Showing posts with label Afghanistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Afghanistan. Show all posts



That's all this drone argument boils down to. The talk and what's happening ain't new. It's American tradition. When a black takes control of anything in this country, be it the White House, the neighborhood, city hall, the police department, the county commission, the courts, white folks, regardless of whether or not they voted for the black, are doing what they've always for the hills. White flight, period. Time to stop laying it solely at the feet of bigoted conservatives.

It's not a republican thing or a democrat's a white thing. White folks, regardless of their political persuasion, believe that all black people do is destroy everything they touch, so it's best just to leave em to it and run. Only way to keep their families safe from marauding Negroes. Even the so called liberals point to Africa to justify their feelings, ignoring it's post colonial past, while not yet recognizing the new colonial Indian-Asian movement that has taken hold, stealing black sovereignty once again.

The new 21st century twist on this innate belief, is that silly American negroes, defined as those who think they've made it and fully assimilated into this “post racial” society are also joining this idjit moment. The SAN's have moved on up and out to the suburbs, all the while, not paying attention to fact that the new bastions of pristine Euro-whiteness are the inner cities. You know all those marvelous centuries old brownstones that black folks abandoned in favor of pre-fab heaven in the West Chesters of America, after corporate gods moved all the jobs overseas or barring that, to the suburbs.

Don't think for a moment that I am ignoring the fact that Blacks would not in the first place, be loaned the money for the massive rehabs by the white corporate bank structure needed to resurrect those old brownstones. That's another story and I digress.

Now this drone obsessed rainbow coalition is up in arms because President Obama is using machines to fight the war in Afghanistan instead of boots on the ground. The skittles movement is concerned about the “innocents” and the “US citizens” who are being targeted by big bad Obama and his rain of death from the sky. And, they are speculating that maybe, probably, he is going to target American citizens on American ground for goodness sake.

Obama Derangement Syndrome, still running amok.

Give a man a fish and he will feed himself for a day. Give a Black man power and he will kill all the white folks and declare himself king of the world. Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Yes, drones are being used in Afghanistan. Yes, innocent people are being killed. Yes, at least one American citizen has been targeted, and rightfully so, to my mind. Yes, drones are coming to the skies over America. Truth be told, they are probably already there, and as proof, all you have to do is to tune into Youtube, or Google view, whatever the hell it's called.

Americans are already on candid camera. Killing us from the sky is not a big mental leap. Putting it into practice, however, would take a little more effort. But killing Americans on American soil, anytime soon...not gonna happen.

In the future, maybe. But not now, and certainly not while Obama remains in office.

Drones...Assault weapons, big clip bans...RaHoWa (racial holy war) started by Obama...Terminator/SkyNet justice.....

Obama Derangement Syndrome...nothing more.


Year 1 BHO

I am still thankful that Barack Obama was elected president of the United States last November. I believe that the country turned and started going in the right direction after being off kilter for so many years.

I still think that one year later, he was and remains the best choice for this country.

Am I 100% happy with the way things have gone this past year? No.

When Obama put together his “change” team, he didn't really change things. He added a few women, a couple of women of color. He added a few openly gay and lesbian people. However, from the beginning he stuck with the same white guys, maybe a little younger, but those who espoused the same kind of stuff and policies that got us into this mess in the first place. I was not happy with the likes of Geithner, Summers, or the Generals put in charge of those misguided fiascoes Iraq and Afghanistan. One year in, I am less happy with his choices.

Having been raised on politics from the cradle, I know that things can't and won't turn around quickly and this has been a problem for Obama. He won by convincing a lot of people to vote for him who don't know politics and furthermore, never took an interest in politics prior to his coming. These new voters didn't hear him tell them, it was going to take some time. As with all things these days, new voters are fanatics with miniscule attention spans and little or no patience for the actual work that needs to be done to make everything seem miraculous. To put it another way, the new voters are working in dual processing capability while Obama and the government are operating in ms dos.

