Showing posts with label bb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bb. Show all posts


- don't feed my squirrels -

Skin: al vulo- Astrea*  60's chic in fairy (TDR Fusion)
Shape: *ShapesfloweR* Laura shape
Eyes: IKON Ardent Eyes - Parchment (S)
Hair: -LaViere- Nadia/SoftCaramel (C88-item, new round has just started)
Sweater: Color.Me.H.O.F Mesh [Leather Sleeve Pullover[Golden] - C88-item
Scarf: [Aux] Infinity Scarf -  Big (Kinda) -Stripe v
Shorts: -tb- Metallic Glitter Shorts (M) - Floral (C88-item)
Tights: Glitter Tights /gold by LeeZu!
Boots: ::BB:: Fowler Laced- Up Boots (BONE) - C88-item
Bag: :pesca:old shoulder  bag/ikari-darkbrown
Squirrels and google: !Ohmai : Steampunk Light Squirrel and google (avail @C88)
Necklaces: both by Lagyo (Chloe and Mayra)
Earrings: (Kunglers Extra) Medusa earrings
Hands: SLink
Location: the enchanting HPMD sim


- Truth meet Emily -

Hello there,
Recently Truth released some awesome hairstyles. Besides the two elegant updos (unrigged ones) Vida and Felicity here's the enchanting long style too: Anita.
Lara Hurley's latest face is Emily which comes in 5 skintones, 10 make-ups and 10 gorgeous lipsticks. The pack contains some useful layers as well e.g freckles, cleavage and SLink hand and feed add-ons too.
So hurry for demos lovelies :)

Skin: Lara Hurley Skin - Emily (tan pack - NEW)
Hairstyles: Truth - Vida/Felicity/Anita (NEW)
Shape: ShapesfloweR - coming soon
Eyes. IKON - Evenings
Teeth: PXL - Pro OpenMouth
Bodysuit and boots: ::BB:: Pesca Bodysuit and boots for DU2013 (PEWTER)
Necklace/bracelets/rings/earrings: all by Lagyo
Hand: Slink mesh hands - gesture

Ten great make-ups:


- cup of coffee -

Skin: .::Mother Goose's::.Hazel (for 1L$)
Hair: (fd) Moon Pigtails - Brunette 5 (w. Luna hat)
Shape: *ShapesfloweR* - MangoManga shape
Teeth: [PXL] OpenMouth PRO TEETH v1.3
Freckles: Mynerva
Eyes: IKON Ardent Eyes - Skyfall (M)
Dress: ::BB:: Calypso Tank Dress XS (CHAMPAGNE) - New collection
Bag: ::BB:: Hearts Sling Pouch
Necklace: ::BB:: Seahorse Chain Necklace GOLD S
Earrings: [HANDverk]Loxodromic Earring.burnished buff/gold
Shoes: : ) BCC . Emma Apple flat shoes Caramel (former The Arcade item)
Hands: Slink Mesh Hand Elegant 1
Watch and bracelets: GizzA - Asia Watch&Bracelet [Cream-Gold] Watch&Bracelet
More bracelets: *League* Pearls & Lace Bracelets
Poses: MaVie, marukin, Kirin
Location: Humanoid

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