Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5

Nice ^^

Having a good day with my senpai today...
Going to kenduri kawen...then..jalan2...dah lama sangat tak jln2 dgn diaorg..
Pi mana? pi makan! haha...pi Pasar Karat kat JB street :)
makan lak steambot kat Jam Besar JB kan..haha..
thanks so much to abg mie...belanja makan! ^_^

I'm glad to have them..when my mood some kind of ruins.

P/s: Better if ada Farah Liyana! :) & other geng of Suka Suki!!!

Thursday, June 2

Be Strong!

Be strong FADZLINA ^_^
Let Allah decide it for you.
InsyaAllah..He has a beautiful plan for u instead in future.
Kore kara mo...let's be Happy. 

P/s: Bley ke menipu diri sendiri???

Friday, May 27

Rasa yang mati...

Wah...macam tajok lagu pulak...
Takdelah...propa je lebih...
Hakikatnya...That's i feel right now.
NUMB. COLD. EMPTY. and Lonely.
Yeah...i feel all those negative feelings.

I dont know why...June is coming around...and i think in 2011...i didnt do anything that can make me proud yet...not until now. i lingered around...i spent time & money ...easily...i give up...

I read lots. but do nothing on my research improvement.
I want graduate...but i have no motivation towards it.
I want to get marry...but up until now, i didnt meet the RIGHT one yet.
I want to have a wonderful life...but...i waste all mine without feeling wonderful.

This song....describe me lately.

The Lonely by Christina Perri!

P/s: Please...Ya Allah..lighten me up!

Tuesday, April 19

Awesomeeeeee :)

you make it awesome.

P/s: u are my Barney Stinson! :)

Saturday, April 16

Tak sihat!

Saya tak sihat. 

P/s: Saya makhluk Allah :)

Thursday, April 14

I...wait for it...Like It! :)

Ermp...macam mana ea perasaan kita..bila..selama ni..kita rase kita "not worth" for someone...then suddenly...dia dah berubah?
I knew...maybe this is because "rebound" and..maybe just want to show prove to the previous...that we can move on...we still can survive...

i hope that's not truth...because...i prayed hard...if someone doesn't meant for me...please..keep it away from my heart....and i believe Allah heard my Doa...Amin..
But, still there...someone was still there...and trust me...i am so INTO it...
i dont know what it is...
but...i LOVE everything we had together ...until now...
and for this time...i hope it doesn't ruin anymore....not for the this time...
let's it sail smooth...
You..Me & the dreams i hope on!

P/s: Just go with it...I'm AWE....SOME!!! :)

Tuesday, April 12


Bila ...tak perlu cakap pape..
Bila...hanya teruskan apa yang dilakukan bersama seharian
Bila..ada di mana kita perlukan dia...
Bila...dia ingatkan tentang kepentingan masa depan 
Bila....dia push kita untuk terus berusaha and berjaya
Bila...kita menangis...dan dia membuat kita senyum kembali
Bila...dia tahu segalanya tentang kita
Bila...Ada DIA! :)

P/s: Thanks so much! :)

I wanna say " I Do" & dance with u! :)

It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy sayin our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew til I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, what did I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say

Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm 80 years old and sittin next to you.

And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you

Wednesday, March 16

Hard times

yea...i'm having my very hard time..
i's already over.. keep haunting me..the nightmares..the feelings..still..haunting me!!
why? why cant i just let it go..
why cant i be matter what people said to me..
why should i cry over something..that i the end..will make me hurts ...more than ever??
i lost my guidance...i lost everything i tot and hope so much!
Ini ujian Allah untuk hambanya.
Maka...kuatkan la hati ku..tenangkan la jiwa ku..bimbing la HambaMu ini..
ya Allah...aku sangat lemah..dengan dugaanMu ini...
ampunkan aku...
Jauhilah semua yang menyakitkan hati ini.
Biarkan IA pergi. Pergi jauh..andainya itu bukan Takdirku.

Wednesday, February 9

Friendship v.s Love

P/s: i need both....

Saturday, October 23

simple One

just need a simple one.
no regrets!

