Hello and welcome to Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly of How Sweet The Sound. Thank you Beverly for hosting this fun event.
Today I'm showing you Mother's Day Gifts for my pinkness. Above is a cute little silk embroidered dove that I made for my daughter. Jen loves Doves, she and my mother used to feed them all the time. My Mother used to tell Jen that doves mated for life. I gave Jen my mother's porcelain doves and she used them on her wedding cake table. Doves were always special between her and my Mother.
I also made her the pretty little tag below. The vintage image reminded me of the Seaside Victorian of Cape May, NJ where we used to vacation when my daughter was a young girl.
Latley I had been admiring the black diamonds when my husband and I were shopping and he surprised me with this little black diamond panda bear necklace for Mother's Day. What a nice surprise. I did not think he was paying attention when I showed them to him. LOL
My daughter Jen made me this pretty little pink and while faux cake for Mother's Day. It's just perfect for my new guest bedroom that I will be showing you soon.
Jen also made me this pretty little nut cup party favor, made from pink satin, vintage millinery, also perfect in my new guest room. Thank you Jen I will treasure them always!
My son and his wife surprised me with a pink rose bush. Blooms are on the way, I'll get a pic for you as soon as it blooms.
My daughter Jen came for a visit last Friday so I made us a yummy cake to have with our lunch. It was just a yellow cake mix and I usually use milk instead of water when I make them. Went to get the milk out and I forgot dear hubby finished the milk at breakfast. I keep powdered buttermilk on hand for scones so I tried that and what a yummy moist cake it made.
We had such a nice day, Jen helped me with some things I needed to do on my computer. She's computer savy, I am not! LOL We looked at pretty blogs, looked through decorating magazines and shared lots of craft ideas. Just a perfect day!