Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts


Raging Hobbits, Sanctimonious Twits and Prick Posses-The Week that Was in America..

Still wrapped tightly in his elven cloak of invisibility, Ron Paul, all but forgotten by most, continues to campaign for the Republican nomination for president. His tiny, rabid followers are intent upon wresting as many delegates as possible from the fake teabagger Willard Mitt Romney, thereby throwing the convention into chaos, and forcing the GOP to embrace little Dr. Ron, their savior, lord and master.

The rampaging little buggers managed to torpedo yet another state convention, this one in Oklahoma, on Saturday, causing the leaders to cancel the meeting, which was then promptly reconvened in the parking lot.

At least one report says that the Ron Paul Clan has managed to steal 60% of the delegate seats in this delegation.

Meanwhile, the world found out that Mitt Romney, the perfect man, was leader of a prick posse, thanks to an expose done by The Washington Post.

When you are poor white or black or latino, from the ghetto and you beat up people because they are different or inadvertently stray onto your turf, you are called a gang, complete with all the negative, dangerous and bad connotations.

If you're middle to upper class, white and attend a prep or boarding school, and pick on the weaker or different kids in school, then you're not in a gang, you're in a Prick Posse. The female version of a prick posse are Mean Girls. Pricks and Means are routinely glorified on television and in the movies as people to emulate in society.

Black or Latino girls are still gang members . No need to differentiate. Gang members are always the sassy sidekicks to Pricks and Means, if they are portrayed on TV at all in anything other than a perp walk.

Prick Posses and Mean girls function in exactly the same way as gangs do, however when they do mean shit to “other” kids it's called a prank or joke, and if forced to acknowledge their behavior, dismiss it with; “If I offended anybody, I'm apologize.”

No harm, no foul.

Prick Posse leaders go on to run for president. Gang members go to prisons built and run by Prick posse members.

Mean girls grow up to marry Pricks.

Of course, Mean girls sometimes turn into Twits with names like Michele, Sarah, Christine or Michelle. Sometimes they give birth to Twits, too with names like Bristol.

I guess since Mom is a Twit, young Bristol can only be called a Twitess.

Bristol deigned to criticize the president this week because he announced his support for same sex marriage and cited his daughter's influence as part of his reasoning evolution.

Nobody asked the Wasillan Hood Rat for her opinion, but she offered it up anyway, without nary a thought, reflection or understanding of what happens when you “spit into the wind”, or “throw stones in glass houses” or talk about other people's values as you scramble for ways to support the little bastard that you made with the around the way boy named Levi, who refused to marry you.Guess we'll hear from Momma Grizzly next...

to be continued...


Frothy's Got the Wheel and Gone!

Another day, another change at the top of the GOP pop charts. This time it's Little Ricky Santorum taking over the driver's seat in the clown car.

The latest polls give him a three percent advantage over the Stiff, otherwise known as Willard, or Mitt or Max as in Headroom Romney. Ron the bigot goat Paul is in third, followed distantly by the suddenly silent Puffy Messiah, the self proclaimed savior of the world, Newt Gingrich.

Let's put this into perspective shall we.

The really, really big story that the main stream media is not covering, is that NOBODY.....and I mean....NOBODY is showing up to vote at these caucuses and primary votes.....NOBODY.

All you heard last week was the Little Ricky swept three states....HE WON THREE...count em...THREE STATES!

Man! Frothy really took it to Romney...didn't he, said the MSM....But like Billy Preston used to sing...”Nothin' from Nothin' leaves Nothin'...ya gotta have somethin', if ya wanna beat Obamaaaaaaaaaaa....” Okay, I added that last part.

The turnout in Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota, I believe....was less than 20% collectively. I heard it was actually around 2% in Colorado and 6% in Missouri...and the media reported that Santorum won 30% of the vote in Colorado!  30% of 2%. hmmmmmmmm....What's that, two registered voters and the janitor walking through the room.

