Tuesday, December 20, 2011

fanart I did for Matt Roberts' character designs (http://hoodoohullabaloo.blogspot.com/) .. My version of Shade and Jangles ..something that's taken years for me to finally finish.. sorry Matt!


nlombardo said...

badass! really hoping to take your class next year :).

samacleod said...


Carrie Liao said...

this looks fantastic! love the colors :)

Juampa said...


You´re sooooo Great

Unknown said...

So awesome! love the line weight!

Ken Ghann said...

Hi there i really like your stuff so i did a fanart of the character


flaviano said...

cool color choice!

XAV said...

Wouha, nice one, love the dynamic !

Sean McCormack said...

brilliant blog! I randomly came across this and love all your stuff! Such a brilliant variety of stuff!
I'm a fan!

Kendra Melton said...

Lot of life in these two, or is it one... :P hope all has been well!

Vi said...

These are cool, man.

Vinny Medellin said...

Damn this is awesome!

JABI said...

Really nice ^^

Manoj Singh said...

Well done shiyoon. I like your work.

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Piyush said...

Lot of life in these two, or is it one... :P hope all has been well! Thanks..


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Fantastic Post. Nice to see your blog..

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