Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Own Private Waterloo

Such a simple thing to teach.  Except for me.  This week in Molly's class, we were instructed to work on STAY.  Molly was even used as a demo dog-and she got it.  So I am determined to get a good stay on Molly-my first ever good stay on a dog.

Stay is one of those things that seems simple, but is nuanced ad nauseam.   For a dog who is used to offering behaviors until the right one is offered, STAY can be disconcerting-the correct behavior is do nothing-remain in position.  It can be either sit or down, but whatever the command was prior to stay, THAT is position that you have to remain in.  So, lying down on a sit stay is a no no-even if you don't move forward.

As in life, doing nothing is often harder than doing something-and figuring out the right way to do nothing-well, that takes real effort.

Dear Molly is my practice dog-Moon HAS to have a great stay if he's going to do agility.  Both the start and the middle exercise (a sit stay or a down stay) have to be done correctly or the run will not qualify.  While Moon learns more quickly than Molly, he is also prone to "learning" something not exactly correct-Molly is more forgiving for trainer error.  So, this month Molly will learn to stay, and next month we'll shoot for Moon.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today is all about Moon

Moonie is having his dreaded surgery today, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I am leaving him at the Vet's until Monday, because there is no way to keep him quiet here or out of the dirt.

Neutering is so worth the temporary stress and minimal expense. Male dogs are far less expensive to have neutered, and yet it seems to be up to the owners of the females to make the choice. Just because YOU don't have any females does not mean YOUR male dog can't get out and impregnate a zillion others. Keeping your dog intact does not make you more of a man, it makes you a complete idiot in my book.

Pet over population is a serious problem and will continue to be as long as people do not spay and neuter their animals. If you can't afford the shots/spay neuter (and there are low cost options) you can't afford a dog. Period.

I love Moon completely, but he does not need to sire a litter to fulfill himself or me.  His breeders can take care of worrying about the bloodline-I just want to enjoy my dog.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008