I know I live in a desert. I get that. I knew it was a desert when I moved here.
I didn't fully appreciate what that meant.
I do now.
Leave, you say?
Why, yes! Of course! Let's!
Then, our eclectic group continues to grow. Eventually, we might have enough skills between us to make and or do anything we wish, outside of things like, say, leaving the actual planet.
I'm not leaving this desert until I can take them with me.
And therein lies the word for the day. How to survive another summer in a place where it's possible not to survive summer.
We will stay safely hidden in our caves, we will use our brains and we will live in our heads.
Poppets and other art will reflect this mentality. It can't be helped. What we create mostly always reflects our current state.
Solstice? Oh yes. We have entered the state of the Anti Summer.