Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sloane Elizabeth Smith is 1!!!

This sweet baby came into our lives June 7th, 2010 @ 10:01 am, and has been the sweetest baby since......
Well, almost ever since.. She was really mad because Brendan wasn't giving it to her.
In all seriousness she truly is the sweetest baby, but when she does get mad she make this face. We love it!! :)
Turns out she has a sweet tooth like me....not good!! She loved her cupcake!
This picture makes it look like she is walking but she is not, BUT she is going to love her water table when she can. :)
It was a great 1st birthday for Sloane. I'm pretty sure London sang happy birthday to her twenty times and when she finished singing she would say
"Happy Birthday Sloane, we love you"
Pretty cute!


Jenna said...

Happy Birthday Sloane! I hope your mommy will stop hiding from me and let me see you soon ;)

Zeb and Gentry said...

Wow you updated! I have forgotten what you even look like. Oh wait, I just saw a picture of James Morris so now I remember.

The Porter's said...

Please tell Sloane Happy Birthday for us. We are losers and forgot to call her yesterday. She is a sweet little girl and we need to spend more time with her and your family.

Jami said...

Wish I could have been there to sing with London 20 times! Maybe next year...

Amy Parker said...

Happy Birthday Sloane!! We love you.