Hello Everyone,
It's been a moment or two since I last joined in with Cathy's meme, In A Vase On Monday but it's also a long time since I spent any time in my poor neglected garden.
Not that there's many flowers in bloom now we're in October. These roses are probably the last of the year, although there's still a few hopeful buds on some of the bushes.
The cream rose at the back is 'Patricia Kent', next to it is 'L'aiment' and the two to the front are 'Simply the Best'. There's a couple of sprigs of Viburnum 'Eve Price' tucked amongst the roses and foliage which consists of frothy fennel, pineapple sage, berried cotoneaster and a sprig from this little tree, 'Amelanchier LamarckiiIt was only planted a couple of years ago so it's still got a lot of growing to do. You can see how small it is compared with the old rowan growing behind it. The rowans have done incredibly well this year, so much so the branches are drooping with clusters of berries, said to be the sign of a bad winter to come.
So to see even more lovely floral offerings, from well-tended gardens, do pop over to Cathy's blog, Rambling in the Garden.