
Showing posts with the label self-talking

Long Distance Marriage

 i was brought up to be independent, even though i am the only child. staying alone at home was never a big deal for me. since i was 6, i was left alone at home after pre-school, waited for my parents back from work. maybe because we was staying in a quarters in a rural area, so nothing to be worried that time. everyone knew each other back there. i could even running to my dad's workplace a second considering it was so near. during primary school, at the age of 10 and 11 to be exact, i was trusted to hop on bus and taxi by myself to go home from school. cool huh? thinking back all those..power gila aku. dah la size badan kecik secoet. hihi..  being the only child, x semestinya kena pampered all the time macam org selalu kata. i heard that a lot, like seriously a lot. n i returned it with smile. they just dunno. i was forced to be independent, to be on my own feet. 9 years studying and working in KL, 2 years in Johor really taught me a lot.  so, i am from Ke...

bukan marah, tapi nasihat..

(ayat filem P.Ramlee..hihi) i dunno for how many times i repeated this. "IT'S JUST A ONE DAY EVENT!" last time, maybe it just a reminder to myself before the wedding. but guess what, it was the best reminder ever to me. n today, after 5 months of marriage i still would say it is the best reminder.  dah nak start cuti sekolah ni, maka jemputan kawin pun bertimbun2 la kan.  Congratulation dearies! :) it's been a while since i left the old blogger bride group. with my own reasons.  (better be seriously respect of my decision..n better stay that way.heh!) tapi recently, i'd been add in back in a new group. so, terdetik nak post pasal ni. kawan2 aku pun ramai jugak nak kawen dalam masa2 terdekat ni.    i know wedding preparation can be so stressful.  Here's some advice from a 'senior'. hahaha..senior la sangat kan. 1. please take note, it's not all about you. the majlis represent more about your family. so, everyone dah be...


wohooo! today is our 100days of marriage. and today dia jugak..dia pegi team-building. kt tmpt honeymoon kitorg. cisss...! soon will review for majlis bertandang. tunggu encik photographer ni antar album n dvd. mana tah pakcik ni.. dating la ni.. walopon dah basi. nak review.  padan muka korang kena baca. haha~

new phase

i was thinking to delete this or just continue the writing here, but considering  those b2b who are still make use this blog to search for info especially those Kedahan b2b, and i think the blog's name is not so cool  (hahaha...) so, i decided to start a new phase in a new blog   ♥ my honey bunch, sugar pie ♥ honestly,  aku masih berfikir about the blog tittle. maybe there'll be changes later. but until then, there you go. :) welcome! p.s: esok raya! yeay~ hihi..

Salam Aidilfitri 1432H

being me, i know i always over-saying things. i know i hurt a lot of hearts with some of my words. for that, i sincerely asking for apologies from all of you. have a safe journey. hope you'll have a wonderful Aidilfitri.

the hiccups

i did have a great time during my wedding days (both, my side n his side). i love everything about it. everytime i flip through the pictures, i couldn't stop beeing so grateful to Allah. alhamdulillah~ but of course, as any other weddings, it had its own hiccups here and there. along the journey, i share almost everything here, but not all. thanks to you (yes YOU), everything turned out easier with all your helps. besides my dear hubby, qistin was and always my other diary. who listened and comforted me along the way. so do atia. we started to share list of vendors, and all. end up, we share the feelings, better and worst. trying our best to support each other. i did have time2 drama swasta meleleh air mata, mengamuk and all. hihi..even before the day before the nikah. we choose not to blog or give any bad review. for me, there's some vendor did give me some hiccups. mungkin bukan rezeki saya. bg saya, kalau that vendors teruk sangat, masakan dia boleh bertahan dengan business ...

counting till forever

hari ini, sudah sebulan bergelar isteri. sekejap sangat masa berlalu. tak sedar pun sudah sebulan. tetapi hari ini, suami tak ada di sisi. sedang mencari rezeki di sana. aku pula di sini. hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu apa rasa hati yang dalam ini. kalau ikutkan hati mahu saja berhenti, jadi surirumahtangga. Allah menguji hambaNya mengikut kemampuan. insyaAllah aku cukup kuat, hingga sampai masa aku di sisi suami sentiasa. sampai syurga. Happy 1st month wedding anniversary~ buat suami tercinta, terima kasih atas segalanya. ilebiu! :) one ...and counting.

me and him forever

insyaAllah~ we met for the first time 2 years back. ;) he was one of the dulang man for his bestfriend, while me was part of the family members joining the rombongan. yes, we met at a kenduri. hihi~ i didn't notice him at all that time. hihi~ belagak dia kata. cis.. tapi memang gua jenis tak amik port pon masa tu. ramai kot jejaka2 time tu, takkan aku nak tenung sorang2. haruslah i chose to ignore all terus. haha~ then, by destiny, we met again. untuk majlis bertandang, he was the bestman. i was and always will be the niece of the groom.(skang dah jadi bapak budak). pastu naik pulak keta sesama balik kedah. then only i got to know him. we kept in touch tru phone and YM. hiks~ we tied the knot of engagement exactly a year after the first time we met. yes, the same date. diff year. and nikah a year after that. (dia claimed kawen awal, sebab kurang 3 hari..eleehh..hehe) plus, waktu nikah diawalkan ke selepas jumaat, instead of selepas asar. i felt blessed bila dapat info ni. :) a few ...

review : kalau dah jodoh..

alhamdulillah~~ cerita kami bermula 2tahun lalu. di kenduri sedara aku. dia pengapit masa tu. pelik ketetapan Allah ni, tapi hebat. betul2 setahun selepas 1st time jumpa, kami bertunang. kurang 3 hari cukup setahun bertunang, kami bernikah. alhamdulillah~~ aku boleh katakan urusan jodoh kami mudah. sepanjang bertunang, tak lah hebat sangat dugaan. harap2 taklah terduga besar pulak selepas kawen ni. alih2 pasal financial, pasal jarak. tapi bagi aku semua tu adalah yang terbaik untuk kami. alhamdulillah~~ aku ada raaaammaaaiii sangat yang membantu. support dari segi mental, tenaga, financial dan nasihat. especially mama abah. ya Allah, memang tak terhitunglah. rezeki Allah bagi memang banyaaaakk sangat. jiran2 tolong, sedara mara tolong. kawan2 tolong. alhamdulillah~~ 2-3 hari sebelum nikah, chenta asik cakap dia neves, cuak, berdebar. aku pulak tak menang tangan dengan keja2 kat umah. kesian dia.. hari nikah, aku neves sampai nangis (plus kena marah sebab kena pressure suh cepat siap pe...

i found a best-friend tru blogging

pic credit : fb atia i love her dress n veil so damn much. by zery zamry. this pic touched me deep inside, sob sob..lovely moment. we found each other back in 2009. in this blogging world. she's one of my earliest commentators in my b2b blog. masa tu sgt skema, saya awak ke i u lagi. beremail2 about our engagement preparation. excited sangat. kebetulan tarikh tunang, warna tema sama. seronok. we were getting closer and closer. blogging, emailing, fbing, smsing. we talked about everything. weddings, gossipings. she's so soft spoken, lemah lembut, sopan santun. she's also a sensitive person. memang selalu lah tak sampai hati sana sini. aku lah selalu menyetankan dia. hihi.. dia cepat tersentuh, dalam hati ada segala taman bunga..(tengok ayat dia aa..ahaha) from time to time, we always reminds each other about everything. ada time aku meroyan, aku turned to her. ada time dia nak meroyan tu, aku konon2 jadi penasihat, kadang2 jadi penyetan. hehe.. i love talking to her, very c...

taburan kasih sayang di sana sini

err.. 3 days to go counter tulis. apsal list things to do aku berkoyan-koyan lagi? counter tipu ke aku gile? huhu.. sticky post di mana2. sebelum mama aku keluar mode mombridezilla, baik aku kumpul letak satu tempat. tu pun belum tentu selamat. lalalala~~ rasa macam nak letak sticky post kt bilik air pon ade. hihihi.. "OI MANDI CEPAT2 BOLEH??" in case masa sedara mara ramai, beratur nk guna bilik air. sebelum ada yang bertanya, sticky post tu aku beli kt jusco rm2.90 warna pink. aku tak nampak pun ade kaler lain ke tak. dah, jangan tanya. pegi lah beli beramai-ramai ye. pasni boleh guna tampal kat notes kasih sayang kt suami. sekian.


