Malo pomalo, "Goltzius and the Pelican company" približava se Zagrebu. Od njegove premijere na 32. Nizozemskom filmskom festivalu … preko prikazivanja na 7. Rimskom filmskom festivalu … možemo ga uskoro očekivati i u našoj metropoli. A spominjem ga ponovno jer sam jako ponosna što sam imala priliku dati i svoj doprinos stvaranju ovog filma dizajniranjem nakita koji je korišten kao dio kostimografije. Zato me svaka nova informacija vezana uz ljude koji su zaslužni za njegovo nastajanje uvijek iznova razveseli.
Raskošna kostimografija djelo je izuzetno talentirane Blanke Budak i njezinog tima. Kao što i sama kaže: "... nastali su iz čiste ljubavi i volje svih onih koji su se okupili na ovom projektu ...". Jako me obradovala vijest da je planiran photo-session samo kostima i nakita kao svojevrstan editorijal umjetnosti različitih profila. A to je i učinjeno na jedan zaista poseban i jedinstven način. Brižno postavljena scenografija, vrhunska šminka i fantastična fotografija samo su dodatno naglasili svu ljepotu i raskoš koja se stvarala tjednima. I priznajem da ne mogu kriti oduševljenje gledajući svoj nakit u takvom svijetlu. Upravo sam ga tako i zamišljala dok sam stvarala svaki komad posebno.
Ovakvo iskustvo zaista se nikada ne zaboravlja. Draga Blanka, hvala ti na tome♥
Sada Vas ostavljam da uživate u fotografijama kostima i nakita iz Blankinog albuma „Goltzius revisited“. To su samo neke od fotografija iz čitavog albuma kojeg mi je Blanka ljubazno ustupila a možete ga pogledati ovdje. Zato, slobodno kliknite i ušetajte u 16. stoljeće.
Do idućeg posta, lijep pozdrav, Sandra Z.
Step by step the "Goltzius and the Pelican company" is coming closer to Zagreb. From its premiere at the 32nd Dutch Film Festival … over its presenting at the 7th Rome Film Festival … we can soon expect it also in our city. I’m mentioning it again because I had the opportunity to contribute its creating by designing the jewelry used as part of the costumes. And that makes me very proud. Further to that, every new information connected to the people who where contributing, makes me very happy.
The rich costumes are creations of the high talented Blanka Budak and her team. According to her own words: "... they where made of pure love and grace of all the people that came together on this project...". I was very glad when I've heard that a special photo session of only the costumes and jewelry was planned. As a kind of an editorial of a variety of arts. And, it was done in a very unique and great way. Carefully planned set, an excellent make-up and the fantastic photography gave additional accent to the beauty and grandeur which was created for weeks. I have to admit, that I cannot hide my thrill by looking at my jewelry in such a way. It’s just like I've imagine it, while I was creating each piece.
Such an experience is unforgettable. Thank you dear Blanka for that ♥
I'm leaving you now to enjoy the pictures of the costumes and jewelry from Blanka's album "Goltzius revisited". These are just few pictures out of the whole album which can be seen here. So, feel free to jump into the 16th century.
Until my next post, best regards, Sandra Z.
Photos from the: Album "Goltzius revisited" / Blanka Budak
Costume Designer: Blanka Budak
Make Up Designer: Ana Bulajic Crcek
Production Designer: Ana Buljan
Photographer: Nikola Predovic
Jewelry designed by: Sandra Zubčić
Production: MP Film Production
Models: Emilija Šušković, Nikola Knežević (Leptir Leptir Ban Dit), Katarina Pohl, Ema Gašljević (Ema King), Željka Rončević, Hrvoslava Brkušić (Lala Naturščik)
Photos from the: Album "Goltzius revisited" / Blanka Budak
Costume Designer: Blanka Budak
Make Up Designer: Ana Bulajic Crcek
Production Designer: Ana Buljan
Photographer: Nikola Predovic
Jewelry designed by: Sandra Zubčić
Production: MP Film Production
Models: Emilija Šušković, Nikola Knežević (Leptir Leptir Ban Dit), Katarina Pohl, Ema Gašljević (Ema King), Željka Rončević, Hrvoslava Brkušić (Lala Naturščik)