all be blessed with a year of health, happiness, and hatzlacha.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Perfect VII

(Click on the picture to view it properly)

This license plate was seen while driving on a highway in New York. At first glance, it appeared to say "Carpe Diem" which, for those who don't know (or for those who have never seen Dead Poets' Society), means "Seize the Day" in Latin. This was what initially caught my eye about it, but it wasn't until I got closer that I saw what it really said. Carp8em. Huh?! Sounds boring at first, doesn't it? Until you say it out loud (go on, say it) and realize what it's actually saying. A carp actually ate "Them" (whoever "Them" is)!

I think we can take a lesson from this, especially at such an introspective time of year. We have many choices in life, but one of them undoubtedly is, will you seize the day? Or will you be eaten by a fish?

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Perfect VI

"Can we bring the world its only..."

(Miami Boys Choir, for those who didn't figure out what I was quoting)

Aside from the fact that the lighting in this picture illustrates the license plate perfectly, I thought it was a great license plate to see this morning when I wasn't so happy about going to work.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Perfect IV

This one's a little blurry, but it's hard to take pictures on camera phones while driving on highways. I think anyone can appreciate this, but certain people (cough *G* cough) will appreciate it a little extra.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Perfect III

Well, if everyone else is doing it...

While working at a job that made me a bit miserable (or a lot miserable), I found this car parked facing mine when I got to the parking lot on my way home from work one day.

I assigned it as the picture ID for the office and my boss's cell. Watching it flash when my co-workers and/or boss would call made life a little brighter :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Perfect II

To continue the License Plate Scavenger Hunt that seems to be going on, this car was spotted on a Friday afternoon in the Five Towns near Central Ave. Apropos, no?

Thursday, July 24, 2008