First Birthday for Dash

Dash turned one on January 15th. 
It was bittersweet and also awesome.
This last year was hands down the fastest year of my life.
I can't believe it went so quickly.
It has been a fun year too.

The 15th of January was 85 degrees.
I let my oldest skip school.
She had a subsitutue and an assembly that day so I figured it was a good day to miss. Plus it was her baby brother's first birthday and she was so excited for him.

We went to the beach. 
We played with some friends.

This picture cracks me up.
He started taking steps Christmas Eve and on his first birthday started walking everywhere.
Its a bit tricky in the sand. 

That night we had dinner and cake. 
We let him blow out the candle a few times.
He wasn't really into his cake.

Then we let him open his fire engine.
He loves that fire engine and so do his older siblings because they played with it instead of letting him play with it. Of course. 

It was a good birthday for our little Dash!!


  1. So cute! Happy Birthday. Dash's hair cracks me up! I'd let my kids skip too -- you're only young once and there will be plenty of time for school work. ;)

  2. he is so irresistible. and i can't believe he is one! crazy. hbd little one!!!
