Showing posts with label Architecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Architecture. Show all posts

Friday, October 14, 2011

Annunciation Catholic Church

Last week on a gloriously beautiful day I had the great fortune of traveling to Williamsport. It is in one of the 30 counties we cover at the Central PA Chapter of the MS Society. I had only been to Williamsport one other time for a baseball game and thought it would be nice to walk through the town if I ever got the chance. Well, I got the chance and had my sweet husband with me. Not knowing anything about the town we parked and attempted to walk through the downtown area. We quickly realized we weren't exactly downtown, but found a lovely historic district called Millionaire's Row. I only wish I had had my camera with me. Fortunately, I did have my iPod. Unfortunately, the photo's aren't the best but you can get the general idea. 
 We passed by so many beautiful building and what seemed like a church on every corner. We came upon this beautiful Catholic Church. It is part of St. Joseph the Worker Parish and is the Annunciation Catholic Church. I was sure the doors would be locked but much to our amazement, they were not! Words can not describe the beauty of this church. What a gift that such a magnificent structure is open to all for prayer!
I'm always glad to see when a church has kept their original altar and railings.
The stained glass was magnificent but hard to capture with my iPod.
Even the priest's chair is marble!
Soothing water was flowing out of this baptismal font.
I always like to see the St. Veronica Station of the Cross. She is my patron saint.
I loved these windows.
Mike had to take a peek into the choir loft. He's our church organist so the organ has special meaning for him.
More beautiful windows. They had an interesting mixture of windows about the Saints, Joseph, Jesus and Mary and these pictorial windows.
If you ever get to Williamsport, I recommend a walk down Millionaire's Row and a peaceful stop for prayer at Annunciation Church. You won't regret it!
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