Showing posts with label Angel A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel A. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ho Ho Ho. And cake.

The holiday tree sits in a bucket of water, ready for standing and decorating. Aubrey, Matthew and Orion will decorate and Pete and I will actually leave the house, brave the world and do some gift shopping.

It's our wedding anniversary today. We have brand new matching his and her colds, so are saving the fancy dinner until we can actually taste it. Instead, a simple night of shopping and later, a movie at home near the fireplace. We rented Angel A, having seen a preview at the local theater where we see most indie films.

We'll remember the wedding--the white paper pinwheels and gossimer in the breeze, the hundreds of candles, the mysterious mime on the dancefloor, which friends got drunk, who stepped in the fountain, that sort of thing. But not for too long, because we like now.

Now is pretty good.

And tomorrow is my birthday. Same plan. Simple and warm, but with cake.

Everything is better with cake.

And Gurtie, of course, says "whatever."


Ravyn has listed some of her painted foals on ebay and says they can arrive in time for hanging on the tree. You can't really appreciate how tiny and detailed these are until you see one in person. I have some, and I was surprised and delighted when I opened the packages.

Off to shop for silly things.
