Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Insanity

  • INSANE situation at work has resulted in numerous urgent meetings at which people say INSANE things and send INSANE emails, yes, in all caps.  And then there are the requisite post-meeting debriefs with sane people confirming that yes, that person really said that and yes, that's really insane.
  • This is a real question for my academic peeps:  do those of you in the sciences, social sciences, or even general humanities types get requests from random people you don't know who want you to read their work?  This happens so frequently to me that I really should keep a log.  I have started a FAQ/template reply so I can just dump something in an email when I get a random request, without having to reinvent the wheel.  But it is annoying as fuck.  (I mean, I don't even comment on my own students' work over email--they need to sit down with me if they want feedback.)
  • This morning I am going to combat the insanity by reading, writing, and submitting.  And then catch up on a week's worth of grading and backlog of emails that are actually worthy of my time.


  1. The number of crackpot emails I get has been increasing this year. So far this year I've had a guy send me his (social conservative pushing) book, I've had a (male) high school history teacher (and coach) ask me a (social conservative) question one of his students had asked him. I've had two anonymous harassing emails stemming from tv appearances. The former two were related to one research agenda that's related to women's issues, the latter were a completely different research agenda not relating to women's issues.

  2. Yeah on the increase in crackpot emails (people with silly theories of dark matter, grand unification of interactions, correcting our misconception about electrodynamics, special theory of relativity, the works). Predatory conferences and journals, too.

  3. Oy, yeah. I get that sort of stuff, too. CRAZY! This is the "I don't know anything about you but your online bio says you teach writing so would you please read my poem/story/pornographic novel/etc and give me some feedback on it. I appreciate your time!"

  4. This makes me feel better to know that others receive similar craziness but also, like, WTF is wrong with people!
