Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tonight I was getting the kids ready for bed.  We knelt down to say prayers and Ethan was going to go first.  Before he started, I reminded him to say a thoughtful prayer...and then reminded him that Thanksgiving was tomorrow and that he could say a Thanksgiving prayer.

So E, then proceeds to say his normal prayer...asking for blessings for him and Garrett, asking to not have bad dreams that night...and then right before saying amen...he throws in "And please bless dinner to be really yummy tomorrow." 3 years old, my child knows the importance of that yummy dinner.  :)  Now if I can just get him to count his blessings!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Here's my little skeletons...all decked out for Halloween!  Yes, that's right.  Nothing says Happy Thanksgiving like belated Halloween pictures!  And sorry for all the action shots...these little ones won't pose for ANYTHING right now.  They'll regret it later, I suppose!  :)

E's favorite part of his costume...the bum!


Happy 3 and 1/2, E!!!

This little guy was pretty excited for his half-birthday this year!  We spent the afternoon at the library, ate chocolate chip cookies until we burst, had a pizza party for dinner and enjoyed every minute together.  How we love our Ethan!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tuckered Out!

Being a three is hard work.

This is how we've found Ethan - TWICE last week!  He goes upstairs to do puzzles around 4:30...and soon after, he is completely out!  :)  Got to love that stage where they lose the naps, but are still sooooo tired!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Just now as I was tucking Garrett into bed...

Garrett - Hey Mom?  
Me - Yeah?
Garrett - I don't like it when you come up and check on me after I'm asleep.  Don't do it anymore, okay?
Me (totally confused) -  Huh?
Garrett - Just don't check on me anymore at night, okay?
Me - I don't get I wake you up when I come in here?
Garrett - No.  It just feels like you're spying on me.

Now I'm going to lay in bed at night...wondering if my children are sleeping okay...if their covers are pulled up...if they're about to fall off the bed...if they just need one more kiss on the cheek???  All because my little ones are paranoid and think I spy on them!