Showing posts with label time management for artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label time management for artists. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

More on the rising tide

In the time since my last post, I've been keeping my head down, focused on working, pushing to try to get to a new level. I've had to put a few things into the margins to make this happen. One of the more difficult aspects of this sort of focus is explaining the need for 'space' to friends and family. Sometimes I have to work pretty hard to extract a block of creative time. The Etsy shop is my day job. It's a full time job and then some. But time for writing or creating an inspired larger work is another animal entirely. So when I do get some time, the pressure is on to 'make it count.'

It seems that everyday life abhors the creative zone.

One of my favorite comfort movies is "As Good as it Gets." There's a scene where Helen Hunt's character, Carol, goes into a tail spin because she gets enough breathing room to examine her life. That scene has come to mind more than once lately. Finally the drama and unrest in my life has settled down and I'm looking around wondering how the hell things got so convoluted.

In such a situation, it's really hard for me to focus on one thing. Other things clamour for attention. This is one of the disadvantages to working from one's home, I suppose. One approach would be to make a list, prioritize it and work through it.

When that doesn't work, I try a different approach. I keep moving and chip away at whatever is in front of me. If I discover a logistics problem, I stop and fix it. Messy bathroom- take a quick swipe at it. Whatever I do will improve the situation as a whole. Getting rid of little things that annoy or waste time will only help. I find this freeing. I can think while I do simple things. I can get back to projects tomorrow with less distraction.

Now, one could see this as a form of procrastination. I'm thinking of it as an experiment in fitting the task to the inspiration. Instead of lists and priorities, I go through a few days looking to improve things in general - including snatching a bit of time for reading or play with Orion.

It's good to be here. Less treading water, more swimming.