Everybody bought the “Barack the Magic Negro” scenario. In other words, we made this guy president now all he has to do is walk into the Oval office and wave a wand and vanquish all of our problems..the budget magically balances...the deficit goes back to a surplus like when Clinton left... everyone gets their dream job.....Black people are seen as worthy.....Wall Street and big corporations grow a conscience... so called Christian evangelicals link arms and sing Cum by ya with the LGBT community....don't ask, don't tell goes away and gay people are allowed to get married..... and the treasury draining quagmires called the war on terrorism, ends...

Easy...Ala Kazam, one, two, three and poof....America fixed....American dream still in tact, duct tape no longer needed...

Except this is not what happened...Barack, the touchy feelie basketball playing candidate morphed back into Barack the cool, Barack the logical, Barack the pragmatic, Barack the aloof college professor who seems more willing to compromise and work the status quo, than to shake things up and move forward. The community organizer has gone into hiding at a time when the country really, really needs a rabble rousing organizer.

In Barack Obama, we were voting for more FDR. What we got, apparently, is a little unexpected and quite a bit maddening.

The newly baptized are defecting in droves...fearful of the change they say they want and unwilling to wait for it. While Obama works behind the scenes, talking quietly with his colleagues, demanding they find solutions, he leaves the people adrift, in limbo, unable to see the workings of his mind.

Barack the Communicator is not communicating, nor showing any understanding that sometimes silence communicates louder than the spoken word. The new converts need a constant fix or suffer painful withdrawal, which sends them scampering to find a new supplier. This is what's happening to Obamaville.

The wing nuts have found their leaders on the radio and on television. The Glen-Greta-Sean-Bill-Rush-Laura-Sarah hit parade is in full swing having stolen the bully pulpit. They don't have any solutions, but they throw a helluva good party, where the crazies can safely give voice to their fear of change and racist assumptions that minorities are destroying "their " country.

From the beginning of his campaign, Obama has been painted in pink...too soft for the job....He's not by any stretch of the imagination. But he does need to flex his muscles in public, from time to time.

How can he flex?

He can bring our troops home. No surge in Afghanistan. We had it won, until Iraq jumped off ...Time to cut our loses and come home.

He can put people back to work. He can rebuild schools and infrastructure to the same 56-billion dollar tune that this country has spent in Iraq to build schools and infrastructure. Health care reform is important...but if you ain't working and there is no public option, you have no house or car and no way to feed your can't afford are the key here. So is another stimulus. The first one wasn't big enough to stimulate a consumer driven economy which we are.

This second stimulus, if it comes about, should put the money directly into the pockets of the consumers, namely us...And I'm not talking 600-dollars....I'm talking 30-thou per person. You want people to spend money then give them some..They will pay their bills, save some and spend some creating the very cycle this country needs right now.

He can go ahead and suspend DADT in the military by executive order. He can close Guantanamo, bring the alleged terrorists into this country to fill the empty jails that populate the small towns and put people back to work as guards or in support of the prison system (I am truly baffled by Neocons and good ole boys who fight tooth and nail so that we all can have as many guns as we want, yet when Barack says bring them to this country...they cower in fear of a few terrorists).

The biggest fallacy has been Barack's clinging to trickle down economics....In other words, prime the pump that is Wall Street...and eventually the people will be taken care of...It has never worked...and it never will.

It is still Voodoo Economics, period.

The banks are sitting on the money, refusing to hire, yet rewarding themselves with billions of dollars in job well done bonuses. Big corporations are still figuring out ways to ship their profit and our jobs overseas. They are still looking out for themselves.

We need some good old fashioned community organizer type blackmail to get these guys to either create jobs or bring some jobs and manufacturing back home. I thinking that Obama should ask Jesse or Rev Al on the QT, just how you blackmail corporate America. They been doing it for years, so put their expertise to work for all of us.

As I've said before, President Obama cannot do it alone, change must come from all of us.

However we chose him to lead and that is what I expect him to do....Lead...I think he is smart enough to figure that out...I just hope it's sooner rather than later.


