Indeed it is February. How did this happen?
Oh. Right. The planet spins, travels around the sun, it's light, it's dark, it's light, it's dark.
My gluey-hands, or why-I-don't-answer-my-phone-in-studio. This is Joyce, who joined us in October.
Among other things (note apron) she is now our official Poppet photographer. Now you'll get to see more studio shots of work in progress.
Yesterday Zorcon had his 'day spa'. He got a bubble bath, wrapped in warm towels
and some relaxing time with
Orion (and a carrot.)
Flight of the Conchords might be my new favorite show.
I'm not sure anything could replace Curb Your Enthusiasm for my favorite downtime watching, but Bret and Jermaine, with their unabashedly dry approach and
truly funny songs rarely let me down.
If you haven't checked out Poppets On Tour (see sidebar) you're missing some great new photos. If you haven't checked out the forums (sidebar) you're missing some cool people to hang out with.
This morning was mild on the playground. There is no equal to the sound of a playground full of kids in the morning.
But---it's not a particularly good idea to close one's eyes to listen while standing on a basketball court, even if the other players are three feet shorter than yourself.
I'm off to the studio. In progress--a Poppet interpretation of Coraline, a solar powered airship, and more Excellently Mad Poppets in Bell Jars.
have a good day