Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Little Things

I'm always busy
(or easily distracted),
this time experimenting with teeny stockings...

One could pop something even teenier in them...

Other small things on the go are these cakes
I made for Little Miss Kalico.
She loves tea parties....
Tea & cake!

My mother sent the boys some crafty things for their birthdays.
It kept them all quiet for a few minutes ;)

And I have finally finished quilting
my super-size 'Jared takes a Wife' quilt...

almost had too little batting...
Phew! Only almost!!!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Family Time

Someone made a snippy comment to me the other day,
they have 2 children and they said:
 "You only have one child more than me!"
Implying I shouldn't make a fuss and I should just get on with it??
Yes I just have one more....

Just one more who is now only 2!

(2nd Birthday cake!)

Just one more who needs constant attention 
or she's likely to spill, break or colour in etc...

Just one more who needs all functions monitoring and supervising.

Just one more who needs mental and emotional stimulation.

Just one more who is at home with me most of the time...
(and I love that soooooooooo much!!)

Just one more, who along with the other 2 
needs feeding, and clean clothes and a clean house and and and...

I'm not complaining!!
I love my 'just one more!'

And my family:

 And the wonder of purple cauliflower!:

 And the vitality of youth:

 And where we live:

And the very occasional lie-in:

 And the sewing that I do get done:

So yes, just one more,
but it's a lot more.
A lot more to love!!

Friday, 18 October 2013


Although I have had this quilt loaded for a while now,
I just had not had any time to concentrate on getting it quilted!

But at last, I have made a start!

The blocks are enormous,
as is the quilt,
so I am sure I will be busy for a while on it :)

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Sometimes I Wake Up Grumpy...

...Sometimes I let them sleep...

and sleep...

and sleep...

and sleep!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Square Dancing

We have the most amazing shops in the small town nearby...
I know I always moan that we are miles from anywhere,
but when the local coal merchant
 manages to produce the exact screws 
that I needed to fix my American-made Long-arm quilting machine
 then I really shouldn't complain -
(and at 5 pence each I was over the moon!!! ;o) )

So now the handles on the front of the machine are in action again
and to celebrate I quilted a little table runner 
that I made from blocks that Kate gave me.
(Thanks again Kate!)
 And Chris gave me a book 
with some interesting patterns to quilt on blocks
so I gave a few of them a try 
just to see what I could do
and it was such fun....
(Thanks again Chris!)

Now to bind it and get something else on my machine

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Monster on top of the Wardrobe!

I was looking through some old photos
and found these pictures taken about 16(?) years ago
of my Mom's Monster quilt laid out in our old back garden.
I think at this point
the sheer size of it must have overwhelmed her
because she just packed it away again...
Such a lot of handwork
as it's been English Paper-pieced...
A friend who was visiting at the time,
was very keen for her to finish it
and he helped her lay it out...
But she never did.

A few years back, I made a stab at finishing it.
But I never did.
It's in a box above the wardrobe 
waiting for inspiration/enthusiasm and determination to strike.
But it hasn't. Yet.