Friday Rap

So, tell me again why we're in Afghanistan and why we need to send in more troops?

How about bringing home the troops and turning Special Ops forces loose on Pakistan and what's left of Al Qaeda in the mountains along the border....

I'm sayin' let the dogs out and let em do what they been trained to do, which is kill our enemies...neutralize their followers and come home...

Let the troops who kill Bin Laden split the 25 million dollar bounty on his head..


Olympia Snowe....looks like she's gonna bail if Health Care Reform contains a public option...Word today is that the Democrats in the Senate don't need her vote....


I will say it again.....Health Care Reform WITHOUT a public option is merely another subsidy for the insurance/health industry...


Wall Street's pissed off that Obama wants to take away their bonuses and halve their salaries......They say the people are going to suffer since They can't make all the money......

I'll take my chances.....The middle class is disappearing because of all that money at the top...that is not trickling down....

We bailed them out with our taxes....they are hoarding what we gave them...refusing to lend it out and make it work for the country....

And they still want to make mega million they can buy yachts while the rest of the starve...

Sounds like Marie Antoinette...let them eat cake syndrome....And you know what happened to her and the other aristocrats of the era...

I say we dust off the guillotine....


A question of civil liberties..... man gets up at 5:30 in the morning....goes downstairs and makes a cup of coffee in his kitchen and gets arrested for public indecency.....He was nekkid in his own his own kitchen and it was still dark outside....

Yet....a cop's wife said she was walking her kid to school and saw his kitchen...drinking coffee....nekkid.......

Who's at fault here....the guy inside his house.....or the peeping tom who called police......

Happened Monday in Virginia..


The expanded Hate Crimes Bill has now passed the Senate...All Obama has to do is sign it to make it official.....Or...he can leave it on his desk for ten days and it becomes law...

either way....We win...


Note to Michael Jordan's son's not about you or the shoes....It was about your Dad....

Until you deserve to wear his shouldn't.....lace up the Addidas, shut the F*** up and keep your spoiled ass in school.....


More balloon boy...stuff....

Seems Falcon and his brother mixed up a bowl of booger laced soup for their mother....I can just see me doing something like when I was young.....

My mother would have made eat every bit and then whupped my ass...all the while telling me to respect my elders or die in the process.....


Just say no......

I'm still trying to understand this sweat lodge thing where three people have now died.....I can't understand how grown people can let someone convince them to continue doing something that is obviously killing them....

This was not a Jim Jones kool aid moment when folks didn't know that the kool aid was laced with cyanide....this was adults refusing to look after themselves...bowing to the whims of yet another false prophet....

Hope they got their money back for the fiasco....

I hope the families of the dead sue the charlatan for every cent he's got...

People search and search looking for God...when the truth is that God is...and you don't need anyone else to talk for middleman necessary...


Ya'll Need to go Sit Down and Shut up

Congressman Eric Cantor...the face of compassionate conservatism..This from a man who has government funded health care to a woman with stomach tumors Click on the link to check out what he said...

Remember, the GOP said all of us already have health's called the emergency room at your local hospital...

"She breaches!".....Condi speaks about pulling out of Afghanistan....where was all this bluntness when her boss was lying to us about terror attacks eight years ago...

I seem to recall if they had read the memo early in 2001....we might not have been attacked so succesfully in September 2001...

I seem to recall that on that fateful day....her boss was caught with his pants down in a classroom full of students...doing what Obama was excoriated for a few weeks ago..

I seem to recall....her boss and his now very vocal vice president went into hiding and Condi disappeared...

No Moses moment from these know what I'm talking the Ten Commandment movie when Joshua tells Moses to go stand on the rock and be seen so his people could draw strength from his visage as God parted the red sea...

To paraphrase a dead politician...."Mr are no Moses!" and neither is Cheney and Condoleeza Rice...well nobody will ever mistake her for Joan of Arc, or Rosa Parks, or Coretta Scott King...