“Nothin' from Nothin' leaves nothin'”

Today, the MSM has Frothy surging based on the latest poll numbers. That's the word they are using...SURGING! And they say, Romney's about to lose his home state of Michigan...not that he lives there...Daddy know the one born in Mexico...used to be governor of Michigan...Stiff er Mitt grew up there...I wouldn't call it his state...but the MSM describes it as such, so I'll run with that.

Okay, say this scenario plays out with Santorum barebacking Romney, to win the nomination. Do ya really think the rest of us will open wide and swallow? Hmmmmmm?

Frothy absolutely hates women. He is a general in the GOP war on women. According to his book, he is against women working outside the home. He doesn't think we need birth control or contraception. He says we must carry our rapists baby to termination regardless of the circumstance surrounding conception.

He sided with Komen against Planned Parenthood.

I would imagine he probably doesn't think that rape is a crime based on his past statements.

He has no stated use for Black people, Hispanic people, LGBT people or poor people. I would guess that if by some quirk of fate that he does make it to the White House those FEMA concentration camps will suddenly be put to use for those of us not of anglo saxon or aryan origin.

He is against marriage equality and civil rights in general for anyone other than WASPS.

The last time Santorum ran for office he was an incumbent Congressman. It should be noted that he pissed off his district so badly that they turned him out of office by the largest margin ever for an incumbent to lose, in the history of this country.

And he hasn't changed. This year, he's doubled down on the BS that got him thrown out of office in the first place.

Yet a very small part of the GOP wants this guy to win and apparently the more sensible portions of the GOP are going to stand back and let happen. And the MSM is missing the big picture of what is going on.

I say “oh well.”

Maybe the GOP moderates are actually going to cross the line and vote for Obama..that couldn't happen...could it?

National polls are indicating that this scenario may play out regardless of who wins the GOP nomination.

"Frothy Toast"....good name for a B-grade porn star...bad name for a president...


Little Ricky Calls it Quits, Drops Out of Presidential GOP Scrum

Little Ricky going home to work on his Texas Secession speech....

I always heard that god don't make mistakes, so I guess Sarah and Christine and Herman and Michele and now Little Ricky must a been lyin' through their teeth when they said god told em to run for president. If he told em to run, he apparently didn't mean for them to win.

It wasn't god talkin' to em. It must have been the voices in their head talking louder than usual. Or maybe it was just caucasian arrogance telling them that any ole white guy or gal was good enough to beat the Black man in the White House.

Apparently you still gotta be a politician to serve in DC and like him or not, the target of all their animosity is a very good politician.

Tough to beat....Not that he's had to work at it while the clown circus plays dates throughout the country.

Or maybe he is the one who god is really talking to. We'll never know, because the tall stoic mocha commander in chief doesn't reveal himself very much, to us, anyway.

The Grand Old Party is down to four choices unless they can talk somebody else into the race. They have perennial candidate Willard Mitt Max Headroom Romney (he's the rich one, the great white hope one), Then comes Ron Paul the elder ( The Hobbit) another perennial candidate who never seems to get anything done in the form of legislation been there all this time and has only passed one bill out of 600 something sent forward.

Then there is Saint Rick Santorum (the Pope's puppet and Howdy Doodie's long lost brother in a sweater vest), and last but not least slime ball Newt Gingrich.

I always hesitate to put Gingrich in this race because it is sooooo obvious from his campaign that he is actually running for dictator of America. One would think with all those history degrees that he would know the difference between the president of a republic and a head dic, er dictator in charge.

The final four are still on message...their goal is to trash the economy and the country...they hate women...they hate minorities and blacks in particular and they want to turn the world backward to 1862, when all they had to do was to kill the minority (Indians, Mexicans or slaves) to get what they wanted.

So now that we know that Mitt didn't win Iowa, who is going to blink next? Is the fix in for Romney? Or will Santorum knock him off and open the door for Lizard boy to slither through....Forget Paul...he is equally despised by his party as well as the opposition.

We will just have to wait and see, won't we?


Iowa Caucus-And the Winner Is......

None of the Above!

