Hello again :)
I finished up my "BERS" table topper.
I used 4 different star blocks
from the book "Jelly Roll Sampler Quilts"
by Pam & Nicky Lintott.
I didn't have a jelly roll of homespun fabrics,
but it was easy enough just to cut the fabric
to the required sizes.
I used Osnaburg for the centers in place of the
4 patch the pattern called for
and I drew out my text in pencil and
embroidered the words in matching floss.
I made a border from 2 1/2" squares
and used homespun for the binding.
I used Perle cotton floss to do the big stitch quilting
to finish it off.
I decided to spin the blocks so that I can turn the topper
to showcase the current month.
I hope you are all working on fun projects as well.
I love to see your creativity!
Remember you have until Midnight on Friday to post
your projects to Week #2 flickr group
for this weeks prizes!