Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sloane Elizabeth Smith is 1!!!

This sweet baby came into our lives June 7th, 2010 @ 10:01 am, and has been the sweetest baby since......
Well, almost ever since.. She was really mad because Brendan wasn't giving it to her.
In all seriousness she truly is the sweetest baby, but when she does get mad she make this face. We love it!! :)
Turns out she has a sweet tooth like me....not good!! She loved her cupcake!
This picture makes it look like she is walking but she is not, BUT she is going to love her water table when she can. :)
It was a great 1st birthday for Sloane. I'm pretty sure London sang happy birthday to her twenty times and when she finished singing she would say
"Happy Birthday Sloane, we love you"
Pretty cute!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Miss Sloane

Sloane just had her 6 month check up and everything is well. She is growing like a weed. She is on the 90th percentile for her height, 50 for her weight and 50 for her head. I was telling Bren I could have sworn that London was a chunkier baby then Sloane, so I looked in Lu's baby book and she was!! London was 2 lbs heavier then Sloane at 6 months but the same height. :) By this time London was getttting a bottle of formula a day so I think that might have had something to do with it. Sloane still isn't getting any formula.
Sloane is STILL a great baby, sleeping and eating like a champ. We have stayed in a hotel a couple times in the last month and she will sleep wherever we put her. Once in the closet, and once in the bathtub. She doesn't mind at all. :) I truly feel blessed for having such a wonderful baby. We are so grateful for her.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


This year was a little tricky. I wanted the girls to be something together but London has become picky in deciding what she wants to be. So one day she came home from preschool begging to be a witch. It wasn't my favorite idea but I figured Sloane could be a black cat. London loved her witch costume and broom. I feel bad I didn't make it but I did make the broom, so I did try a little. :) We spent the evening with her best friend Taya. They went trick or treating together and had a blast. It was really funny when they went up to the door, because most of the time when they answered the door both girls would just stare. We had to talk to them a lot about saying tick or treat. It was pretty entertaining!
London and her black cat Sloane

PS. Have you ever tried to put a nose and whiskers on a baby....They really love it! :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Sloane Elizabeth Smith came into our lives June 7th @ 10:01. She was 7lb. 10 oz. & 21 1/2 inches long. After being in labor for just about 16 hours my body stopped contracting and this was putting a lot of stress on Sloane. So after a lot of crying (on my side :) ) the Doctors decided I needed a c-section, not what I wanted but it needed to be done.
Sloane 2 weeks..... She just had her 4 month check up and is very healthy. She was on the 75 percentile for her height, 60 for her weight and 50 for her head. I know I say this a lot but she really is the best baby. She goes right down for naps without rocking, and when she wakes up its rare that she cries. She is very content just laying and watching what is going on around her. If she does cry its because she is tired or London has hurt her (doesn't happen that often but sometimes Lu loves her a little bit to much.)
London loved Sloane a little more then she loved her that morning.
We celebrated London's 3rd birthday in California. We went to Disneyland, San Diego Zoo and the Wild Park. Sloane was great...she slept the whole time. Lu is now in preschool and is also doing tennis. She loves them both! London is a great help to me and loves her little sister so much. I am very grateful for her and what a good little girl she is.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I found this the other day and couldn't believe how much London and Sloane's ears look alike. So good news Sloane... you will grow into them. :)

I love the noise that Lu makes when I say her name. So cute!! I think she was around seven months. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not my fault

Sooooo, I have been trying to get pictures on my computer and it just isn't working. I have been putting a few pictures on facebook because I can get them right from my phone, so if your dying to see the girls look there. :) Anyways ill give you a little heads up on the girls.

London- She started preschool this week and really loves it, she was so excited the night before school she came in at 4:30 with her backpack on asking if she could go to school now. Last week Miss Liza had an open house and a couple of boys were fighting over a toy car, London picks up a car and goes over to one of the boys and says " here you can have this one". It really made me a proud mama. I have a little peace maker and I didn't even know it. She also started tennis this week and really enjoys it. London is the sweetest little girl but she defiantly has a bossy side. She love to give instructions and tell me what to do. Sometimes it can be cute but most of the time she gets a time out for it. One more thing Lu loves right now is Beauty and the Beast, she sings the songs all the time, I'm socked what she can remember. Oh! and she can't get enough of Sloane, she is always asking to hold her.

Miss Sloane- She is a wonderful baby!!! I can't say it enough, she is very happy and content. She is sleeping from about 9:15 to 9 in the morning. She talks and smiles all the time now and really likes to be played with. Sloane also loves London and her daddy very much, every time one of them talks she is looking for them. One morning London kneed her in the head, she didn't cry but made the saddest frowny face ever. It was worse then having her scream. I think she is going to be a strong little girl.

So there is a little bit about whats new with the girls. I'll try to get the pictures working.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I promise!!!

I have people asking me if I am done blogging. :) I promise I'm not, I've just been a bit busy with two kids and the no sleep thing. We are going to San Diego this week for London's Birthday so I will have a lot to blog about when we get back.

