Showing posts with label West Virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label West Virginia. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shelley Moore Capito bravely pushes earmarks for donors

The bestest, greatest, most fantastic Congresswoman from West Virginia ever, Republican Shelley Moore Capito is demonstrating her independence. She has bravely stood up to the campaign promises of the McCain-Palin ticket to veto all earmarks. In open defiance of the leadership of her party, Capito is sticking to her guns--earmarks for everyone campaign donors.

The Shepherdstown Observer reports that not only is Capito making sure West Virginia gets its share of federal dollars, Republican Shelley Moore Capito is making sure as many tax dollars as possible go to the very right people--her campaign donors. After all, if you're not willing to invest in the best female member of Congress in W.Va., why should she invest in you?

Capito's Earmarks Linked to Campaign Contributions
Representative Shelley Moore Capito has published her Fiscal Year 2008 requests for federal earmarks on her website. One of these is $100,000 for the Loy Cultural Center for the renovation of a bottling plant in Romney.

Robert Mayhew, president of the Loy Foundation, told The Observer that he requested this funding from Rep. Capito. He also confirmed that he has contributed to Capito campaigns in 2002, 2005, 2006, and 2007 totaling more than $7,400.

Now, you might scoff, that's only one example. We all know when Shelley Moore Capito stands up for an important principle like directing tax dollars to her donors, you can be sure she won't pull up short. No, indeed.

This is not the only earmark that Capito has sponsored that has ties to campaign contributors. In her ’08 earmark requests she successfully secured $265,000 for the Schoenbaum Family Enrichment Center in Charleston. A member of its board of directors, Henry (William) Harmon, gave campaign money to Capito in 2003, 2005, and 2006, totaling $4,100.

Similarly, Capito successfully sponsored a $97,000 earmark for St Joseph’s Hospital in Buckannon. St. Joseph’s Hospital CEO Tony Atkins gave $1,000 to the Capito campaign in 2007, and Michael Sellards, also a board member of St. Joseph’s and CEO of Pallottine Health Services, the hospital’s parent company, gave $1,000 to Capito’s campaign in 2008.

Leslie Paige, spokesperson for the Citizens Against Government Waste, is outraged by this type of practice. “Of course there is a link between campaign contributions and earmarks. Is it right? No. It’s called “corruption” with a small ‘c’. This is using taxpayers’ dollars to do favors for your cronies. It is not illegal, but it is not terribly ethical.”

Federal funding for the Loy Center in Romney has received national attention. Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) listed the project as one of the country’s worst examples of earmark abuse.

Who says Capito isn't independent! She's willing to stand up to The Mavericks in her party, what can be more independent than that?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Who's suppressing voters now!?

I'm really confused. Those liberal West Virginia bloggers jamming up my Intertubes claim Republicans somehow try to suppress votes. They're so stupid they didn't notice a bunch of crazy movie stars are telling kids not to vote.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good fences make good countries

Sister Shelley Moore Capito, I hate to ask, 'cause I know you're really busy doing everything you can to create a Republican America. I'm worried... whatever happened to the 6 billion dollar border fence you and President Bush were building? As you said, it is "vital to our country’s national and economic security."

With our American can-do attitude, we rebuilt schools in Afghanistan and erected one heck of a embassy in Iraq. Surely, we've made some progress on that 700-mile border fence, too?

I hope we finish it soon. You know, before the horse is out of the barn... I'd hate to see any more videos like this between now and November.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Help me, Shelley Moore Capito! Like who do we support in the West Virginia caucus?

Hello, Sister Shelley.

Sorry it's been so long. I had some money troubles over the summer and almost had to drop out of school. I know, it's my fault for not having rich enough parents. I'm working on it. There were boyfriend problems, too. Oh, my. good thing we're pro-choice! Whew... When the going gets tough, you find out who your friends really are!

The good news is, I have a new boyfriend!! :) OMG, he's dreamy. :D He's totally Republican. He's like one of lucky 1000 delegates at tomorrow's West Virginia Republican caucus, even.

Here's the problem. I need your help. I know he'll vote for who I tell him... we have our ways, right! Shelley, just tell me whose the one!

Who should we support? You said some great things about John McCain the other day. I'm confused, though. I hear John McCain is a lot like Hillary. Ehwwww, yuck.

Sigh, I wish that handsome guy from Law & Order had decided to run, he would have been great. What ever happen to him, anyway?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spring Fund-Raiser: "Christian Republican Orphan's Club offering Sisterly Helping In Time"

Capito kids check

Dear Rep. Shelley Moore Civility Capito, the very bestest fastest Republican West Virginia Congresswoman ever!

The Sisters of Shelley here at Sigmu Mu Capito are planning our Spring Fund Raising drive. Did you hear the news today?

It gave us all sorts of super new fund-raising ideas. The supremely super Supreme Court just overturned the judicial activism of all previous courts. Now, we're more like pro-choice Republicans ourselves but if the leader of your party, our dear President George W(onderful) Bush appointed those decisive Justices they must know what they're doing.

