I got home from the grocery store tonight (yes, I fully prefer to shop w/o the kids...especially amidst all the crazy holiday crowds!) and Garrett starts calling my name from his 'already tucked in' state in his bedroom. I go up there (after it is evident that he wouldn't stop calling for either one of us if Steve or I didn't go up and see what he wanted.) Cute little boy that he is, just wanted to say goodnight to his Mom who had been gone off and on for most of the day...awww, so sweet! Of course though in his calling throughout the house for me, he got his brother in the next room in on the action. "Mom...Dad...Moooooom....Daaaaad" - you know the sound...as our names get longer and longer with each call! So, I make a trip up to his room too...and as I open the door, this is the conversation we have:
E: Tan I pweez have a tweenex? (Can I please have a kleenex?)
Me: Okay. (grabbing one off the shelf) Here you go. Now go to sleep okay?
E: Mom? Gar yewwing for you too. (Garrett yelling for you too)
Sweet that he's concerned for his brother's late night conversations!
Me: I know...I already went and talked to Garrett.
E: Dat's funny. We all just yewwing for each udder. (We're all just yelling for each other!)
This kid is sooo funny....I love the constant commentary of our lives through his eyes. Never a dull moment when he's around...even when he's stating the obvious to a very tired mommy who would rather not make another trip upstairs at bedtime! I love these kiddos!