Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label journal. Show all posts

Friday, August 15, 2008

More Comics!

Sorry it's been so long between comics--I've been busy with work; and anyone that has experienced the freelance art lifestyle knows that having too much work is definitely a good thing (in certain respects). I haven't been posting a ton of finished personal projects lately (just sketches), mostly because I've been pouring all of my efforts into freelance illustration and storyboarding (like I said, it could be worse). Anyway, here are some comics about the adventures we've been having lately--enjoy!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


When there's this much of it, I don't know what to title the post.
First, a new comic!

Then, approximately one million sketches.
These are from church and Cub scout day camp.
More sketches from church, in my fancy new Fabriano sketchbook with tone paper...even though I haven't gotten around to capitalizing on the coolness of the paper yet. I wanna do some washes with white highlights, but we'll see when I get to that.
Here's the last stuff from the most recent sketchbook I killed.
And some sketches from Comic-con and Sea World (which I had never been to before). We (not just I...since I was part of a larger group) got to meet basically all of my favorite artists from Disney and Pixar (except Enrico...but that'll have to wait till APE, I guess). Also among the comics/animation industry people we got to meet were Powerpuff Girls and Foster's creator, Craig McCracken and Understanding Comics' Scott McCloud--radical!! In additional news, our comic, Peep Show, was really well received by all the people we traded with (and, lucky you, it's still available for purchase in the sidebar of this very blog). Scott Morse and Paul Briggs even traded their totally rad sketchbooks! Thanks, you guys!
As if there weren't enough going on, Jake and I started playing an eye-spy sketching game. Basically, you pick a person out of the crowd and then make up a story about them. Here are some of the results of our game.

Then, while I was on the plane, I was pretty excited about the game so I played all by my lonesome--it was still pretty fun, though!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Of Baby Pirates and Zen Vegetarianism

So, I am leaving for Comic-Con in a little less than 4 hours (meaning that I'll get a little less than 3 hours of sleep). But I couldn't just leave you faithful readers with nothing to read while I was gone, so I've whipped up another couple of short comics. I'm actually thinking of putting some fun watercolor washes over these journal comics and then binding them nicely (perhaps hardcover?). Let me know if you'd be interested in purchasing such a creation. In the meantime, BABY PIRATES!!

I'll be sure to sketch a bunch at Comic-Con, so I can document all of its weirdness.
See you next week!
(As a side note, if you order Peep Show off the sidebar to the right in the next couple of days, just be aware that I won't be shipping it until next Monday, 28 July 2008; sorry for the inconvenience!)

Monday, June 30, 2008

Guess who's 10 weeks old already.

Can you believe it? Cute baby is 10 weeks old--and growing cuter by the minute. I haven't posted pictures of him in a while, so here is a handful.
At 10 weeks he's already sitting in the big-people chair.
And standing on the big-people desk (even though big-people aren't even allowed to do that).
We finally got the okay from his pediatrician to take him out into public places, so we went to visit Great-Grandma Stephens in Orem, UT. These two are almost exactly 97 years apart (Sawyer was born on the 20th and Grandma Stephens's birthday is on the 22nd of April). Plus, I realized that Grandma Stephens totally looks like the good sorceress, Fin Raziel, from Willow. Radical.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

More Crazy Baby Adventures.

Just 'cause a baby is a cute baby doesn't mean he's not crazy too. Let me explain...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Family and (mostly) Dry Media

I can only imagine that this is what Allison thinks every time she sees me with Sawyer.

And in this week's installment...strange gestures...
Finally, some sketches from this week at church. Allison and I are on a rotation schedule where she attends one meeting and I attend the other. I've been going to the 11:00 and she's been going to the 1:00, but this week we switched so I got to see some new faces. I also thought I'd switch it up by trying out some color pencils. I hadn't touched my Prismacolors in forever, so I dusted 'em off and gave 'em a spin around the block.

Somehow a Kelly Loosli look-alike was attending church at this building today...
And a little didn't expect all dry media, did you? Well, I mean, I did drybrush, if that counts.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Journal update!

At the request of many viewers, I will continue to post pictures of our incredibly cute baby.
There's something about cute sleeping babies that's so cute and sleepy.

And this week in the life of the Holdens, more silly stuff!
And I'm serious about the pudding thing, too. If you're a real chocoholic, you can double up fudgesicles and chocolate pudding, or to mix things up try it with butterscotch pudding.
The Illustrious and Illustrative Sketch Adventure Lifestyle of Anthony Holden. Cartoons, Sketches, Character Designs, Storyboards, Comics, Illustration, Animation, Silly thoughts, Intermittent Posting, and Arbitrary Capitalization by American animation artist, Anthony Holden. Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
All content on this page copyright 2007-2011 Anthony L. Holden. Do not use without permission, except for purposes of review.