Back to our fund-raising: with the safest late-term abortion methods illegal, it's only right to start planning somewhere for those poor babies to grow up. We're pleased to announce:

"Christian Republican Orphan's Club offering
Sisterly Helping In Time"

The C.R.O.C. o. S.H.I.T. (for short) is just the place for an unwanted baby to call home after his or her mother dies in a complicated childbirth.

Next we thought, we need a spokeswoman? Duh?!? Of course! You're the perfect spokeswoman for a C.R.O.C. o. S.H.I.T. Like Pres. George W(onderful) Bush you're a compassionate Christian. What makes you perfect: you're pro-choice, too!

Worthy charity: check. Perfect spokeswoman: check. Next problem: where to get money...

This is where the news turned from good to great to excellent to superb to stupendous (or was it stupendous to superb... whatever). We know your campaign makes donations to charity from time to time. There was that Tom Delay money you gave to one charity and that Bob Ney money you gave to another... imagine our amazement when we saw this news:

His chief of staff abruptly resigned last Friday, now that lingering FBI investigation is heating up, we're thinking pretty soon now you might be making another donation?!

Here's our modest proposal: when you offload the $2000 Rep. John Doolittle gave your campaign, will you keep our C.R.O.C. o. S.H.I.T. in mind? After all, what better way to serve penance for our Republican Party's undermining of pro-choice policies?

Signed with sisterly love (though not in a Cheney sort of way),

Tiff' and all the Sisters of Shelley
Sigma Mu Capito Fund-Raising Committee For
Christian Republican Orphan's Club offering Sisterly Helping In Time

p.s. That good man Tom Delay has been touring the country selling his book. We haven't bought a copy because your name isn't in the index. Should we get a copy for the Sigma Mu Capito library anyway? After all, he's been so generous over the years--giving you more money than anyone else in all of Congress. Let us know. Hugs and (air) kisses.

p.p.s. Pretty please with a full cherry on top, please make that donation. You could be a huge help in filling this C.R.O.C. o. S.H.I.T.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 doesn't understand Shelley Moore Capito's power


The Sisters of Sigma Mu Capito are very concerned about your new Pre-Season Power Rankings. Before you advertise it too heavily, we want to point out that something has gone really wrong with the new ranking system.

There is just no possible way that the bestest Republican Representative from West Virginia, the supremely marvelous Shelley Moore Capito, ranks 421st out of 439 members. Why, you even rank her as 185th out of 202 Republicans in Congress. Really, though, the most obvious sign of trouble is putting her dead last (38 of 38) among the Class of 2000.

You folks at have some really wierd ideas about what makes a representative powerful.

Sure, you got the committee appointment thing right. But you also say making media appearances, fund-raising for colleagues, and caucus leadership are all signs of influence. You even think stuff like getting legislation passed through committees, onto the floor, passed in the house, and signed into law are all signs of power.

Before you go too far with these obviously biased set of rankings, please reconsider the important stuff. Which Representative moves the fastest? Rep. Shelley Moore Capito never stops working for West Virginia. We have video proof of her amazing power to move faster than your average representative.

Super Rep. Shelley Moore Capito doesn't waste time doing all that extra stuff other representatives do in Washington. She's busy working here in West Virginia for us.

When she's in Washington, she raises money from her colleagues and gets contributions from PACs so she can go back there again. That's a sign of real power--raising those big money dollars to win re-election. Why don't you count that?

How can you justify such obviously biased rankings. We implore you to reconsider these rankings and come up with ones that put Rep. Shelley Moore Capito where she rightly belongs--well above average.


Sigmu Mu Capito, The Sistershood of Shelley

p.s. We may have found another problem with your ranking. In her profile, you some how neglected to include Shelley Capito's powerful position on the Page Board. Did you leave that out of her ranking, too? That will boost her power rating up quite a bit, won't it?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Welcome to the Party!!

Let's get this party started! This is the place to be.

We are the sisters of Shelley Sigma Mu Capito, a social/political/whatever sorority. We love Shelley. We think Shelley Moore Capito is the bestest politican there is since George W. Bush himself.

Chillin' around the dorm we wondered, are there any fanblogs for West Virginia's Republican Representative? So we went looking. The French must have invaded the state. All we can find are dirty bloggers reporting not very nice things about Rep. Shelley Moore Capito.

She's such a nice woman, why would people do that? Whatever. We're taking care of it. From now on, this is the place to be for all Shelley all the time.

Shelley, Shelley, Shelley, Shelley, Shelley. We love Shelley. Your the bestest, better than all the restest. [Like that one, I came up with it! :D :D ]

As our favorite drinking song goes...
Shelley Moore Capito is the best
She's so much better than all the rest
Where liberals fear to tread
Our favorite moderate forges without dread,
That's why she's got so much cred!

Try it sometime, I promise you'll enjoy moore drinks , too.