And afterward....again paying no attention to the writing on the memo....attacked Iraq when the terrorists with Saudi passports and birth certificates and nationality launched their attack from American soil, as American trained and armed Al Qaeda cheered from the sidelines in Afghanistan...

Remember bin laden's family lived in New York on September 11 and had to be smuggled out by the Bush government on airplanes supplied by his oil rich Saudi friends...

Condi helped create the lies back then...and now thinks we will listen to her once again?


Things are different now....the one thing that is true about can hit us...but not twice....

Thanks to Bush and Cheney and Condi...we got hit..But it won't happen again...

We're awake now...

Try it again....we dare absolutely double dare ya...


McCain’s Got Jokes

John McCain says he’s going to balance the budget by the end of his first term in office as president. And after he does that he is going marry me and make me a straight woman. Ha!

Republicans have been rolling out this campaign lie since Ronald Reagan. Eight years ago, before the latest GOP clown took over, there was a government surplus. We, meaning the 95% of the population who are regular folks and not rich, were happy. We had jobs, we had money, we could feed our families and drive our cars. Reagan not only did not balance the budget, but he increased the deficit and should have been brought up on charges along with Ollie North.

Now, thanks to the policies of trickle down economics or voodoo economics, as George the first called it before he became Reagan’s vice president, implemented by George the second, we have a deficit approaching multi trillion dollars. We have a couple of wars, no jobs, no money, no health care, no food for our families, and we can’t afford gasoline.

GOP nominee, John McCain apparently wants to continue the policies that has put us 95 percenters deeper in the poor house.

McCain was originally against the Bush tax cuts....Now that he is running for president..he is in favor of them....AND...he says he will pay down the deficit by winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and taking all that money that we no longer have to spend over there, and pay off the bills over here....voila! Balanced budget! Hehehehehehehehehehe! “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

He also wants to cut spending on social security, medicare and medicaid, because that is where all the wasteful government spending is located, according to him.

McCain also shook up his advisory staff, too. He added a Bush acolyte to the payroll, a guy who is said to be a Karl Rove disciple. Hasn’t anyone told McCain that if you’re truly trying to distance yourself from run AWAY from them.....NOT toward them...And you certainly don’t hire their old staff to help you run what you say is a NEW campaign.

But then maybe I’m the one who’s the dummy....Maybe he isn’t running away from Bush. Doesn’t seem like it.

And, since I’m in a McCain smack down mood......General Wesley Clark didn’t lie.....flying planes does not necessarily qualify you to be’s kind of like....just because we can all drive a car...that we are all qualified to drive in the Indy 500......No.....Not at all.....

This was just another example of all the fake scandals that have been floating around for the past several years to deflect our attention away from the real stuff.....

I call it peripheral attention to the BS and you miss the real story hidden behind it..


WIMBLEDON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Williams....the girls took home 2.5-million dollars by Venus winning singles for the fifth time and then teaming up with Serena to take the doubles crown from the number one ranked women’s team in the world.....

I didn’t think it could get any better...but then came Sunday...

Ra-fa! Ra-fa! Ra-fa!

Man....I just saw the greatest tennis match of my life.....I never thought I would see anything to top the Borg-McEnroe matches of 1980 and 1981. They were magnicificent, and I was content to go to my grave with those memories...

Now there is a new one.....Nadal and Federer....

May they play long and hard. Man! That was some weekend!


Money for Nothing....

I’m not gonna lie, if the government wants to cut me a 600-dollar check, I’m going to take it, and I would suggest you do the same. I was around the last time our president decided to return some of our hard earned money. That time we got a whole 200-dollars per person. So 600-dollars, this time around, has to be considered something of a windfall.

This country is flirting with a recession, and it needs us, the taxpayers to spend the money. Saving it won’t help. Paying bills won’t help either. So our beloved leaders want us to take that 600-dollars and buy half a new digital TV. Or, they want us to take a couple of our kids on a vacation, you can draw straws as to which one or two, if you have more than two.

