Thursday, December 30, 2010
Polar Express
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Little Leprechauns
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy Holidays - Lego Style!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Christmas Miracle

We saw a few flakes and bundled up as fast as we could to enjoy our magical winter weather -aka a few snowflakes mixed in with freezing rain! Little did we know it would turn into a real snow and last all night long!

I made Steve go outside with me around midnight to take pictures! And surprise, surprise...this was my favorite shot! I am including a lame one of me that he got while I was in the middle of a crazy pose...just so I can claim that I am fair in my blog picture posting goofiness...equal opportunity...that's what we're all about! :)
And one more...sorry to bore you! But I had to post a picture of our Christmas lights. Yes...we've only done one level...but this is a good start for us since I had to BEG and PLEAD for the lights at all. Steve...while being the most un-scroogey person I know, thinks holiday decorations are ridiculous when put up on a green lawn and a roof-top completely devoid of snow! Okay, so he's not really too anti-lights, and I didn't have to beg too much for those...but those big blow up snowmen or Santa's...that's another story! And to be honest, the night that we did put up our lights...Garrett and I managed to break quite a few bulbs between the two of I need to go buy some replacements anyway before anyone is going to be climbing up on the really it's my partly my fault that we're only halfway to our full lighting capacity!!! Regardless, maybe it's possible to get our house decorated since we proved last night that a white Christmas just might be possible here in Texas!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween!

I woke up one morning envisioning how I was going to make this turtle costume...and while it is kinda random, it was really fun to make! :)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy Fourth...only a few days late!
So anyway...hope everyone had a great 4th! We had a wonderful day, filled with amazing friends, fun all day long and WAY too much food! Let me just say that it is a VERY good thing I still have two more days of working out before our trip!!!

Ethan is loving the water these days...he's either so excited and playing like mad, or he's so relaxed that he's falling asleep - no matter what position he's in! I'll have to get a pic of that next time we is so funny!

We ended the night at the end of our driveway lighting off little fireworks with our neighbors...shhh, don't tell the homeowners association!!!

Garrett, while enjoying the sights...absolutely refuses to take part in anything besides the little pop/snappers. You know...the little things that you throw down on the ground and they snap??? Yep, he looks forward to those all year long! He would have been 100% happy if Steve would have brought home a bag full of those and left the sparklers for someone else to enjoy! But I guess I was the same way as a I guess my boys do take after me in some small way!

I'm including this one only to offer proof that I was involved in the festivities!