Those of you that don't know Sloane Elizabeth Smith is now two months old and a little chunky monkey. I love it! She is going to be just like her big sister (always on the 90th percentile). She is a great baby and wonderful addition to our family. Anyways, I promise I will have some pictures of the girls up next week.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little Sister

Well...if you don't know yet, we are having a girl! I thought for sure it was a boy because I have been so much sicker, but VERY happy it is a girl. London is also very excited about being a big sister and having a little sister. She tells me all the time. The only problem is, because we thought it was a boy, we only were really concerned about boy names. We have a couple in mind but nothing set in stone, soooooo, if you have any great girl names send them my way. :)

I have done such a poor job at blogging lately, but I promise I do have a good excuse. A) I have been sick and tired, B) I have been on 2 trips in the last month, C) I have been trying to scan a picture of this little girl and I can't. (Jami I need your help). Anyways, as you can tell I have been pretty busy.
London started Gymnastics Wednesday and really loved it! I can't believe that she is old enough to do the stuff she can do. I am very proud of her! Actually, I just started feeling better this last week so I have had more time to think about the baby and to tell you the truth I'm a little scared to start all over again. London has gotten so independent and easy that I forgot that it will get hard again...very hard. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has this fear....well, at least I hope not. :) Anyways, that is what has been going on around here. I promise I will be posting more since I am feeling better.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Yep, we are pregnant and very excited about it!!! I'm 12 wks along and due June 14th. It might be a little inconvenient because of all the traveling Bren has to do during the summer, but ya get what ya get. :) I didn't think I was pregnant for many reason, but the day before I took my test I felt sick (thought I was getting the flu). Anyways, the next day was Bren's birthday, I thought it would be really neat if I could tell him on his birthday that I was pregnant. Sure enough I took the test that morning and Happy Birthday Bren!!! He didn't believe me so he made me go get a blood test and of course it was positive. :) It was a great day! London is very aware that a baby is in my belly, the only thing she has a hard time with is why she doesn't have one in hers. It's funny she always says "hmmm lets see" and lifts up my shirt and kisses my belly. She has always been a real lovey little girl so it make since that she would kiss my belly. Every time we ask he if its a boy or a girl she says boy, so maybe she knows something we don't or maybe she just likes the word. I have been a lot sicker with this baby then with London. With London I didn't get sick until 9 wks, and like I said I was sick the day before I took my test with this one. I think I am starting to feel better, with Lu Lu I felt 100% better at 13 wks, so I am hoping it is the same with this little one. We are very excited for this baby to be here and can't wait to be a little family of 4....Sorry no pictures, my scanner wasn't working.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hopelessly devoted

London had a great Halloween this year! We had no clue that she would love it as much as she did. She also got to spend it with her only cousin, Beau, on the smith side. If you can't tell, she was Sandy from Grease, and if you haven't seen the movie Grease you need to get a life and watch it. It probably is one of John Travolta's best movies. :) Anyways, she kept on saying she was Cinderella, so I had to keep reminding her that she was Sandy. By the end of the night she would answer to Sandy, so I think she got it. We weren't really going to take her trick or treating but her Uncle Austin took her to a couple houses around the neighborhood and she didn't want to stop.  Bren and I then planned on taking her to a couple more houses and at every house she would say "more trick or treat".  It was so cute that we couldn't stop at just that....Needless to say she had a bucket full of candy when we got home. :) It was a great Halloween!!!
Elder Smith and Sandy

Monday, October 12, 2009

I Can't believe I've never been

Last week Brendan and I went to Lake Powell with some of our friends and I was the only one that hadn't been before...... I have really been missing out!!!! I couldn't believe how much stuff there was to do. We fished, kayaked, boated, hiked, and cliff jumped. Even though there was so much to do it still was really relaxing.  My Mom was sweet enough to come all the way from Arco and watch London, so that made it even more relaxing (Thanks Mom).  I am pretty sure we will be doing this again with her next year. SOOOO, if you haven't been to Lake Powell I highly suggest it, because we loved it.

Hiked to Indian ruins
Bren wake boarding (as you can tell the water was perfect)
This is our crazy friend Will jumping off a 60 ft. cliff. He jumped off a 75 ft. earlier that day. Like I said CRAZY!! It took me 20 mins. just to jump off a 40 ft.
Fishing....didn't catch anything, but still a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

There's nothing like the Circus!

If you have never been to the Circus you should go, it is quite the experience. :) Bren and I were talking about it and were wondering..."where do these people come from" There are so many different types of people, children, adults big and small, and some really weird looking folks.  Are the kids just born into the Circus and don't know any different???? I don't know, but it was something we were really curious about. :) As crazy as it was at times, it was also very entertaining. London really enjoyed all the animal acts, she waved so hard at the elephants really hoping they would wave back. I loved it! I was kind of secretly hoping the tiger tamer would get attacked and then we could watch it on the show "When animals attack". HA HA JK!!  As you will see in the picture I don't think the clowns were her favorite part, but she really enjoyed everything else. :) She also got to go with her best friend Taya Treu, so that made it even more exciting!
It was a great way to spend our Saturday, we are glad we went and will most likely go again next year. 

I don't think London loved these clowns.