Please take a comfortable seat, a big glass of ice tea and ENJOY! The pics are from the Annual meeting of Valbruna Patchwork Club of which I am a member. This place, but mostly the folks who are part of it hold special place in my life and my heart.
Does'nt it remind you of the Sisters Show?
Non abbiamo niente da invidiare allo show di Sisters, Oregon!
Le case vicine erano adornate dagli splendidi quilts!
A lot of the homes in the street displayed Germana's quilts!
E ora, tutti al lavoro! Grandi e piccoli, nonni e nipoti, amici vicini e lontani...
And now all at work! Big and small, grandfathers and grandchildren, friends from close by, and from far away....
Pensiamo tutti a Germana... Ci manca tanto, ma รจ ancora con noi con i suoi quilts...
We all think of Germana...We miss her so, but she is still among us with her quilts...
I quilts piu' belli di Germana, tutti con degne quiltature a mano...
Germana's best quilts, all strictly hand quilted...
Casa dolce casa...
Home sweet home...
Tutte le stelle del firmamento....
All the stars in the sky...
Still working, the quilts are a lot!
Ancora al lavoro, i quilts sono molti!
Va bene cosi', ci siamo!
Yes, it is centered!
E' tanto lavoro per un solo giorno, ma tutti hanno fatto la loro parte e... ne vale veramente la pena!
Al prossimo atto.
Always stitching
~ Roberta ~