Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Olivia has just started laughing...a chuckle here and a giggle there. I love that every once in a while, she’ll startle herself with a little laugh that just erupts out of her. Two nights ago though…we were in our hotel room and Ethan would drop down next to us on the bed and it apparently tickled little Olivia’s funny bone! She couldn’t stop it and it just came bursting out!

San Antonio

We always go to San Antonio the day after Christmas - or relatively soon there-after! Seriously, San Antonio in December is magical...the Riverwalk is all lit up with lights hanging from every tree and Christmas music is playing everywhere! SeaWorld itself is all Christmassy too with scuba-diving santas, giant Christmas trees and again, Christmas music playing from every corner of the park!!!

This year, was a bit different from last year…one more kid added to the mix makes a a bit of a difference! And the FREEZING cold weather definitely was a change! Last year we did SeaWorld in shorts and flip flops…this year we were bundled up in layer after layer…hats and gloves and coat galore! Last year we even swam in the hotel’s outdoor pool…this year, we hurried the kids from place to place with umbrellas and coats bundled on!

We went to the Shamu show and it was PACKED since 'due to technical difficulties' the previous show had been cancelled! We had seats right down in front…perfect…except for the fact that we were in the splash-zone! Here’s the video that Steve shot…talk about perfect timing! Steve and Garrett got soaked. Ethan miraculously stayed pretty dry and the rest of the group didn’t even get a splash! Olivia and I were dry as well…especially since we squeezed in a few rows up…well out of harm’s way! :)

We had a great time...from waiting in line for rides (and then having E chicken out and flat-out REFUSE to go on it!), to catching the shows (LOVED the 4D Polar Express...though maybe i really liked it because it gave us a chance to warm up a bit!), to visiting with friends, and watching my little ones grow up before my very eyes. We all had a blast and had a wonderful time just being together!

Edited to add...more pictures are coming...this is just all I had time for right now! :)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


don't ask me why...but we were looking at cars the other day online and came across this beauty...

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image 1504782566-2

seriously, this is one of my dream cars!  (i know, i'm crazy!) but one day, it will be mine!  maybe if we lived somewhere where there were mountains (or a hill of any sort) my dream of owning this car would come sooner rather than later!  or maybe i could convince Steve that this would be a logical commuter car for him???  hmmm, somehow i don't see that conversation working out to my advantage!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

the children were nestled all snug in their beds

I got home from the grocery store tonight (yes, I fully prefer to shop w/o the kids...especially amidst all the crazy holiday crowds!) and Garrett starts calling my name from his 'already tucked in' state in his bedroom. I go up there (after it is evident that he wouldn't stop calling for either one of us if Steve or I  didn't go up and see what he wanted.)  Cute little boy that he is, just wanted to say goodnight to his Mom who had been gone off and on for most of the day...awww, so sweet!  Of course though in his calling throughout the house for me, he got his brother in the next room in on the action. "Mom...Dad...Moooooom....Daaaaad" - you know the our names get longer and longer with each call!  So, I make a trip up to his room too...and as I open the door, this is the conversation we have:

E: Tan I pweez have a tweenex? (Can I please have a kleenex?)

Me: Okay. (grabbing one off the shelf) Here you go.  Now go to sleep okay?

E: Mom?  Gar yewwing for you too.  (Garrett yelling for you too)
        Sweet that he's concerned for his brother's late night conversations!

Me:  I know...I already went and talked to Garrett.

E: Dat's funny.  We all just yewwing for each udder. (We're all just yelling for each other!)

This kid is sooo funny....I love the constant commentary of our lives through his eyes.  Never a dull moment when he's around...even when he's stating the obvious to a very tired mommy who would rather not make another trip upstairs at bedtime!  I love these kiddos!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

oops...spoke too soon

So in our house, (as it is in most houses, I'm sure) potty-training is pretty big deal. And no...we are not even close to that delightful milestone in Ethan's life, but the idea is out there and we at least talk about it...OFTEN!