i was facing emotionally breakdown. i'm not kinda cengeng person. but this breakdown really bring me until i cried. nothing really happened. i walked, i saw. i sit, i watched. i talked, i listened. i can see how a couple loves each other. how they care. how they discussed. how they planned. how they were still hold together for better or worst. maybe, i'm now in the nervous phase, but i feel scared. hell scared. to face all the changes. he asked me to do some changes after marriage, the good one. seriously good, i know. and suddenly, i feel i dunno how i'm gonna do it. sincerely. will i? can i? this is really not a big one. but, what's else coming up later? one thing for sure, a lot of changes are coming. 2 strangers becoming as one. different ways of history, different ways of background, different ways of characters, different of everything. for 20-30years, you are used to one way of lifestyle, n suddenly, you need to tolerate and maybe do changes for both good. semog...

dugaan bertunang?

*amaran: kalau hati macam sayur, sila jangan baca* ini adalah ingatan untuk diri sendiri. masa bertunang orang cakap banyak dugaan. bagi aku, ada 2 konsep dugaan kat sini. satu, pengaruh syaitan. kawin tu kan tinggi pahalanya. maka si syaitan durjana ni mula la bekerja lebih gigih dan keras menikam2. ada je menda nak sensitif lebih. ada je menda nak meradang lebih2. ada je hasutan2 jahat menjelma. dua, ujian. contohnya duit. memang nak kawen, perlukan banyak sangat duit. susahnya nak dapat kumpul duit puluh2 ribu tu, haih, tatau lah nak cakap susah camne. dah tu, time2 tu lah keta rosak, time2 tu lah ptptn hantar surat warning, time2 tu la kena saman, time2 tu lah kena keluar duit untuk hal2 yang tak diexpect. ataupun time2 bertunang ni, bergaduh beriya2. ada ja menda tak kena. ada gaduh ngn tunang, ada gaduh ngn parents, ada gaduh ngan kawan. tu tak kira lagi gaduh ngn vendor. how u guys handle semua ni? selalu ingatkan diri sendiri. itu gangguan syaitan atau ujian Allah. kalau masa b...

of the surprised wedding gift

source pakcik google seriously i never expected any supergoluxious wedding gift. kalau dapat 4-5 hadiah pun aku rasa dah cukup gempak. dah lama kot tak dapat hadiah banyak2. last time masa form 3, on my birthday. lepas tu hadiah2 daripada mama abah, boipren n tunang. xpenah dah on the same time. selalu aku gurau2, serius gurau je, kalau org tanya nak apa, aku cakap nak peti ais 4pintu yg ada tempat keluar ais kt luar tu atau tv lcd flat screen 52inch, atau pakej honeymoon p london. hahaha..sanggup? kenduri aku jauh. bila ada kawan2 n sedara mara sanggup datang, it's a great gift for me. bersyukur tak terkira dah. tak terlawan dengan mana2 hadiah dah. so, no need ok. it's very fine with me. kalau betul2 nak tahu apa aku nak, aku nak korang doakan aku n future husband yang baik2 untuk marriage ni. dunia dan akhirat. tapi, kemarin ms on the phone dgn mama, mama bgtau my grand-auntie bg hadiah. vacuum cleaner electrolux. aku teruja gila! super excited! best gila ok. syookkk weeyy d...

it's gonna be my wedding!

post ini adalah comment pjg to post nawar yg bertajuk When your wedding is not all about you . nk komen kt situ, tapi dah jd panjang sgt pulak. it's my wedding! but it's our event. hari kesyukuran. saya di kejauhan ni hanya boleh mendengar cerita apa yang mama abah dah buat kat sana. sangat banyak. dgn bantuan jiran2, saudara mara dan kawan2 mama abah yang sangat baik hati. ikat riben, buat bunga telur, lipat kad, pasang langsir baru, cat umah, etc etc. macam2 lah. aku kat sini. hanya boleh survey online, order. dah. tulis kad pun dah merungut. hissh.. their choices may not be my taste, but who cares? i am very sure they won't sabotage me or their event. their friends are coming, their long lost relatives are coming, they also want the best of it. the best in their own way. :) after all that,it's not worth to argue n have ill feeling for small2 things. aku redha ja skang ni. 19days. aku belum nampak rupa baju nikah or baju sanding aku lagi. aku belum nampak rupa hantara...

