Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Chat with Laura Hooper

Laura Hooper is one of the talented people who inspires and makes possible the inspiration boards on Snippet & Ink. I have drooled over the work on her website time and again, and now she has a blog, with even more eye candy! Laura was kind enough to stop by Snippet & Ink today to answer a few questions.

Snippet & Ink: Your website says that you have been interested in calligraphy since you were twelve. What is it about calligraphy that you have always loved so much?
Laura Hooper: I have always been creative- I have liked to draw and paint since I can remember. I love calligraphy because it is very relaxing for me. I love to watch the flow of the ink onto the paper. It is so graceful..I never get bored.

S&I: There are so many incredible styles that you offer on your website. Are they your take on classic styles, or did you develop some of them yourself?
LH: Some of them are and some are not. Copperplate, Bickham, Bickham Swash Caps and Rook are all classic calligraphy styles that computerized fonts have adapted, but then I sort of add my own spin to them. I am completely self-taught, so I do somewhat of my own thing with the styles. Other styles, like Costello, Rosen and Splendid Flourish are my own creations that have evolved from other styles. It's funny when I look back at my samples from two years ago for Splendid Flourish, they look completely different to me.

S&I: Do you have a favorite style of project that you have done?
LH: My favorite style and project is one I just sent to print for letterpress. It has inspired me to start my own invitation line. I am planning to have about seven suites to start and they will all be calligraphy for letterpress printing. But I have to finish my website first!

S&I: What style is a favorite among your clients?
LH: Copperplate and Bickham, probably because they are classic styles as I mentioned, they match pretty well to anything, and they are reasonably priced. I also get a great response to Massy and Baby Script as well.

S&I: Calligraphy obviously isn't just for addressing envelopes - you have even hand lettered on compasses! What are some other examples of things that you have used your talents for?
LH: Spanish tiles, Lucite placecards, sand dollars, capiz shells... I love doing all these things because they are so unique and custom. I love creating new ideas for seating arrangements with luxurious papers, ribbons, or other things.

S&I: What advice could you give to a couple who love calligraphy, but have a limited budget?
LH: Don't use a computer or labels! Enlist someone like your mother or your bridesmaid with nice handwriting to address your envelopes. Please remember that the first thing your guests will see with regard to your wedding is not the invitation. It's the outside of the envelope. If you've slapped a label on it or the writing is crooked, it completely negates the gorgeous invitation inside. Factor calligraphy into the budget and perhaps select a less expensive invitation so that you have room in the budget.

S&I: What is the best part about your job?
LH: Not sitting in a cubicle selling mortgage loans. :) Yes, it's the freedom. I love being able to work from anywhere that has a flat surface and not having to worry about sick days and vacation days. I do have to worry about deadlines though, but that's okay. Also, seeing a project through to the end. Sometimes I start with a bride's save-the-dates a year and a half in advance, and then I work with them all the way through the escort cards, menus and other reception items. I really develop a relationship with them and it's always sad, after a wedding is over, to know I won't hear from them anymore (Until their younger sibling gets married two years later, which has just started to happen! It's a pleasant surprise.).

S&I: Is there anything else that Snippet & Ink readers should know about you?
LH: Yes. I remember all my clients and what styles they ordered. Also, I love creating new custom ideas, so if you see something you like, call me up and let's get started!

Laura, thank you so much for taking the time to stop by Snippet & Ink! Your work is lovely, and we look forward to seeing more of it on your new website and blog.



Blogger Alexa Johnson said...

I received my first hand calligraphied invitation last summer, and it was such a gift. I actually had the inner envelope with our names framed. So I think you are right-spend less on the inner invitation (simple, yet elegant and classic), and then make an incredible first impression with the envelope. Thanks for sharing!

March 19, 2008 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger ami @ elizabeth anne designs said...

i love laura. :) she rocks.

March 19, 2008 at 7:56 PM  

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