Okay, so this exercise in futility is over and what have we learned? Nobody still doesn't like Mitt Romney....The conservative default position is apparently Rick Santorum who can't carry a crowd in his home state......the white guy choice is Daddy Paul.....Lizard boy Gingrich has been exposed as the most mentally unstable, and that's saying a lot with Bachmann in the field....Ricky P is running home to Texas to lick his wounds and Michelle...well she is finding out what conservatives really think of women, let alone female politicians....But she's vowed not to quit, bless her heart. (UPDATE: Bachmann caves...suspends campaign....Ricky P decides to battle on!)

Now it's on to New Hampshire, where Romney is said to have the state on lockdown. So much so, in fact, that many in the clown car are by-passing New Hampshire and driving straight to South Carolina, whose nut job governor has already endorsed Romney much to the distress of many of her soon to be ex-constituents.

Jon Huntsman is also waiting in New Hampshire. He didn't bother to compete in Iowa saying “Iowa picks corn while New Hampshire picks presidents!” Guess he feels that he is the one. Considering that his money comes directly from a fund fed by his father, he may turn out to be as delusional as the rest of them in their hunt for the White House.

I mean just because you're the apple of Daddy's eye, doesn't mean the rest of us are going to like you, too.

Maybe he should have stayed in China as Ambassador....Could've opened himself up to being Obama's VP....nah!....Biden still rules.

And so does President Obama who is looking more and more like a safe bet for four more years in the White House.


Politic Wars-The War Against Obama

Not so long ago in the galaxy that we inhabit.....

The brothers Koch, twin wizards, the pair
Put out a call to their champions,  make haste to the state of  New Hampshire.
They have only one goal, and that is  to find,
One among them  strong enough to retake DC
Solely for the purpose of kicking out the rabble in the White House, you see.
The brothers want Obami-wan and Princess Michelle, gone,  vanquished, returned to Chicago. Out of sight...out of mind...out of the way
of the real  masters of the universe, who always rule the day.

A whole round table of champions answered the call
But only seven showed up, veteran warriors all.

The head of the table claimed by Sir Mitt of Mormon,
A presidential specimen if ever there was one.
All spit shined and polished with nary an out of place hair,
No substance, all talk, no real thoughts to share.

Enter, Sir Newton, who just lost his army,
He  vows to fight  on alone, but only if necessary.
He has convinced himself in the world that he inhabits,
The little people love him and desperately need him
To toss out the knaves who are ruining their days.
So Newt answers the call with his lady at his side
Macbeth she is named by the media who hide
out of her reach when she passes by.

Sir Herman of Cain, the pizza man king
Thinks he's ready to step into the heavyweight ring
He's come to believe that he is the next great white hope,
No James Earl Jones here, he's as bad as the pope.
Rescuing America is what he plans to do,
Pepperoni pizza for all
Unless you prefer tofu.

Sir Paul the libertarian is at it again,
Says the world is finally coming around to his way of viewing
Not sure what that means, but I'm sure he will tell us when he so deigns
No newsletter for him, Paul will just talk at us, instead.
Past newsletters you see are very bigoted in tenor,
Not wise  in the biracially brown world that is nearly upon us.
Deny bigoted thoughts, he can't because it is obvious
His demon spawn named Rand has memorized
both chapter and verse, using it as a gameplan
to conquer earth.

Sir Timothy T-Paw Pawlenty,  Minnesota's Vanilla Ice,
searching for the beat, looking for a pulse
trying to find his voice among the cacophony of noise.
Drowned out by the other more vocal crew.
Easily overlooked, doesn't stand out.
Blink and you miss him
Not surprising, no doubt.

Sir Rick of Santorum, don't know why he surfaced.
Long thought politically dead, killed by the verbal poisons
regularly spewing from his mouth, and rumbling through his head.
Hates women and gays and lesbians too.
Black people don't stand a chance
if little Ricky Sunshine makes it through.

And last but not least is the Lady Michele
she of the deer trapped in headlights stare
oft blinded but never at a loss for words,
which often come  garbled,  spilling out nonsensical rhymes
leaving only  confusion and mystification in their  unfocused wake.

