Start with a circle. I used a large hole punch but you could draw a circle and cut it out with scissors or an Xacto knife.
Fold the circle in half. I use a flat, smooth tool called a "bone." You could use a marker or knife handle or other .
Repeat the folds
Until you have 8 sections.
I use a smaller hole punch to trim the edges between sections. You could do this with scissors or a razor knife.
Overlap two sections and glue them together. Now your umbrella has 7 sections.
Cut out a smaller circle for support.
Glue it into the middle on the inside.
Then cut a tiny "x" in the middle of the circle underneath and another at the apex. Push a handle (I used a toothpick here.) Before painting, I like to brush on a coat of white glue over the whole umbrella. It makes the paper stronger and makes a good surface for accepting paint.
Voila! Tiny Umbrella.