Friday, February 1, 2013

And the Winner of the Grow Your Blog Giveaway is.......

(Not actually a photo of Beth :)

 Beth who wrote:
"what a lovely blog so glad to have found you. please do stop by my blog & say hello. have a great weekend. ( :"

Congratulations Beth!!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Inspiration :)

Where does your inspiration come from?
For this project
I found my inspiration in a needlebook
that my Oma made for me
when I was a little girl.
As you can see,
it's been VERY well used :)
The entire front cover is all cross stitch.
I feel the love that went into this precious gift.
I don't think I'll ever use another one.
But it did start me thinking about
making needlebooks to cross stitch on.
I haven't seen them anywhere else,
so I got to work making a pattern.

You can unbutton the front cover
so that you can stitch your favorite design on it
and then button it back closed.
For my first one I used linen,
but I plan to make some with Aida as well.
I used wool felt for the inside
to stick your pins and needles in. 
Here's my own needlebook in action.........
its a mess,
but I use it 
A LOT!  
It makes my heart happy to think about
my Oma sitting in the backyard
stitching in the sunshine
making this just for me :)
These new cross-stitchable needlebooks
will be available soon in my shop.
No two will be alike.
For me, that's the fun in creating :)

Quick question:
If you were to purchase a stitchable item,
would you prefer linen or aida?
What is your favorite stitch count?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The kindness of others.....

Have you ever had "one of those days"
when you just can't wait to get home
so you can cry all by yourself?
Well, I sure had one today.
I was on my way home from the grocery store,
and I was within eyesight of the freeway on ramp
and my car died in traffic.
I mean dead, muerte, nil, nada.....
It suddenly smelled like something was burning
and the gas pedal didn't work 
I just slowly came to a stop in traffic!
First of all
I did what any woman with my skill 
and knowledge of cars would do.....
I panicked!
Cars around me started to honk at me
 as if I could do something about it.
My hazards are flashing for a reason folks!!!
One nice man stopped
 and helped me push it out of the way.

I was still shaking when  I called AAA.
They told me the tow truck would be about 30 minutes.

The nicest tow truck driver showed up 10 minutes later.
Super nice and funny too.
Win win :)
He said it looked like the engine was blown.
Praise God we've already done our taxes
and I guess I know where the refund is going.
But it could always be worse.
It could have happened yesterday coming home from Irvine
on the freeway going 75 miles an hour.
But it didn't.....
God was watching over me,
I feel thankful.
Shaken, tearful, but thankful :)
Once I was home I had a good cry
and I opened the door to collect my mail
and look what I found!!!
This lovely package from one of my online friends Connie!
Thank you Thank you Thank YOU!!!
If there was EVER a day for chocolate...
this was the day!

Look how cute she embroidered
my name on the mug rug!
I love it so much.
Yes.....I ate all the chocolate already :) 
Don't judge...
it was a stressful day.

And since I am talking about the kindness of others,
I'll share a picture of another package I received last week
from my buddy Amy.
The flannel will become some cute jammie shorts
and how cute is that angel?
There was also a bar of chocolate 
from her recent trip to Switzerland
but you can already imagine what happened to that :)
And a jar of Jalapeno jelly she made
that my hubby made quick work of.

So even though this is not the way
 I would have planned this day to turn out,
I am thankful for caring friends,
my loving family,
and most of all
my God who loves me and kept me safe :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dare To Dresden Hop and Giveaway!

Welcome to Day 4 of the Dare To Dresden Hop!

