Showing posts with label colored pencil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colored pencil. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

all the hope that i have sent to you

you can turn it if you want but its intended sideways like the top one..this is one of the few times i prefer the original over a photo of it...i think it is a little softer in real life then in photos..the white stamps are stamped mushrooms from the backyard...and yup still not over ripping paper apparently
oh and its a drawing from one of miss maile's self portrait photos (the photo was originally more upside down just to be noted)... she is as pretty as she is talented...and if you are a hair fan you will wanna stalk her
 for sure

Thursday, April 9, 2009

and my lips, they don't kiss the way they used to

i pretty much never like anyone to see a piece i am working on until it is totally not sure why...maybe cuz sometimes the oiece goes trough awkward stages...anyways i started this peice two years ago...and i cant decide what i want to put it on...i want something that shows the squares in her face that are cut out...maybe wood? i was thinking glass? i do love using broken glass? i cant will probably be another two years before i do...i dont even know if i can keep this unfinished piece getting anxiety about it already

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

wood eye! wood eye!

this little block of woodsits on this little shelf in my little room...and julie made that stained pretty. (colored pencil ink and magazine lips)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

pretty bird

he says he adores me
colored pencil water color pastel ink acrylic pecil paper sharpie

Monday, February 23, 2009

i'll bet you think this blog is about you

nothing is better for me than a night alone at home in my huge, grubby sweats with my colored pencils and sharpies...and obviously taco bell (i almost left it out cuz it's such a given)its my comfort zone must. it's my detox recipe for increasing social anxiety and lets be honest, lack of social demands.
this drawing is a product of such a night ...backround is sharpie and pastels and the girl colored pencil and ink

Saturday, February 21, 2009

i like your face

"a mans face is his autobiography, a womans face is her work of fiction"oscar wilde.
i love faces and awhile ago i made a book for my mom full of them in all different mediums...the book is done accordian style so when you open it you can read it normal or open it into a circle(for some reason i only took shot of the girl ones)...i guess that two weeks i attended bookmaking payed off a little..why does anyone make an art class at seven in the morning?