Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The View From My Window

This is literally the view from my back window - you can see the screen - because it was so cold I didn't want to open the door or go outside.

I was surprised yesterday morning when the phone rang, alerting me to the fact that school was closed.  I wasn't expecting this, nor did I expect to find another 4 inches of snow on the ground when I got up.

Scout was not pleased, as you can plainly see by her expression.  (She really does have facial expressions, odd as that may seem!)  I'm unsure why she thought the top of the picnic table would be any warmer than the ground; she was probably disappionted to find that it was not.

The gift of the extra time, plus sunlight reflected off the snow meant I could finally try to photograph one the pieces - now finished - from my previous post. It's not the greatest photo, being taken inside the house, but it still gives you a pretty accurate idea what the piece looks like.

ingredients: vintage book cover and page, vintage ledger page, vintage envelopes, decorative paper, hell note, vintage map, image transfers, colored pencils, Caran d'Ache crayons, found objects, milagro, vintage lace, brads, beads, stitching

I hope you're enjoying your weather, wherever you are!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall...

It says, "a little", right?  I'm afraid there must be some mistake, because we passed "a little" somewhere around three weeks ago.  Here's what the sky looks like right now:

This is how it looked yesterday:

The day before?

The day before, and the day before, and the day before that?   Yep, exactly the same.  And tonight, tomorrow, the next day?  Well... storms, then rain, punctuated by heavy storms...

I know I really have no right to complain.  My house is dry, unlike many others, and in most parts of the area, people can still get to their front doors without the use of a boat.  We have had a couple of tornadoes touch down, but no towns here have been leveled.  But still- it gets old, doesn't it?

I mean, just look at my garden! Anyone care for a swim? 

The poor sugar snap peas have rotted in the ground (for the second time), and the broccoli plants are drowning.
Over the weekend, the sun actually came out for about 15 minutes, so we rushed down to the river to look at the flood.

 This used to be a street, but is now home to some very unconcerned geese...

 Goose butts, everywhere I go, now!

Do they really need a sign telling people the steps are closed?

Furthermore, please don't try parking in this lot...

At the confluence of the Ohio and Licking, the water from the Licking is moving so fast, there are actually- er- browncaps.

Take a wild guess what's looming on the horizon again!  Yep, it's time to head back to the car...

At least this little guy doesn't seem to mind the rain...

and some day the sun will shine, somewhere... over the rainbow...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Inspired By the Rain

As often happens in Springtime, it has rained here all weekend.  It started on Friday night, and rained all day Saturday.  Then, when it was finally finished, another storm came in right behind it.  If I look out the window right now... yep- still raining.  Somehow the rhythm of the rain got inside me.  All I could see, hear, think of, was rain.  This is what it became.

  Storm Front
Ingredients: monotype, Caran D'Ache crayons, watercolor pencils, acrylic ink, acetate, acrylic gel medium, PVA glue.  
6" x 10"

Let the rain kiss you.  Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.  Let the rain sing you a lullaby.  ~Langston Hughes

Rain! whose soft architectural hands have power to cut stones, and chisel to shapes of grandeur the very mountains.  ~Henry Ward Beecher