Showing posts with label berlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label berlin. Show all posts


Just for Info

I just bought another pair - the shop was on my way. It is more of a everyday pair. The leather is soo soft. It was really cheap. Like 80% off and around 30 eu! I should never go to this shop again...

Funny Backstage Fact: Matthieu was looking at the blog to check my new shoes. His words:
" Oh god, I hate them (the blue ones). And I hate the new background of your photos. It is sooo 80s. Oh Geri! This animal print dress, so awful!". There you go...
I must say I laughed so much. You may see how strong our friendship is - even a major taste clash cannot becloud it. He even walk the street down with me every now and then...

Actually his more tactful way to say stuff like this is :"Oh. This are definitely Geri shoes."


Go buy the shoes!

So there is a small info for everybody who is so lucky to live in Berlin!

I just passed by a shoe shop (Next to the bookshop on the corner of Schönhauser Allee and Shivelbeiner Straße - it is almost directly at the U2 Schönhauser Allee subway station) that had a total sale and I spent quite a lot of time there. They have pretty italian shoes marked down 80% and I seriously considered 2 pairs but kept it to one. I am still suffering though.

They had some boots even marked down to 30 euro so it is a diverse choice. I just have no need for boots right now.

Just for info originally they costed 270 euro and I got them for 58.


UCO undefinied craft object...

My first quick sew in Berlin - it comes from a need. But it is more fun and a better surprise to leave you wondering first!

Weird, no?

Is it a bunny/house mutation?

Why does this house has ears!!!!

Hm is a 3rd grade craft project? I can always say I got it from my niece...

New house = New keys!

P. S. a stupid professional joke - it looks like a Coop Himmelblau project on the Nicolaus House...


Berlin The Last

So I am leaving Berlin for three weeks off to Sofia.
We made the final photos for the officially Transylvania approved (Laura, thanks!) Cape Dracula. Spring is starting here and we were

sitting in the sun at Engelsbecken. It is a large basin in Kreuzberg - a multicultural neighbourhood. So sun and so on, we wanted to take the pictures and Matthieu was trying to direct me so I am not standing as wooden as a tree around. At the same time the camera was running very low so the display was shutting down - he couldn't really see what he was photographing. It was throughout fun and the pictures are more dorky than informative...

The lining is a blue dotted knit. I wanted something soft and warmer against the skin. I didn't really put it very well in - I was already sick at this point and I couldn't concentrate so well but wanted to finish it. I actually like it more without the buttons - it looks chic, but I already did the buttonholes so couldn't go for snaps.

Then the last photos of Berlin. First the Schönhauser Allee and the metro.

A walk at the channel.

Waiting for a burger to happen to us at a night Kreuzberg.

And ending the post with some dorkiness again. The funny thing too is that the pub was called Bierhimmel (translated beer sky).

In the next post I will put the cape pattern!


Berlin The Second

On my last day in Kassel I bought 2 fabrics. I am not quite sure what I will do with them, but the thing is they are somehow not typical for me. I was somewhat sick and feverish and I was stressed with all the packing. So I am quite eager to see what I will make of these, cause they are kind of a lunatic buy.
The first one is quite cute Swiss cotton. I like the colours and the print - reminds me of three eyed owls with five fingers...

The second one is something I never buy - a print corduroy. I just don't like printed corduroys. But I got seduced by the grey red combination and the print. I know I will never make pants out of this fabric - I hope I will never do... I still have mixed feelings - sometimes my personal repulsion against printed corduroy (I like it on others though) breaks the surface and in the next moment I am lulled by the print and colours again. It will be an interesting project...
You should enlarge the images to see the print.

So today Berlin images are of the Karl Marx Allee - a huge street with huge buildings (very cool and hip apartments nowadays) previously in east Berlin. In the back you can see the TV tower on Alexander Platz (square). Is indeed only 10 minutes walk from here. Or biking - everybody owns a bike in Berlin.

And I promised to put Matthieus book shelf in this post - he just built it himself! The images from above are taken from his place in Berlin.


First Post Berlin

The first post from Berlin.
I will start with the instructions to the cape. I started with sewing the shoulder seams together and then pressed them open carefully. This whole cape included a meticulous pressing with all my weight on the iron. Something like sport.

Click to enlarge.

Next step will be the collar sewing but for this more next.
Today Berlin images are Hamburger Bahnhof - if you translate it directly it means Hamburg's train station and indeed it was one before - the trains for Hamburg were starting there. Now it is Berlin's contemporary art museum. Berlin doesn't have the so often called modern art museum (MoMas of all art) - really contemporary city museum is this one. It is quite huge and similar to the Centre Pompidou in Paris - they have too much art for the space and there are changing exhibitions non stop. It is one of the first things I do when I go to Berlin to check what they are showing and the best part is that Thursday's afternoon is free entry!

You can indeed see a train station just from the doors of the museum. Is the new central station.