Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label magazines. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

I won't know what to do...

... when the postman stops being nice to me and starts bringing me just the bills!

Even my Mom, who nevers sends me any post, mailed me some of my pre-papered hexagons which I received today!

I felt a sense of urgency to have these pieces sent over in case I managed to piece the whole top before Mom comes to visit in November, but I doubt that will happen. Although I am managing to do a bit here and there while watching the kids in the park, or waiting at swimming etc etc... so maybe soon I'll have some progress to report on that project...

And I was lucky enough to win Lynda's 100th post blogaway. And what a prize! An awesome Japanese magazine, gorgeous fabrics and some quirky charm squares too.

The magazine holds lots of inspiration especially for those of us who are hoping to end up with lots of spare hexagons LOL

Thank you Lynda! I'm delighted to have read probably every single one of your 100 posts and been the lucky winner.

Saturday, 19 July 2008

The Mac is back!

At last a new charger! To replace this damaged one:

I hated not having my computer, but I did gets lots of other things done *LOL*

This means I can finally thank Kate for an African block for our swap

Kate also included some goodies... the dog paw print is for the boy's dog quilts (WIP's!) and the roses is because I just lurve roses! And the Black & White leaf print is because Kate knew I had my beady eye on it! Thanks Kate!

(While I was typing this I looked down and look at this!!

The fabric on the left is from Kate and the fabric on the right is my skirt *LOL*)

Also in the post this week, a magazine and some great bits (fabric, a pattern, a wonderful card...) from Wendy. Thank you for swapping with me Wendy!

Wendy and I swapped the magazine I wanted for a kitty pincushion. I had been reading blogs and everyone was making the tea-towel bag in this magazine so I had to try it...

I didn't have any nice new (large) tea towels needed so I just tried it with fabric and it's quite fun...

Also in the magazine, a new one for my 'To do list' (someday before I die *sigh*!!!)

I just love these colours and it's a favourite design too!

On the bag front, we had a leaving 'do' slash teddy-bear's picnic for Sue who has now retired...



I think it went well...

I bought myself a book. I love books. This one has great pictures and before you belly-larf (!) even if I never put it into practice it's quite an interesting read...

The weather has been abomnible (sp) and our poor garden is quite flooded

So I won't be rushing out to 'grow my own veg' just yet, but at least I'll have a little think about it LOL

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Post brightens the days

I have had the worst week! When did it start? Saturday when I lost £10 out of my pocket when buying my crying baby a snack at the supermarket? Monday when my almost 3 year old decided to have a tantrum in the shops and caused me so much embarrassment? Or was it Tueday when I tried to drive to Ikea and my baby threw up in the car, not once, but twice? Maybe it was Wednesday? I finally got to Ikea on Wednesday, but only after I lost confidence in my directions and went the wrong way adding hours to my journey. At one point when I still hadn't got there, I wondered how I would (or if I would) ever get back. When I finally got home I had managed to drive over a nail! So now I need a new tyre too.

I have not had a chance to take decent photos of my mail of the last 2 days, but I have had such wonderful things through my letterbox! Here are a few teases... (I will try and take pictures of the whole tops as soon as the weather improves.)

From Juliann this wonderful top for Project Linus.

Juliann also kindly included some lovely reading matter for me.
Thank you Juliann!!

And Anne sent me these wonderful star fabrics...
Thank you Anne!

Kate deserves a big thank you too! Look what she sent for my local Linus!!! Two quilt tops! This beautiful one...
and this one fun yellow and blue one as well!!!

Thank you Kate!!!

And my other friend Kate (P) sent me these great blocks for Linus...

And a little something quilty for me.

Thank you Kate (P)! I have such great blogging friends with such big hearts - it makes any bad week seem so much better.

The books I ordered on Ebay arrived too not that I've had a second to read them...

So it's been a bumper mail crop for the last 2 days - perhaps I would have been better off just staying home waiting for the mailman LOL

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

She did good

Many thanks to my DSIL who brought me this wondeful parcel back from her holiday in Canada.
It included a quilting magazine that I have already read briefly (as soon as she handed the loot over, I had to have a good look at it!), I can't wait to read it again and again as it has some lovely bag patterns that I will have to make time to do! Some freezer paper, some Misty fuse, three cool FQ's. I think she did very well for a non-quilter. I asked for brown or stars, so brown stars are even better! The 3rd FQ was an impulse buy on her part. I was impressed that she had a fabric impulse LOL. Perhaps one day she'll quilt too :o) And a bag of buttons. Love these, they are great. Thank you so much Jane. I really have been spoilt lately, makes up for all the sewing I'm not managing to do.

BTW Here's the cake I made...

I believe it's all gone now