Even my Mom, who nevers sends me any post, mailed me some of my pre-papered hexagons which I received today!
I felt a sense of urgency to have these pieces sent over in case I managed to piece the whole top before Mom comes to visit in November, but I doubt that will happen. Although I am managing to do a bit here and there while watching the kids in the park, or waiting at swimming etc etc... so maybe soon I'll have some progress to report on that project...
And I was lucky enough to win Lynda's 100th post blogaway. And what a prize! An awesome Japanese magazine, gorgeous fabrics and some quirky charm squares too.
The magazine holds lots of inspiration especially for those of us who are hoping to end up with lots of spare hexagons LOL
Thank you Lynda! I'm delighted to have read probably every single one of your 100 posts and been the lucky winner.