Friday, 5 September 2014

A Message from the Silverscrapper

Morning Everyone,

The Boss here! Just thought I'd let you know why there's not been a lot of action in the craft room over the last few days. Our head crafter, Elizabeth, has come down with some dreaded lurgy preventing her from having fun. Worry not though, I'm taking great care of her and she should be back after a bit of a paws  ... well, just as soon as she is feeling in the pink again.

In the meantime, she tells me to wish you a wonderful weekend.

Happy Crafting,
Meow for now,

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday - WOYWW 274

Good Morning Deskers and Fellow Bloggers,

It's Wednesday and so time for a bit of vicarious pleasure by virtue of Julia's seriously successful weekly blog hop, What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. In fact it's WOYWW Week 274 already! So without much further ado I'll show you mine, you show me yours :)
Much the same muddle as usual, all that changes are the items I manage to accumulate around me. Centre stage today is that box of plant labels ... my garden in an empty ice-cream carton :) While I was sorting through them yesterday, looking for the names of the flowers I'd picked and plonked in a vase  ... there's absolutely no hope of me remembering the names ... it finally occurred to me that I am going to have to organise them into some sort of notebook/album and thus make this, now weekly, task easier! To the left, a couple of items the postie delivered, the latest edition of Craft Stamper and some twinchies/twinchie stamps from Ali Reeve that proved irresistible - you see, no will power! Further to the left, the scrapbooking kit ... another page done but still working my way through it. To the right, the most recent snippet card completed ... it's still lying there on top of its leftovers - yet more snippets!!! Behind that another decoupaged rose on top of a couple of gelli plate prints and cardstock ... I have a plan ... and yet another empty ice-cream carton, this one holding more gelli plate prints ... more plans!!! At the back, if you've been here on previous Wednesdays you've seen it all before ... except the trellis punch, out because it was used for that snippet card.

Usually this is where I sign off but I thought I'd show you two more photos.
First - the sewing desk ... it's a while since I showed it. That's a tablecloth in the making ... I just have to seam around the edges and that's it done. Beneath that is a pair of trousers waiting to be taken in at the waist - yippee :) The floral thingy at the back is a tiny ironing pad ... it's a twofer ...the other side is a cutting board.
And finally this! Another corner of the craft room. That's The Boss claiming a bit of 'me, me, me' time while I was watching some scrapbook process demos on YouTube yesterday evening ... you can just see the fading light beyond the sycamore tree through the window.

And that really is it for this week. It's 7.30 in the morning here and I've not had my breakfast yet, or a cuppa even. So I'm away to put the kettle on but I will be back later to check out as many WOYWW desks and deskers as I can manage today.

In the meantime, have a fabulous day and Happy Crafting,

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

In A Vase on Monday - September Miscellany

Hello Everyone

I know, I know, it's not Monday, it's Tuesday but, even though I was away yesterday and home late, I still felt I had to join in with the weekly meme of Cathy, at Rambling in the Garden - In a Vase on Monday.
Strolling round the garden this morning, trying to decide what to cut for today, it occurred to me that I should just include a mix that totally reflects what the borders look like in late summer  - a September miscellany. It will be interesting to look back on the post in September next year and compare.
The first flowers picked were from the long border. Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise', a semi-double flower which is doing well after being attacked by slugs when very young and one stem of the peach flowered Crocosmia 'Okavango' found at the Ayr Flower Show a couple of weeks ago.

calendula, coreopsis, rosa 'Dorothy Perkins'(?) and pennisetum setaceum 'Sky Rocket'
The light pink rose, to the right, came labelled as 'Dorothy Perkins' however I'm not sure that's correct as Ms Perkins is described as having clusters of pink double flowers - we have clusters, yes, but the flowers don't look the same as illustrated on the label ... another mystery, and this garden has many.
calendula, crocosmia, rosa 'Carefree Days', coreopsis
Agastache 'Blue Boa', also discovered at the flower show - the stunning deep violet blue flowers just sung to me on sight!; the deep pink patio rosa 'Carefree Days' at the front - after a brief rest this rose is now covered in blooms again; and few stems of mock mallow, malva moschata.
mock mallow, agastache, osteospermum, calendula
From the rose bed, a late flowering osteospermum 'Serenity Lemonade' proved to be too tempting - I'm not sure how well these flowers do in a vase but I'm about to find out. The pot marigolds, calendula mixed 'art shades', are from the herb patch.
pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum'; coreopsis; sambucus 'Black Beauty'
For foliage I've chosen some sprigs of a massive and clearly long established Cotoneaster, research suggests that it could be Cotoneaster franchetii but I'm not sure - it's more than 9' high, was smothered in clusters of white blossom which is now a mass of berries, green ripening to red; a piece of Sambucus 'Black Beauty' for the dark chocolate coloured leaves. And finally, the seed heads from two fountain grasses, Pennisetum setaceum, 'Sky Rocket' and 'Rubrum'. The 'Rubrum' is another plant spotted at the flower show. It was in a gold medal winning display and I found myself unable to resist stroking those fluffy bottlebrush flowers - so tactile! I was so disappointed to find it sold out, but I left my name and contact details in the hope that there was a forgotten plant hiding back at the nursery. Luck was with me and Brian, the nursery owner, took pity and let me have one of his gold medal winning plants ... which is why I was away yesterday ... we drove over to the nursery to pick the plant up and, at the same time, have a personal guided tour round Brian's fabulous garden :)
The vase is in fact an old white cream jug inherited from my mother and here it is on the Welsh dresser which is in our hall ... I thought the flowers would be a cheering sight for anyone entering our home. It's where most of my jug collection is kept together with few other bits and bobs, as you can see.

The hall is also where I've put this jug of sweet peas ... we've had a great show despite thinking we'd possibly planted them in the wrong place. In fact, we've had so many we've been giving bunches away just to keep them from going to seed.

Again, it's thanks to Cathy for hosting this meme. As I said last week I'm now enjoying picking more flowers to bring indoors and enjoy. So much so, I'm now planning to create a cutting patch at the bottom of the garden so that, hopefully, I will have no shortage of flowers to pick next year.