The seven stood their ground, talking points imbedded,
rehearsed over and over until convinced they really said it.
Nothing new did they add to the political conversation.
It was old talk..2008 talk..we've heard it before,
There is no surprise, here.  The only real message
laid on the table last night, was to take down Obami-wan
 and turn back the clock.


Tea Party Arrogance or Bachmann-Palin Overdrive

“Don't let your mouth get your ass in trouble”-ghetto wisdom...

For those who don't speak nor purport to understand ghetto, the line means that sometimes the best strategy is to simply be quiet....don't talk....don't give anyone a glimpse into your mind and what you're thinking, because you will last longer before and during the fight, if it comes to that...

Running off at the mouth is a sign of weakness....a sign that you really don't have a plan and even if you can't back it up with any kind of real action. Once your hole card has been peeped...folks will usually walk away shaking their heads.....however....keep talking... and they will turn around and come back and beat your ass....

Tea baggers would do well to heed the ghetto wisdom and just shut up....stop talking...because the more they talk, the less anyone wants to deal with them..or vote for them, for that matter.

Last month surveys showed a little support for the tea baggers....this month...that support has evaporated to less than half of what it was...and it wasn't a majority or even close, in the first place.

It's like what's going on with half baked Alaska....great fun to watch...but taken seriously....not!

The teabaggers won a primary...big election of the faithful...maybe 10% of the electorate? Nothing to crow about....Nothing like November, coming up...Only now...they're selling wolf tickets..playin' the dozens with the if they have a mandate to govern...

First comes Rand Paul, son of Ron who isn't too thrilled with parts of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...He even went so far during his private country club victory speech to declare his gang was going to take back the country...The next day he said it was okay for business owners to keep certain people out of their establishments and that it was even okay if the denial was based on something like skin color..

Paul the younger has spent several days attempting to walk back his comments....

Meantime, another round of primaries is over and out of Nevada comes another teabagger named Sharron Angle...Ms Angle is situated to the right of the cluelessly insane rantings of the GOP Bachmann-Palin Overdrive.

Angle wants to repeal the 14th Amendment to the know that's the one guaranteeing citizenship to all people born here. It was put in place to protect Black people from crazy white people who felt that Blacks were only good for picking cotton and working in the sugar fields.

Now the 14th creates anchor babies for illegal immigrants and that has the tea party stirred up because as one of them ….I believe his name is Hunter, said....the little immigrant babies' “soul” hasn't been American long enough to warrant citizenship, therefore it shouldn't be granted rights...

Angle also wants to remove the 17th Amendment which shifted the election of US Senators from state legislators to the people. I would guess because the people aren't smart enough to elect the right kind of leaders..Wonder if she sees the irony...anyway..

In addition, Angle wants to abolish the Department of Education, The Internal Revenue Service, The EPA, privatize Social Security and get rid of all health care including medicare and medicaid...

Dr. Paul, the younger is also on board with these ideas, so one would imagine this is something of an unofficial Teabagger platform rumbling across America. Paul and Hunter, who is already in Congress, have signed off on this too.

However, it's never wise to telegraph what it is you intend to do, before you do it. When your goals are to dis-infranchise or to hurt big segments of the is best to get elected first....if you can....then take away their rights....

Teabaggers, in their monumental arrogance, continue to operate from the premise that they speak for America, and can say anything they want without impunity.

However, it is not the only delusion under which they labor...

There is the delusion that the teabaggers are a grassroots...from the bottom up...populist political movement...instead of one created and funded by rich white guys and former operatives of the GOP...Teabaggers were created as a distraction and to obstruct the real movement taking place in the country...

Teabagger fanaticism has them believing that people.....their people are willing to give up social security...medicare and medicaid to prove the point that government is too big....

I'm still waiting for the social security/medicare card burning parties to prove they are serious about repeal.

Teabaggers believe that all people want their children to be under educated...more so than is already going on, when you compare American schools to foreign schools. White history and white washed education is really all the kids need, right? No need to learn about the others, foreign or American born.

