Showing posts with label Steampunk Aire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steampunk Aire. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Birthdays, Sun and Wind in This Tiny Pellicle

Yesterday was extraordinarily warm, even for Palm Springs. Great timing, because we celebrated Orion's 7th with lots of water. Cold, sure, but with plenty of sunshine and warm air, not so bad.
It was a day mostly spent outside. Among his gifts were a digital camera, an aquarium (with a trip to the pet store for fish when the water is ready) and his favorite, a Key Blade (from Kingdom Hearts) crafted by Bent and myself.
This is the sort of photo one must take at birthdays---of friends with names written on. For later, when they're all grown up. For time travel.
Aubrey made the cake. Helped out with the balloons and gifts, looked adorable but (of course) refused to be photographed, mostly.

Here we are. Again. Each year he grows and I get, well, better. Sheesh!
That was yesterday.
Today the weather is a wholly different animal. Way too cold for swimming and the winds have arrived, dragging clouds behind and herding dust devils before. decorating our streets with all sorts of debris. We saw an overturned tree, rather large, on the golf course, with a circle (rather large) of golf course still attached.
I caught Spencer as he passed on his land sail. He got up to nearly 30mph at one point. You can see in the photo some of the debris that was moving around.
On that note, it seemed fitting that the newest Steam Punk Poppet be about air, and weather and flying, especially on the inside.

No breaking news on the Rattus Norvegicus situation, except that I've left no more treats and we cleaned the pantry. I'll very likely make arrangements for traps early in the weeks. We have to scope out a good place to free the critter, provided we catch it. Reading lends me to believe that capturing a rats is not as easy as it may seem. It will be a project in itself. Finished Robert Sullivan's book "Rats" and highly recommend it---layered and captivating and obviously written by someone who loves the city of New York and her history.

Still catching up pieces owed people and clearing up "The Cave" to resume video work. Heads up---we'll be putting lots of 'old' stuff up on a (wow, literally a clearance--suddenly I get it) sale next weekend.