Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year!

Hello friends!  It's been eons (well, almost a full year) since I've posted here.  But as I'm processing 2024 and planning for 2025, this blog feels like a space to revisit.  I just meticulously copied over some questions from SHU's year-end post and decided most of those questions don't actually speak to me.  The categories were helpful, though.  So...what is new in my world?


I'm in year 2 of an admin gig which is going moderately well.  I'm good at it, and I like most parts of it.  The parts I don't like I am getting better at outsourcing, minimizing, or coming up with better systems for.  Unlike my previous admin gig, I can detach emotionally from most of it.  I had a teaching release this past fall....and now gearing up for "spring" class, along with a new committee assignment, so teaching/service will take up a larger percentage of my available work time.  As is my way, I have three active book projects and one making the rounds in hopes of securing a publisher.  That's a weird hybrid genre book, but I really like it, and the last rejection hit pretty hard.  Need to regroup and resend.  Mostly at my age (52) and stage of career (tenured full professor) I am trying hard NOT to overwork.


Tiny Boy is 13, LG is almost 21 (WTF!).  They are both doing well in their own ways.  LG is thriving in nursing school (third year) and working two jobs as EMT.  TB is in 7th grade, interested in children's theater, soccer, and D&D.  But a lot of rage in my general direction and parenting solo is particularly hard in this respect.


Well....late March I messed up my shoulder/arm pretty badly.  It looked like I was going to need surgery through July and then turned a corner.  Magical cortisone injection into the shoulder joint made it possible for me to make significant progress in physical therapy.  My range of motion is finally "within normal limits" in all directions, though still limited compared to my non-injured arm, and there are things I will never be able to do again.  Now I'm doing baby strength training, quite meticulously, given involvement in multiple tendons in the shoulder/arm.  The process has been emotionally and cognitively challenging in ways I never imagined. My physical therapist is an actual former Olympian, among her many other talents and credentials, and I am grateful beyond words for her care.  

Favorite Media

I rewatched a good chunk of The West Wing as a way to calm myself before the election.  Really liked The Diplomat.  I don't do many movies at all, but the kids and I saw Wicked on my birthday and quite enjoyed it (though it was definitely 30 minutes too long).  We also saw The Wizard of Oz in the actual theater, which was a treat.  (I guess there's a theme here!)

Other Miscellany

I have been taking dance classes again (ballet mostly), which has been challenging with the aforementioned arm injury, but really helpful in terms of getting out of my head.  Also experimenting with visual art (paper crafts, mostly, though recent turn toward wire work).  Given my actual job reading is just not relaxing in a way that using my hands / body / other senses can be.

Anyway....I hope you're all well.  Drop me a line in the comments if you actually read this :)


  1. Longtime lurker, nice to see updates! Happy New Year!

  2. I’m happy to hear that you are recovering from your injury. Your new hobbies sound fun. I’m hoping to keep my strength training up in the new year. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. Thanks so much! I'd just started a real strength training routine (kettlebell) when I wrecked my shoulder. I was in so much pain for a while that I didn't really exercise beyond walking. It's good to get back to it!

  3. I read it!! I'm glad you are recovering, too. That sounds really stressful and frustrating to deal with.

  4. Thanks, Sarah! Indeed! Not life threatening but really made me aware of how much I take relative mobility for granted.

  5. It's great to hear from you! I'm glad the admin job is going well. How did your kids get to be so old?? It's crazy how time keeps adding up!

  6. Did Blogger eat my comment or will there eventually be two from me? It's good to hear from you, I'm glad the admin job is going well, and I'm amazed at how old your children are now!

    1. I have the moderation feature on as I was getting spam on old posts!

  7. Wonderful to see an update from you! Happy New Year!

    1. hi! thanks for reading! happy new year to you too!

  8. ABSOLUTELY LOVELY to hear from you! I miss you being able to post but not having done my own I cannot say more than that as no ground to stand on. So happy to hear your work is moving along, and your children are growing up and maturing into independent productive adults. Yes, 13 is tough, but that is part of learning to become grownup and independent. So important, and tough as parent or grandparent. We want them to fly but their departure is still hard. THANK YOU FOR WRITING. Hope you consider updating more.
    AND, Delighted you are healing from injury. Do ALL the PT. Or the injury can bite a second time in old age. (Yes, that is experience speaking.)

  9. Lurker here, happy New Year, and nice to see the update. I hear you on solo parenting teens!