Teabaggers believe it's okay not to tax rich people because the more money rich people have the more they are willing to spend on poor's that “trickle down” it's worked so well in the past...

And what about the oil spill....perfect example of how a small government stripped of tax revenue handles a crisis can't take over or throw money at the crisis to make it better because it has none and is not socialist in nature....

Shouldn't teabaggers be happy about what BP is doing and paying for the clean up on its own?

Doesn't sound like they are happy....Teabaggers and their leaders are foaming at the mouth and demanding that Obama the socialist nationalize BP and use government money to clean up a crisis caused by a free market corporation, apparently because the crisis is not being handled the way they think it should be Wayne leading the cavalry to the rescue...or to trounce the indian marauders...

Teabaggers also believe they are not racist and that nothing they do has racial overtones designed to discriminate.

Yeah...well....keep talking teabaggers.... the people are walkin away right now...but keep on talkin' and that ass whuppin' is just around the corner...can't wait for November 2nd to get here....


Big Wheel Keeps on Turning...

Since when did Tina Turner become the Queen of Soul? I love her, but there is only one Queen, one Diva...the rest are Princesses and or Divettes...c’mon now....


Seven years after the fact, the government is going to try terrorists for taking down the world trade centers. Six have been indicted and will be subject to secret trials, just as they were tortured secretly. They will also be subject to the death penalty if convicted. My main problem among many with this scenario is that I don’t recall hearing Osama Bin Laden’s name among those charged and I don’t think any of those charged are Saudi Arabians who had ties with Iraq. I’m having a problem with the alleged facts in this case, as well as with the timing of this situation. The politics of fear...will it change the outcome of the election in November, or has it run its course?


The History Channel says the anthrax scare was an inside in originated with native grown terrorists...not middle eastern native....they were probably government workers...working undercover....Are we I could live another 100 years so that I could find out who really blew up the trade center towers....


The more I listen to John McCain, the more I’m sure the guy is entering the first, or maybe even the second stages of dementia. Does he really think folks are going to put him in the White House so that he can keep us in Iraq for the next 100 years, if necessary?

He is having trouble putting away his GOP opponent Mike Huckabee. How does he think he is going to handle the cultural juggernaut that the Democrats are planning to throw at him in the general election.

I feel it’s going to be Obama, but even Hillary would be a force to reckon with for the old guy from Arizona. MSM hasn’t figured this out yet...They still think it’s a matter of experience.

His speeches are painful to listen to and especially to watch. I give him all of his due respect. He is an American hero. But the days of electing a hero to lead the country just because he can fly a plane and drop bombs on indigent people, are over. I didn’t like Ike and I don’t care for McCain.

McCain has no vision, no creativity and certainly no flexibility to handle a job as daunting as president.

His selection of vice president will speak volumes...will it be Joe Lieberman, the used to be democrat, or will it be Reverend Mike, the man who wants to marry religion to government, thereby creating a western union that would rival any dreamed up by the jihadist suicide bombers of the middle east.

The talk show propelled Huckabee still thinks he is the answer. He needs to turn off the TV and radio, open his window and listen to the whispers of the street. Drumbeat don’t lie....

Speaking of drumbeat....I would hope that the democratic super delegates are paying attention to the people.....a back room deal that hands the nomination to the wrong candidate is going to tear the party apart.

The Democrats are great at snatching defeat from the hands of victory....they’ve already screwed up their mandate in congress that was given them in 2006. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid suck at leadership on Capitol Hill. All they’ve done is cave in to Dubya, on just about everything. I’m really, really tired of professional politicians doing what they think is “right” for me. We need term limits and a ban on lobbyists in Washington.


Who gives a damn about millionaire ball players who choose to take steroids and growth hormone? And why is anyone surprised that John Rocker has admitted to steroid use? He was obviously in roid rage when he shot his mouth off, way back when he was pitching. Give Clemens the cell next to Marion Jones and move on to Barry Bonds..


And where will you be on June 21, 2008? Ron Paul supporters want you in Washington for a march on the White House. I would guess that all two or three Paul supporters will be there. I wonder if he is going to announce it in his newsletter?
