Showing posts with label Blogger Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Awards. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blog Awards and Appreciation

This past Monday I was awarded a lovely blog award by blogger extraordinaire, Helen Ginger--Straight From Hel. It means a lot to me because she has taught me many things since I started my blog sixteen months ago. What I really appreciate is her availability when I had questions. From her I learned about Twitter and sharing buttons and whatnot. She also has some very informative posts on all manner of subjects.  If you haven't checked out her blog you should.

Another blogger who has taught me much and when she doesn't know the answer she's knows who to put me in touch with, is Houston A.W. Knight, aka Hawk. Thanks to her and the wonderful Lea, my blog expanded to a 3 column template and Lea helped me coordinate colors and HTML--I knew nothing about them when I started.  Hawk, like Helen, is approachable, both are writers, both knowledgeable about writing, the publishing market, and both have been very supportive. They're very cool ladies with some solid blogs.

I read many blogs and have a nice circle of cyber blog friends as a result. Those I enjoy I list on my own blog with links. It's a way of giving praise to their blogs regardless of how often they post. When I see a good article posted on one of the many blogs I follow, I try to tweet them, or put them on my facebook wall. This way others will see them too. It's a way of showing appreciation and paying back or paying forward, depending upon how you look at it, to some wonderful bloggers.

To have someone like Helen, who watched me start and build my blog, give me this award is an honor. It may seem silly to some, but having experienced bloggers give commendation is special. For one, we know the effort needed to consistently publish a blog. This one is called the Meat and Potatoes Award. It tells you that the blog content is more than fluff but offers some solid information. Helen passed this award to five bloggers and I in turn am to do the same.

 "This prestigious award goes to a particular group of wise and experienced bloggers who have proven themselves over the course of time, trials, and tribulations.
If you're looking to follow someone’s guidance for writing, publishing, promotion, and thought provoking articles, then I suggest you look at this group:
If you get the chance, stop by and say Congratulations. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

Coming up on OVER COFFEE in June: Christie Craig and Faye Huges, Kate Douglas, Kathryne Kennedy, Marie Force and several others.

Regarding interviews, what authors would you like to see interviewed and why?