Showing posts with label Abstract art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abstract art. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2020


World has everything for those who dream and keep hope afloat. This conceptual work conveys that no matter how dark it is, even if time has lost its pace and days and nights pass like sand in fist, even if dust on the windowpanes make it difficult to look far ahead, one can still dream. Be it a desire to be in snow capped mountains or in a quiet country cottage, of a river in a pine forest or lying under starry open sky, just remove the dust of hopelessness for the fire of hope gives light and warmth from within.

Medium: Soft Pastels and White gel Pen on Black Card paper

Friday, November 30, 2018

Fish in Net

Medium- Sketchpen, colorpencil and Faber Castell Pittpens

I have tried to play with form and style in this piece of abstract work.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jai Bholenath!

This quick abstract art is done in Wax Crayons. I got this thought today morning while waking up. Here I have tried to state that Lord Shiva rules the whole cosmos and five elements that make up life namely Sky, Earth, Fire, Air and Water (respectively) are within Shiva. That is, Lord Shiva is time itself, the embodiment of all seen and unseen, concrete and abstract, light and dark, entire universe and all life. He is everywhere, in everything and in all elements. He is a symbol of peace and selflessness, a hermit who lives a Spartan existence, far away from all desires but gives everything to those who revere Him and stay on the morally right path. 

Jai Bholenath!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Shiva & Shakti

I am not into abstract art but today I felt like creating one. The above work is done in crayons and depicts the two energies that create, bind, rule and propagate the cosmos. These two energies are depicted as Shiva and his consort Shakti (both reside in Shiva). While Shakti, the destroyer is the furious form, depicted by fire, the Shiva is the calmer form and is depicted by water. The yellow whirl below indicates the cosmos that starts with their energy and culminates in form of the universe. 

Modern scientific research* also proves that matter is a highly condensed form of energy and everything in this world is a solidified form of energy only. Green indicates potency and fecundity and along with the yellow whirl, the lower part of this work also indicates the third eye of Shiva.

Suggestions and corrections are most welcome!

                 * The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra