You may already know this but it was new to me. This method of cleaning them works like a charm on MOST bottles but it won't do anything for rust (diluted muriatic acid gets that out - it will also burn your face off - that's a whole other post). Anyway...
I love their shape but it also makes them hard to clean with a brush.
Using these two will do the trick.
Start with salt the more coarse the better...
add some dishwashing liquid & splash of warm water..
give it a good shake...then rinse
and enjoy your pretty bottles!
You may have to do the whole process a couple of times but it works really well for surface dirt. I finished a couple of pretty big projects this weekend and went to Fabric & Fringe again ( it was fab-u-lous!) I have pics to share of fabric heaven - so check back!
Linking up to Making The World Cuter and .
Talk to you soon -