I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind. -Albert Einstein

So..mulai sekarang..semua pon simple.
life, relationship, works, blogging...semua!!!

haha...gile ke apa di pagi2 weekend ni...
sebenarnye...diri agak stress!!
banyak lagi tak setel...tapi...this is life. MY LIFE!
kerja takkan setel.

just...i need to to keep it simple & tak memeningkan.
Allah, help me!!!

p/s:Bukan Simple Plan tao...hehe!

Friday, September 24

Wake up

bangun pagi ni...(yeke..pagi?? hehe)...tetiba rase
macam ada mende tak complete lagi..
apa? urgh! study saya. ye..itu belom settle2 lagi...adoyai!
rase risau plak...
rase nerves...da lebe sebulan tak jumpa SV...kalu dulu..tiap2 hari jumpa my old SV. hidup terkongkong..
skrg..macam terlampau bebas plak...
moga Allah permudahkan perjalanan studyku ini..
cepat la FADZ....Bangun! bangun!!! 

 p/s: WAKE UP!!!


Sungguh, peristiwa hari ni..sangat la tak dirancang!
hehe..(tak caye...tanya Cik Fara Shopaholic) :P
hari ni..sangat la penat berjalan. berjalan ke sana ke mari...and SPENDING! adoyai!
dah nama pon..SPENDING kan...apa yang saya beli??
memula sekali..lunch..ringkas la..dapat minum air nescafe best kat cafe..then terfikir nak pi...jusco.
jusco je tau...untuk cari barang keperluan pergi la berdua-duan (hehe) ...
so..saya beli la
1. Barang Keperluan
2. Kotak (1st thing..Unplanned) ..hehe..kononnya..mau ganti my personal box..yang dah rase membazir sangat yang ni :P

 (ouh...kotak saya...takde kucing..please?? :P )

lepas tu..kami sepakat mau jalan2 lagi..cari apa yang patut..hilangkan pi Festive Mall...(hehe) la lama sket...kat sini..terbeli pulak..
3. Baju..untuk dijadikan Inner. (sape suh harga murah sangat kan, 2nd thing Unplanned) :P haha...tapi..i like this one too! so, No REGRET :P

(kaler dah sama...tapi..tak sechantek ni la kan..murah je!) :P

kuar dari tempat ni...unplanned lagi...kami ke..another mall, CS. haha...adoyai..lama tak datang sini..banyak mende da berubah..maka..di sini la..saya dengan rakusnya..membeli:

4.NOVEL SOPHIE KINSELLA (Remember Me)..haha..memang da target nak beli :P

5. bley plak..beli ring butterfly (3rd thing Unplanned)...adei..tapi..cantek! saya suka! :P

muka..puas hati je lepas beli semua ni...tapi..sekali lagi..kami mau pergi last place...satu Pesta di sini :P
maka...saya telah membeli dua lagi unplanned things :

6. Shawl yang sangat nice ..hehe..warna Grey! suka! :)

7. buku Armageddon 2012 (alexander)..buku baru beliau lepas Alexander adalah Zulkarnain & Yakjuj dan Makjuj! (suka2) :)

Adoyai...semua mende SUKA je kan...Isk! Isk!..Isk!

p/s: Boros! tapi...gumbira! :P

Wednesday, September 22

"BREAK the silence"

"Why do we feel it's necessary to talk about bullshit in order to be comfortable? Enjoy the silence with someone special, that is comfortably..., That is love!!!"
did we??
there is some things i didnt get on "enjoy the silence" term. 
and when i kept thinking about brain stuck up

for me..i dont think i need this term. for now. cause..i didnt reach this level yet. and im not gonna just sit..and enjoy the silence...because i knew, you knew, we all knew, "that man these times are hard".

so now...i'm not "enjoy the silence", but rather be "break the silence". it's for the sake of better future!

p/s: Stucked up so much!

Sunday, September 19

Last day at Home

hari ni...duk umah...tak bosan! hehe...sebab banyak pi jalan2...
kami pi port dickson , teluk kemang..and gi makan oblong favorite kat Ampangan..
nak upload gambar..tapi difikirkan blog aku baru je kena hacked last few days..
So..esok da kena balik JOHOR. URGH!!!

p/s: Cepat2 la abes belajar! Amin


hey...i want to write..again..and again..and i will not give up.
this is my latest blog...cause the last one have been blocked by "baka" hacker. Damn.
will update later my everything (not so) here..
keep updated then

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