Idola, i am.

warning! ini adalah entry mode perasan. tadi ternampak kat newsfeed fb. update from my fav card vendor. kekotakku a.k.a love d heart a.k.a putra putri wedding card . ye semua tu sama je sebenarnya. mana satu nama company, nama product, nama package aku pun tak pasti. yang pasti servicenya sama. so, berbalik kepada cerita tadi. aku pun click. taraaaaa!! uiikk.. terkujat den. tengok post ni. tq tag yang ditempah and ready to collect. ingatkan aku punya. sekali tengok nama & tarikh, orang lain. tapi design n warna sebijik jibon sama. hehehe.. oh, did i tell you, design tq tag ni memang aku yang request? hehe.. same with my invitation cards. aku gedik nk warna, background n bracket mcm tu. tp part kalendar tu mmg aku tgk cth yg dah ada kt gamba diorg la. hahaha.. yes, they can make it real. gua memang idola la beb. source: blog kekotakku sama tak dgn yang ni? hehehe :) bangga jap. perasan jadi idola. terima kasih la cik zila & zamri. awal benor korg buat tq tag. hehe..

surat cinta pertama daripada si dia

:) no, it's not something to be proud of. i just received (correction: abah just received) my first ever surat cinta from the beloved PDRM. yeay? hmm.. i admit i drive 'sangat berhemah'. oh no no, dun get me wrong. i kinda sure i am NOT that typical Women drivers' type. i give signals. i be at the right lane at the right speed. i don't suka2 stop at garisan kuning and block others. i park betul2, usually i do reverse parking. i don't terhegeh2 tukar lane or keluar simpang. but i don't terlebih berani tak tentu pasal jugak. i don't overtake motor, makan jalan macam potong lori balak. and i also give ways to others. but i can't hold myself to speed up. huhu.. but (again) i used to be a smart driver. (maybe now not that smart) * tips: kalau drive mlm, slow down (be the max at 120km/h - tgk limit area tu lah) when you pass by kawasan cerah. kawasan cerah means kawasan yang ada lampu n terang. biasanya dekat2 simpang exit, bawah flyover and dekat kawasan ...

the next in the list

he is here now. with me in Kulai. for 2 days. hari ni dah nak balik. :( did i tell you LDR is never easy? huh. okay, put that aside first. i love him more n more everyday. alhamdulillah. i am really grateful with this feeling. semalam p dating. it's been a while. selalunya keluar untuk settlekan hal2 tertentu. pegi cari barang, amik barang, kenduri, etc etc. semalam plan nk tengok wayang Fast 5. ciskek betul Johor tak sampai lagi cite tu. esok baru keluar. esok nak p tgk ngn saappee...tunang aku dah baaliikk laa..! eeii.. emo. haha... since the movie is not available n takdak movie lain yg menarek. semua cite hantu je. nyampah aku. so we just have a walk and talk. guess what? we end up went into babystuff boutique one into another. :) maklum la, nk survey barang kawen mcm dh setel n dah penat pk. lagipun nothing much we can do in johor. well, this is not the first time for him. he did his own survey before. he knew more about the stroller n katil baby tu. i'm impressed! i love ...


sepurnama lagi aku bakal milik mu sepurnama lagi dah boleh peyuk2 hahaha.. sepurnama lagi dah boleh enjoy the gaji for shoppiiinngg! last weekend, dah pegi discuss pasal pasal pelamin, bilik etc etc. dah fitting baju. kena alter la ofkoz. it's kinda funny tgk guy to guy talk discussed pasal deco. pastu yakin je dah habis. bila tanya blk, kerusi pakai kerusi mana? alamak. tak discuss..x senonoh betul. hahaha. memang perlu involve jugak. harap2 semua berjalan lancar. terlupa nk snap gamba. hehe..

so, here you goes

i just need to say this out. i want all this end well n soon. i am really tired with all the preparations. having a very tight budget for years, thinking of this, deciding of that. i even have to think before i ate something..i don't really enjoy shopping. becoz i scared n worried of i won't have enough money for that one day event. also pity him for struggling up to fulfill all the adat n the family requirements. i can't wait to have a peaceful life. having the money for me. having him for me. i miss him everyday. long distance relationship is never easy. especially when no family n good friends around. only work n work colleague. a few more days. may everything goes well n smooth. insyaAllah..