Let’s see, you can also buy a sofa from Lazyboy or some other furniture store, if you don’t have champagne tastes. Or, you could buy about a month’s worth of groceries, maybe, or take the family to a movie, once or twice. If you drive an SUV, you could fill up the gas tank, all the way, a couple of times, at least.

Is this going to help us as individuals, as families, as a country, to climb out the mess we’re in? Hell no. But our government apparently figures the money will divert our attention away from the real problems we’re facing right now.

Problems like the current election. This alleged stimulus bill is a bipartisan mishmash which doesn’t make me any happier with the apparent incoming democrats, assuming folks don’t get too happy with all that money in their pocket and once again vote republican.

Problems like the tax cuts that this administration keeps handing out to rich people. This alleged stimulus is loaded with tax breaks for them....Us, we get 600 to 1200-dollars...once....probably in May...too late to really stimulate anything...

Problems like the on-going conflagration in Iraq and Afghanistan that is eating up two trillion dollars a day. We’ve lost about 4000 troops to date. Osama must be laughing his ass off. Our whole army can’t find him and his kid is on American television giving interviews. If there is anyone who deserves to be in Guantanamo being tortured for info, it’s Osama junior....One question...”where’s your old man, son?” Then I’d give him the 25-million dollar reward as an apology for messing up his dreds, like he needs the money.

Problems like the overwhelming credit card debt that many of us have. Or, the mortgage meltdown that the Fed is attempting to fix, as we speak.

Problems like the cost of gas or the rising costs of heating your home.

Problems like unemployment which is at about six percent right now. And what about social security, health care, and that now fleeting dream of retirement for some.

Problems like our government absolving Haliburton and KBR of any wrongdoing or fraud in Iraq.

Problems like the proposal buried deep in pending legislation that pardons all Bush Administration crimes and misdemeanors in the future, should the rest of the world try to enforce Geneva Conventions rules and regulations. At least, Nixon had Ford do his dirty work.

Yep, we can all take that 600-dollars and go on a spending spree and save our world. That is, what’s left of it, after Dubya and company are gone...


Ten Men Talking

Well, the first GOP “debate” is over and it went well:

If you deny evolution,
if you think Ronny Ray-gun was the best president, ever, and refuse to criticize Bush, or other members of his evil cabal,
think gays and lesbians are abomination,
think stem cell research is murder,
don’t think women have enough brains to make good decisions when it comes to their own bodies,
Think Alito and Roberts will do great things from the Supreme Court bench,
think congress has a right to mess in private lives like what happened with Terri Shiavo,
continue to equate the Iraq quagmire with a war on terror,
are willing to go to war with Iran tomorrow, despite the messes in Iraq and Afghanistan,
and feel this administration is doing a good job..

They all hate Hillary and one of them (sorry, they all look alike) told Joe Scarborough that every man on stage would make a better president than Hillary Clinton. The answer also shows that she is the one they fear the most. They all ranted against Hillary health care, circa early 90's. They all took pot shots at Bill and most of them voted to impeach him. They all accused Democrats of being soft on defense.

If Hillary gets the nomination, I’m willing to bet that it will be a very negative campaign. Men turn into "mean girls" and get bitchy, when challenged by women, we all know that.

Did anyone stand out.....Mitt Romney looked presidential...but it was that idealized, calculated look of what a president should look like. Listening to him....he’s got the Joe Biden slime factor going on.

Rudy, Rudy, buried in the shuffle. He didn’t stand out or have a chance to stand out. He was trying to be everything to everyone. It’s not working. He doesn’t seem really interested in the job. I think he likes campaigning as long as it holds his interest, nothing more.

And if the GOP hands Rudy the nomination it will illustrate just how hypocritical republicans are when it comes to making moral judgements. Rudy’s so tainted, he should be a democrat.

John McCain....tried too hard. I think the parade has passed him by and he can’t catch up.

As for the rest of them, well, we needed some comic relief....I found myself wishing for Newt or Fred or even Arnold to jump on stage..