Showing posts with label St Ives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Ives. Show all posts

Friday 11 March 2011

St Ives again!

I don't know why I chose to do another collage of St Ives when there are so many beautiful places to choose from around here!

Perhaps it's because there's a gallery there that want some collages of mine, so it's back-up if I don't manage to sell it myself!

Or perhaps it's one of my favourite places in the whole world!

The piece is about 22cm wide by 15cm high - and it took me less than a day. I feel like I've been pretty prolific this week!

I've really enjoyed it. But now, orders have gotten in the way, and I have owls and love birds to make! Hoping to do one of the moors later in the week! I'll be sure to keep you posted!

In the meantime I'll leave you with this...

Isn't it cute? Some of you may recognise the image from Scandinavian Stitches by Kajsa Wikman. When I saw it was available as an art print in her Etsy shop, I bought one immediately and now it's framed in my studio. I love it!
Kajsa also writes a blog - go check it out! Have a fab weekend y'all!

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Something a bit different

I was commissioned recently to do a collage for a friend of a friend of a friend. Nice to put the sewing machine/drill to one side for a while! I worked in this style when I was at art school (a long time ago although it feels like only yesterday!) It's basically made up from layers of torn bits of paper.

Here are a few details... can you tell where it is?

This might give it away (especially to any local Cornish maids!)

Give up?
Here's the whole picture!

That's right, it's St Ives! I wish the weather was like this right now, me and the boys are starting to get cabin fever with all this rain!