For this hop I decided to make 
a MUCH needed new ironing board cover.
I made three 6" Dresdens 
and embroidered "wash" "press" "repeat"
in the centers :)
I used my old stained nasty  gently used cover
as the pattern.
Taking that sucker apart took way longer
than making the new one :)
Making Dresdens is totally FTS, (fun to sew)
but attaching them by hand is not my favorite thing.
I do love the final result,
so I guess it's worth it in the end. 
I'm one of the strange few that actually enjoys ironing
so this new cover just makes me happy :)

Now....on to the giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive
3 fat quarters of  Cotton Blossoms by Bonnie & Camille
and the Ruffle Potholder pattern by Sweetwater!
Anybody want this?
For your chance to win just leave me a comment
and tell me what crafty goodness you would work on
if time and money were no object.
You don't have to be a follower to enter,
but if you are....
leave a SEPERATE comment letting me know
for a second chance to win.
You have until Sunday Feb 3rd to enter.
Winner will be announced Monday Feb 4th.
Easy peasy :)

Don't forget to check out all the other
crafty bloggers showing their lovely Dresdens today!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

So.....Whatcha doin?

I feel like I haven't had much time to blog lately.
But I'm not complaining.
Just the opposite.
I am thankful to have been busy :)
Today I had some time to play a bit.
I made this apron and listed it.
I do love me some cherries!
And here are 3 of the 6 new project bags in the shop.
I just realized when I posted these pics
that they are all fruit themed....
hmmm  I must have been feelin' fruity!

And last but not least
I'm working on a new project that involves
Christmas fabrics. January :)
I'll show you more in a day or two.

So.....What have YOU been doin?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcome and A Giveaway!

Today I'm taking part in the Grow Your Blog Hop :)
If you are new here
I'd love to welcome you!
We are supposed to tell a bit about ourselves,
so here goes.....
That's me in the middle of the photo above.
My handsome hubby of almost 33 years,
our children and our 6 grands 
are the jelly in my donuts....
They certainly make my life sweet!

I started this blog in January of 2009.
To be honest, I started the blog
just so that I could take part in an apron swap :)
I also thought it would be a fun record
for my grandchildren someday
to know what their Nana did with her time.
I know that I would have loved to get a glimpse
of my Oma's daily life.
I certainly NEVER thought that anyone
other than family would care what I wrote about.
This blog has changed my life in ways 
I could never have imagined.
I have made the most wonderful friends
and I continue to meet more!
I have re-kindled my love for sewing
and even opened an Etsy shop.
I try to share what I've learned growing up 
with a professional seamstress for a Mom.
I was literally covered in thread
from the time I could walk!
I had my first full sized Singer when I was 8.
(and I still own it!)
My Oma taught me to embroider when I was 10.
And I started Cross Stitch about 3 years ago
and I've been hooked ever since.
I tried to knit once,
but it was a dark experience that I don't like to talk about......

So look around,
check out a tutorial or two
and don't hesitate to say "Hello"!
Your comments are the highlight of my day!

OK...enough about me..
on to the Give-away!
Anyone interested in a pair of mug rugs?
Some bright and happy toasters
to start your day?
A lovely spot to park your coffee or tea
and plenty of room for some cookies 
or perhaps a piece of chocolate (or both?)

Alrighty then,
all you need to do is leave a comment.
You don't have to be a follower 
but if you are please leave a separate comment
telling me that you are for a second chance to win.
You have until Feb 1st to enter!
Click on the "Grow Your Blog" button on the right sidebar
to see a list of all the blogs offering 
fun giveaways today too!
Good luck everyone!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Quick Tip.....

Since I've been busy making project bags
that means I've also been cutting out 
lots of wool felt hearts.
I use them for the zipper pulls.
I like to add a bit of fun to them.
So this is a quick little tip I learned
from the awesome website
Talk about a plethora of wool felt info
and cool free patterns!!!
Anyhoo......I learned that when 
you need to cut small items out of felt
you don't' want to use pins.
It distorts the felt and with some tiny pieces
it would be impossible to do anyways.
You just tape your pattern down with packing tape!
It's seriously genius!
The tape holds the pattern piece down
and when you are done cutting,
your felt just falls away because the pattern 
shielded it from the sticky tape.
AND the more you use your patterns
the sturdier they become 
from all the layers of tape.

Cool right?

So here is a peek at yesterday's sewing :)

Annie is holding a spool of thread.
How cute is that?