Some may not agree with me, but I am willing to throw a little incentive his way...he can pick out any toy he wants as soon as he is completely potty-trained. That's what we did with Garrett and I figured it worked well enough that we'd try it with Ethan. I figure a $20 toy is worth it if it means that I don't have to buy $20 boxes of diapers CONSTANTLY! :)

So the other day, Ethan saw an advertisement for a lego set in a magazine and asked in his cute way if he could have it..."pweez me have dat? pweez me have doz yegos?" I jumped all over it! "Of course E! There all soon as you go potty in the toilet all the time! When you don't wear diapers at all anymore, those legos are yours!" I was actually pretty excited that we had set up the incentive...maybe this would give him the encouragement he needs in this whole endeavor! We ripped the picture out of the magazine and it now resides on the refrigerator where he can see it!

Fast forward a week or so, when I am perusing the lego section online while finishing up my Christmas shopping. I see our 'prized' set and click on it to read the reviews and low an behold, I notice the price tag for this set...$75. Yep that's right. I had just agreed to spend $75 on a toy for my kid...all in the name of bribery! AAAAHHHHH! This is soooo against my nature...I am the most frugal shopper alive. Needless to say, I'm already trying to figure a way out of this one!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


All night tonight Ethan kept telling me "you yook shcary mommy! (translation: you look scary mommy!)   Not quite the compliment I usually strive for, but whatever!

I blame the glasses for the comment, but the truth is now out there...apparently I frighten my children!  

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

twilight zone

I love my children...completely. That being said...motherhood is hard! Hard, but wonderful, hilarious, silly, amazing and so much fun...and hard - did I mention that?!?!

But, there are moments when I catch a glimpse of heaven. When all the stars align and everything runs smoothly for a moment or two! I LOVE those times!

Like Monday, I was trying extra hard to be the mother that a certain 2 year old deserves. Not to name names...but this two year old is a complete contradiction! He is sweet and thoughtful...and stubborn as all get-out! Needless to say, there are times that require some extra patience...and most of those times have been all wrapped up into the past few weeks! Got to love the age...mixed in with the lack of sleep for mommy!!! AAAHHHHH! :)

Anyways...that day something clicked in the precious child and we had the most sublime evening imaginable! Phrases such as "Mom, can I set the table for you?", "Please", "Thank You so much!", "Mom, can I help you?" or even "Mom, can you please change my diaper" That is usually a HUGE struggle but for some reason, after he asked so nicely, he proceeded to get the diaper and wipes out and lay down...ready and waiting for me. :) The boys played together amazingly well, upstairs I might add! Olivia was content....and sleepy - a nice long nap during dinner making time!

Not to make my children sound like little monsters...they really are pretty well-behaved for the most part.  All these phrases aren't too out of the ordinary...but the politeness that night was refreshing!  Seriously, all was well in our little corner of Texas!

And I have to even has trickled down to today. As I got Ethan dressed this morning (in an outfit that he flat-out refused to wear two days ago (and actually cried for 1/2 hour about) he actually said "Mom, tan you pweeze div me a job" (can you please give me a job?)  Of course, dear child, you may do your chores!  :)

All I can say is...Christmas Miracle!  :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Happy Holidays - Lego Style!

It's the day after Thanksgiving and this is the scene in our house...

Me: "Hey kids! Should we decorate for Christmas?!?!?!?"

Ethan: "Yeah!!!!!!" (as he starts dancing around in circles in excitement!)

Garrett: "Oooohhhh yeah! I know just what to do!" (you can almost see the lightbulb over his head as he runs up the stairs)

15 minutes or so later this is how he decorates...and I must admit, it's a whole lot easier than pulling down the bins from the attic and sorting through all the actual decorations! Not to mention, the re-usability and chageability (yes, my own made up words!) of his choice of decor! Maybe we should just go with it...just drape a few strands of lights around the legos and call it good! :)

Santa and his reindeer - complete with Rudolph's red nose! Especially designed for the reindeer to be flying (notice that their feet don't touch the ground!!!)

Music note and star

Christmas tree and gift

Gift #2 and candy cane!

So Merry Christmas, from our lego-style house to yours! May your decor be a little more dignified and classy! :)