Showing posts with label Survivors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survivors. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Today is very windy, with fallen trees, rolling trash bins and little bits flying all around. There are moments---looking out of the studio's south window---when I could be Dorothy, dream-flying in black and white. I'm sculpting a poppet caught in a windstorm, which is one of those parts of work that doesn't feel like work at all.

Last week I finished an edition of 'Resonant Kiss." The finished sculpture looks like this.

I really liked this particular image of the work-in-progress. Possibly it's the negative black space around them. Perhaps the slight out-of-focus makes it more sinister. Maybe I'm full of crap. I don't know. I like it and thought you might too.

This weekend I watched the documentary "Addicted to Plastic." The experience for me was a bit of a roller coaster of 'we're totally fucked' and 'we're starting to figure things out.' It was somewhat balanced, so I came away from it feeling informed, but not panicked.

Then I did a little old-fashioned channel surfing. After about an hour, I immediately went to work on a new Poppet. It made me feel a little better, but not great for Poppet.
A little gas mask made up for it. (care tip: Poppets don't like more than thirty minutes of television at a time)
Then I decided to make gas masks for other Poppets too, which is good, because gas masks are small and require only small tools. I can sculpt them on a tray in my lap, with my feet up, in my pajamas, with a nice hot toddy by the fire.

...while watching documentaries. So time flew and I made quite a number of masks. Other Poppets could have them too.

When I was done, I decided to watch some television. But I've seen all four episodes of Survivors (the 2008 series), so I put a little Irish in my toddy, and got a book.