Sunday, January 9, 2011

Roxy's Big Day

Roxanne on her blessing day. 01/02/11. Ryan gave Roxy such a beautiful blessing and everyone in the circle kept mentioning how smiley Roxy was during her blessing. Seriously this girl is ALL SMILES lately. I love it.

I just took her to her 2 month check up and she is about 14 pounds and 24 inches. The Dr. told me she is off the charts for weight and height. haha

Dane and Johnny ready to go to church.

We had a little brunch at our place right after the blessing so we could spend some extra time with out families that travelled here for Roxy's big day.

My parents with Roxy

Me with my mom and sister.

Ryan with his parents
All of Dane's cousins that were at the blessing. That is a WHOLE LOT of boys!

For some reason Dane is always half naked, (or half clothed which ever way you want to look at it;) He came out of his room with this get-up on. He looked like a 3 year old chipendale.
Johnny and his chubby cheeks got harrassed

We can't have a family get together without a little "friendly" wrestling match is seems. Usually it doesn't stay very friendly though.

Me and my girl
I love this picture. It looks as if Ryan is asleep but he is just staring at his cute little girl.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

Making gingerbread cookies

This year was our first Christmas without being with either of our families so we talked a lot about what traditions we want to carry on and which ones we want to start. We decided that Christmas Eve we were going to have a pajama party/movie night. After we had our Christmas eve dinner the boys opened their new pajamas and ryan and I got in ours and then got out a ton of blankets and pillows, tons of candy, soda, and a big bowl of popcorn and watched Toy Story 2. The boys were SOOO excited to have a "slumber party". Dane thought it was so awesome and was so excited to watch the movie, Johnny on the other hand, was excited with all of the candy that I brought out. He couldn't shove it in his mouth fast enough. (Ithink he thought if he didn't hurry and eat it that we were going to take it away from him, which we ended up having to do since I didn't want to clean up throw up later. haha)

Rox in her Christmas dress

Dane being Santa
Johnny being Dane being Santa
TyPiCaL :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

This is what happens when....

Dane doesn't lock his bathroom door!

I am used to Johnny swirling his hands in the toilet every now and then when he gets the chance but the other day when my sister-in-law was over and we were visiting I thought the house was a little too quiet. I walked over to the boys room and glanced in their bathroom as I walked past and this is what I saw. DISGUSTING!! Especially since it is Dane's bathroom and who knows what is lurking around in that toilet.

The expression on Johnny's face is priceless. He was totally waiting for me to come and bust him because that is what he ALWAYS does. As soon as I saw him he started jumping up and down, splashing in the water, and squealing with excitement.

I guess this is what happens when I have 3 kids and my husband is gone for a month! Please tell me this happens in every home at least once??? ;)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Foxy Roxy's First Photo Shoot

My friend and I attempted to have a photo shoot with Roxy. Neither of us really knew what we were doing but we were still able to capture some really cute pictures. Here are a few that I loved:)

Halloween 2010

Ry brought the boys to come see me at the hospital before taking them trick or treating at his school. The nice nurses made them stop at the front desk so they could give them candy and graham crackers:) Poor Johnny didn't know what to do with himself at the hospital. He wouldn't come near me or the baby and wouldn't even make eye-contact. It was so sad but now he won't keep is mouth and hands off the poor girl.

My boys at the Midwestern halloween party. For some reason Johnny is missing a shoe in all of the pictures that I saw from this party. Haha. That kid is a mess:)

Ry snapped this picture of me and Roxy right after we got released from the hospital. (Don't mind the pasty white anemic skin and overly-tired eyes)

Ninjas for our ward trunk-or-treat.

Grandma giving Roxy her first bath at home. It's tradition:)

Roxy with Grandpa Weston

Daddy's girl???

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker