Showing posts with label charity shop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity shop. Show all posts

15 January, 2025


 seen in the window of the Animals in Need charity shop.

linking to Tom's signs2

23 October, 2024

09 September, 2024

28 November, 2022

animals in need

they had a black friday sale where everything in the shop was €1.   We came out with a few books, they were 3 for €1

17 October, 2022

twin houses

the charity shop is located on the ground floor of the house on the right.  The person who owns the building lets the charity shop use it rent free.  That's very nice considering the price of renting these days. 

13 April, 2022


just follow the arrow to the bunny trail from the charity shop

the bunny brigrade at Aldi

linking up with Tom's signs2

23 March, 2021

pogo stick

 a blast from the past.  Walking by the closed charity shop, I saw the pogo stick in the window.  I can't remember the last time I saw one, it must be in the 60s..  I had one as a kid and remember using it a few times.  I did a google search and was shocked how much this model goes for these day, €54.  I'll pass and leave it for some small kid. :)

17 October, 2018


seen in a window of a charity shop.

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